Dem Lawmaker: Obama Must ‘Exploit’ School Shooting To Get Gun Control

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John Nolte @ Big Government:

Dem. Rep. Jerrold Nadler is at least being honest about how he, and no doubt many Leftists, would like to  feast off an unthinkable tragedy and exploit it in order to pursue a nonsensical agenda that would ensure only bad guys have guns. Last night on “The Ed Show,” Nadler openly called for President Obama to “exploit” the murder of 20 children, “I think we will be there if the president exploits it, and otherwise we’ll go on to the next.”

In his statement to the country yesterday, while he wasn’t specific about what action he intended to take, President Obama did make clear that action would be forthcoming. Obama also hinted that this action would be politically divisive when he warned that “meaningful action” would need to be taken “regardless of the politics.”

As we all know this is a “never let a crisis go to waste” president and party. And what we now have is Nadler, a powerful Democrat, already eager to “exploit” raw emotions and the massacre of children in order to push an issue Democrats have considered politically untouchable since Al Gore lost his home state of Tennessee, and along with it, the White House, during his 2000 presidential bid.

Culturally, politically, intellectually, and in the Supreme Court, Democrats long ago lost in their unconstitutional crusade to grab our guns, a crusade they had been waging for decades. But as is the case with all things Leftist, the battle is never really over. These are mercenary opportunists always biding their time, always waiting to strike, and always willing to exploit even the most unspeakable of events if it means any kind of political advantage.

It’s also a “damn the facts” crusade. There’s no question guns make us safer and that the only way to prevent these kinds of tragedies is to have a trained and armed citizenry able to defend itself when faced with a madman. It’s a no-brainer that willing teachers should be armed and trained. At the very least, an armed security guard should be stationed at every school. The result would not only offer resistance in the face of an armed attacker, but also a deterrent.

If you want to attract a mass shooter, create a gun-free zone where these murderers know no one can fight back. On the other hand, if these killers knew there was a good chance armed and trained individuals were in that building, they might be a little more reluctant to enter that building.

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It is precisely this kind of knee-jerk reaction, that happens everytime a tragic incident occurs involving a firearm, that 2nd amendment supporters immediately voice their opposition, sometimes in advance of the knee-jerkers like Nadler.

This kind of happened here;

where in #3 Nan asks if Obama will talk about gun control. If the knee-jerkers like Nadler weren’t in evidence exploiting tragedy for political gain like they do, I doubt Nan, or any other conservative, would suggest things like she did. And of course, because she did, she was blasted by Rich for doing so, all the while that Rich covers his ears and eyes to the immediate calls for increased gun control from the left.

If Obama was truly serious about discussing the issue, everything would be on the table, including relieving some of the hardest hit areas for gun crime from their draconian gun laws. Of course, conservatives know that Obama is only full of nice-sounding words that are unrelated to his actual viewpoints. Obama’s own record, in Illinois, on gun-control shows this quite clearly.

Nadler is already behind the curve.
Obama has and is already exploiting this horrific incident to press his anti-gun agenda.
Oddly enough his ObamaCare system just decoupled Asperger Syndrome from being a mental illness!
So, under ObamaCare, more people like the perp will be out on the streets without proper meds.

Those who would strip us of our rights guaranteed under the bill of rights should be eliminated.

if they bring knives, bring guns,
he was speaking to his crowd very early in his first election,