William A. Jacobson:
Hillary is the presumptive Democratic Party presidential nominee. She has a large double-digit lead over other potential contenders.
The one thing Hillary doesn’t have, however, is grassroots enthusiasm. Her support as the presumptive nominee is a mile wide and an inch deep. She’s popular because of name recognition and organizational power. No one wants to be on Bill and Hillary’s enemies list.
But Hillary has an image problem, as reflected in this Jay Leno appearance, via The Daily Caller:
Comedian Jay Leno says he likes presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, but she just seems so old.
Speaking of Clinton on HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher” Friday, Leno commented, “I don’t see the fire.”
“Her and Elizabeth Warren are almost the same age,” Leno said, comparing Hillary to the Massachusetts senator beloved by the left wing of the Democratic Party. “And I see Elizabeth Warren come out — ‘boom’ — throwing punches. ‘Boom, boom, boom, boom.’”
“And I like her,” Leno continued, speaking of Hillary. “But she seems to be sort of, she seems very slow and very — I don’t see that fire, you know, that fire that I used to see, that I see in Elizabeth Warren. Because I say to people, ‘how much younger is Elizabeth Warren than Hillary?’ And people go, ‘oh, 15 years.’ No! 18 months.”
Elizabeth Warren, by contrast? She’s intriguing:
I stand by my prediction that should Elizabeth Warren challenge Hillary, Hillary’s support would evaporate.
But Warren has her own problem. She may not be electable in a national general election, as this Hillary money man worries, Via Washington Free Beacon:
If Warren lost her right index finger, would she be able to speak?
People were clapping for Warren???? Oh lordie, where in the world do these morons get their information? She is a lying hypocrite and a communist to boot.
Jim Webb for Prez.
Hillary has the experience, but she also has the exposure. She did things as First Lady that would embarrass many seasoned politicians. She is on record as supporting the Iraq war and the justification for it, then reportedly opposed the conduct of the war for purely political reasons… just like Obama. Benghazi is not even necessary to show what a hollow vessel Hillary is, but, well, there’s Benghazi.
Perhaps by the time the actual campaign commences, someone somewhere can come up with some positive achievement as Secretary of State. That’s IF she even runs.
As for Warren, haven’t we already tried the hand-picked, manufactured, groomed, “let us explain to you why you just love”, liberal as hell candidate that has no experience doing anything anywhere? Why, yes indeed we have. It was a disaster.
What is it about liberals that the less the candidate knows about what they talk about, the more the liberals love them? Yet, love them they do and I believe Hillary will NOT run (maybe the recent news of Bill’s further adventures in trim-hunting could tip the scales) and Warren will be the choice the corrupt liberal media will make for the Democrat candidate. Deja vu all over again.