DEI Canceled, Schedule F Back, and Federal Workers Melting Down Faster Than a Snowflake in July

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by Jeff Childers

In a sign, perhaps, of how badly Trump has discombobulated the corporate media, the major platforms finally began reporting the profound challenged to the federal workforce—two lazy days after the fact. Yesterday, CNN ran its story, headlined “Trump targets DEI and civil service protections, striking fear in some federal workers.” It was even more swamp draining.

This term, Trump 2.0 appears laser-focused on draining the swamp, possibly recognizing that a dried-out swamp will create a pathway to all the other goals on his agenda. Yesterday, I reported at length about Trump’s anti-DEI fusillade, which required federal DEI staff not already smuggled out of their departments to be placed on administrative leave as of 5pm yesterday afternoon.

But maybe even more significantly, on Monday, Trump signed another employment order creating a whole new category of federal employees called “Schedule F.”

It’s an idea he came up with too late in 2020, when he first signed the new schedule into existance. But he just couldn’t get it into the end zone past all the defensive litigation before his first term expired. Then, Joe Biden immediately reversed the order. For reasons incomprehensible to normal people, federal workers enjoy job protection far beyond anything available to workers in the private sector.

Most of us in the private sector are considered “at will” employees who can be fired for any reason or no reason at all.

Manager doesn’t like you? Fired. Too many customers complaining about your nose ring? Fired. Asked too many stupid questions? Fired. Won’t work weekends? Fired. Talk too much? Also fired. In fact, the right to fire employees is so broad that the exceptions prove the rule. The only things employers can’t fire at-will workers for are their race, sex, age, and a small handful of other protected characteristics. Anything else is fair game.

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But federal employees, who apparently occupy a higher, better tier of employment than we do, can’t be fired until a slow-moving termination review committee double-checks their supervisor’s decision to fire them. If the committee disagrees, then tough noogies. But Schedule F creates a special “at will” category, a first in the federal workforce, and that terrifies some federal employees.

For some, meaning the partisans, the thought of working under the same rules as the rest of Americans is just too much.

I’ll explain how it works, since corporate media stories ignore this part, even though it is straightforward. The new category, Schedule F, would apply only to federal employees in “confidential, policy-determining, policy-making, or policy-advocating” positions. Agencies must identify those politically-sensitive positions —positions, not employees— and reclassify those positions as Schedule F.

Then, employees occupying those positions would slide down to our employment tier, enjoying the same rules and protections as all other Americans who work at-will, which as I said, is most of us.

But that’s not good enough for one political party in particular. You guessed it: Democrats. Lawsuits, prepared long in advance, have already been filed. Democrats could care less about worker’s rights when it involves mandatory experimental vaccines. Vaccinate or terminate! But supposedly, they are now suddenly champions of workers’ rights. Uh huh.

Hilariously, CNN’s story, as with the rest of corporate media, repeatedly refers to the entrenched bureaucracy as “apolitical.” This old canard, long used to defend insane federal job protections, conjured an image of a purified class of hardworking civil servants who stayed so far out of politics they refused to even watch CNN, lest they accidentally give some taxpayer somewhere the wrong idea.

Paging Lois Lerner.

That used to work. But then Trump came, and we saw the rise of The Resistance. We witnessed FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, two adulterers tweeting about anti-Trump insurance policies — like a good neighbor, Peter is there. We witnessed all-federal-worker juries in the January 6th trials accomplishing a historic, never-seen-before 100% conviction rate. We watched Alexander Vindman arrogantly leaking parts of a confidential Trump call with Zelensky, leading to Trump’s first impeachment and no consequences for Vindman.

We have learned the “apolitical workforce” line is a laughable fantasy, a mere convenient fiction. Before Trump 1.0, the “apolitical” argument was liberally applied to safeguard federal workers’ “rights.” But we’re not buying it anymore. There are probably some good federal workers who keep their heads down and stay out of politics —probably many— but the bad ones have proven the president needs a way to prune the rotten branches more quickly than the current glacial process, where most challenged employees comfortably retire long before their review and appeal options expire.

But today the federal workforce is reeling. So far this week, Trump has hit them six ways from Sunday, to quote Chuck Schumer. He’s ordered them back to full-time, in-person office work. He’s reinstated his 2020 Schedule F scheme. And he’s pulled the plug on DEI.

To say the deep state is playing on defense is a terrific understatement. He’s coming at them from every direction. They’re surrounded.

And it’s not just federal workers in a general sense, or even specifically DEI teams. Yesterday, the President aimed his pruning laser at the big health agencies. They’re screaming for sympathy, but: We. Don’t. Care.

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There have been multiple reports of federal worker management moving DEI officers and staff under other names to new offices to keep the destructive operation going. ATF- etc. I was told a letter came down giving ten days to report this subversion or face consequences for not following directives. Not sure if this is true. but it is true the the destructive ‘woke’ CRT/DEI poison is deeply embedded in the DOD. And it is probably true that there will be continued massive resistance and attempts to circumvent the direct orders of the new President and -Commander And Chief.

Yes, that is written into the EO. Anyone that exposes this subversion will suffer no consequences, but if they fail or refuse to, there will be consequences.

So sad the internet is forever, everything from linked in to old directories.

Let this mental illness ideolgy go the way of pet rocks, and beanie baby collection.

Those people work for you and me. Too many of them think they work for the DNC, Soros or the WTO. Their job is to carry out the agenda and lawful orders of the President of the United States, as well as the enacted laws. Anyone that can’t abide by that needs to be fired. As their boss, I demand it.

This is where the swamp originates; unelected, low-level pencil-pushers that think they are king of the hill. They don’t want to put in their 40 hours and they don’t want work to interfere with online shopping or porn surfing. They have gotten used to the culture where if the workforce can’t get their workload carried due to inefficiencies and laziness, the departments just hire more employees… who learn from the existing employees, and adapt the culture themselves. Rinse, repeat. Rinse, repeat.

I’ve always worked with the knowledge that I employed at the pleasure of my boss, whomever and wherever he may be. This drove me to have a stellar work ethic, attendance, attituded and performance, which I am proud of. But if I felt I couldn’t be fired no matter what I did or didn’t do, I shudder to think what kind of worker I’d been. Well.. perhaps we can SEE what it would have been like.

Government employees, above all others, need to work under these guidelines.