Betsy McCaughey:
Two weeks ago, the House of Representatives Appropriations Committee voted to strip the scandal ridden Internal Revenue Service of nearly one quarter of its 2014 budget as punishment for its targeting of political groups and its costly boondoggles. Shockingly, Senate Democrats voted to increase the IRS’s budget.
Last week, numerous Republicans in both houses of Congress threatened to cut off all funding for the federal government as of October 1, in response to President Obama’s unconstitutional stance that he can pick and choose which parts of Obamacare he will implement.
On July 3, the Obama administration disclosed that it would not implement Obamacare’s employer mandate on January 1, 2014, though the law says the mandate “shall” go into effect that day. The administration pretended it was no big deal. But it violates the law and affects 10 million currently uninsured or underinsured workers whose employers would have been subject to the mandate. The cost of insuring these workers is shifted from employers to taxpayers, who foot the bill for subsidized insurance on the new Obamacare exchanges. At an average cost of $5,290 per subsidized enrollee, according to the Congressional Budget Office, this will add billions to the cost of Obamacare next year alone.
Two days later, another whopper. On July 5, the Obama administration revealed that it would also skip the health law’s requirement that applicants seeking taxpayer subsidies to pay for their insurance have their income and insurance eligibility verified. Welcome fraudsters, too bad again for taxpayers.
President Obama does not have the authority to choose which parts of the law are enforced.
BHO don’t need no stinkin Congress or Constitution. Because he is the almighty OZ. This is sarcasm in case you didn’t know it. BHO needs to be called on the carpet on these issues. This is not.
Obama is gambling on the reluctance of a Democratically controlled Senate to impeach the “first Black President” and as such he is acting as if he were a banana republic dictator. Democrats would allow Obama to totally gut the Constitution in order to avoid the embarrassing admission that they created an imperialistic despot. Of course the far-left are ecstatic that their socialist messiah has finally come.
@Ditto: The chance of Obama being impeached and removed from office is exactly the same as the chance of Weiner winning Dem. nom. in N.Y.—-NIL
Better chance of picking up a couple of Senate seats in 2014.
@Richard Wheeler:
Correction: The chance of Obama being impeached is possible, (remembering that the House decides whether or not to Impeach,) but it would be a wasted effort so long as the Senate is controlled by Democrats. As I clearly indicated above, there is no possibility with a Democratically controlled Senate that Obama would be removed from office, unless and until the control of the Senate should change to a Republican majority in 2014. If Republicans retain control of the House and gain control of the Senate in 2014, then, yes, it would be very possible for Obama to be impeached and removed from office, possibly even as one of the new Congress’ first orders of business. Which is why Obama and Holder are fighting to keep control over the Southern states elections, why the are fighting againts voter ID laws, and why they desperately need amnesty for illegal aliens.
@Ditto: I said impeached–House indicts by simple majority AND REMOVED –Senate convicts by 2/3 +1. That WON’T happen no matter the results of 2014 mid term elections.
note As you know Repubs control South. Best case scenario in 2014 is gain of 4 in Senate (more likely 2) and Dems. hold. Really doesn’t matter re. conviction and removal—2/3 the 1 is IMPOSSIBLE.
Suggest time and energy better spent elsewhere.
@Richard Wheeler:
It depends how many more other egregious or unconstitutional acts Obama commits and what other information comes out. The political misuse of Federal agencies is very serious and the IRS investigation is looking worse and worse for the Administration. Benghazi is also just getting underway thanks to the Administration’s trying to run out the clock. If the Republicans keep the House and take over the Senate, the Senate will no longer be under Harry Reid’s “None shall pass” control and will the Democrats not be able to obstruct Senate investigations. No doubt that is why Obama has flipped flopped on Whistleblowers and is now initiating policies to turn in your fellow workers. The MSM is also getting battle weary of continually running interference for Obama, with Holder’s aggressive heavy-handed treatment of reporters, which has impacted hurt news agencies by making their sources clam-up, and Carney’s snarky attitude and outright lies, reporters are finally beginning to souring on their abusive treatment by the Administration. Future events could easily result in worse information being discovered and the MSM getting fed-up with covering Obama’s ass, and if that happens the tide could turn. If it gets too uncomfortable for the Democrats, some of their Senators may too jump ship and turn against this most imperialistic president.
Agreed, the conditions are not there now, with Democrats and the MSM protecting Obama, but future events can change everything. Neither of us are psychic enough to know what the future holds.
@Ditto: ” Future events, more scandals” Sounds like you’re wishin and hopin Ditto. I don’t see it. 2/3 + 1 in the Senate will never happen. Who do you like in 2016 for Repubs? I think Ryan a sleeper.
@Richard Wheeler:
Of course you don’t. You’re a Democrat in denial of Obama’s anti-constitutional actions and the fact that the veil is dropping from the eyes of many of his supporters.
Changing the subject? Nice try. I don’t care about the 2016 elections that are three years away. It has nothing to do with this article or our discussion.
Poll: Obama Losing Support Among Blacks; Could Cost Dems in 2014:
States seek to nullify Obama efforts
Exclusive: Signs of declining economic security
Treasury IG to Examine IRS Handling of O’Donnell Tax Records:
Meanwhile, Obama tries to claim the scandals are “phony” and attempts to distract the press with the same carrot on a stick “shift” to the economy that he has dangles in front of their face 19 times now, only to let it all drop once the Press has chased to carrot for a few short blocks.
Top 10 Signs Obama Scandals Aren’t ‘Phony’
10. Someone pleads the Fifth. Lois Lerner, IRS Director of Exempt Organizations, invoked her Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination during an oversight hearing.
9. Documents go missing, officials fake e-mail addresses.
8. You announce drastic policy shifts to minimize damage.
7. You make a show of “forcing” an official to resign.
6. You try to arrest a low-level leaker.
5. You assert dubious executive privilege to stop investigations.
4. You intimidate whistleblowers.
3. Your Department of Justice opens criminal investigations.
2. You yourself have condemned the misconduct.
1. Even the friendly media have run out of patience.
I’ll add another very despicable one: Your Attorney General interferes with a state murder investigation, going so far as to fund the protest to change the facts of the case and fan the flames of racial division, in order to distract from the administrations many scandals.
Breaking news: Republicans accuse Eric Holder of misleading Congress over leak investigations:
But go ahead and keep your head in the sand Richard. Keep pretending that the Public and Media don’t care about all this.
And here is yet another scandal for Obama: U.S. Backed – Obama Supported FSA Rebels Massacre an Entire Christian Village in Syria
What’s that Richard? Nothing to see here, just another of those pesky “phony” scandals, move along folks. (/Sarc)
DITTO You are fired up—What you’ll NEVER see is the 2/3 + 1.
Changing subject—No— friendly question.
I wonder if you realize how ridiculous you sound with your hyperventilating over Obama’s “scandals”, and his alleged “anti-constitutional actions”, as if anything that’s happened since he’s taken office is any different than what we’ve seen from every administration since Lincoln’s (at least). The only thing that’s different, in order of magnitude, is the visceral response to Obama from people like you. I guess it’s possible you don’t remember Bush sanctioning NSA warrantless surveillance (not to mention torture); or Clinton sending cruise missiles into sovereign nations the US was not at war with; or Ronald Reagan selling arms to Iran. How would that have gone over on the Right, do you think, if the “secret Muslim brutha” Obama sold weapons to an Islamic Republic with ties to terrorism?
What’s really striking about your bloviation is that I guarantee it hasn’t changed in tenor since the day you first laid your eyes on this cocky Illinois Senator with the funny name. You’re just filling in the reasons now for the way you feel. Before his time in office provided the inevitable controversies that every President’s term always does, people like you spent the same amount of time spewing about birth certificates and Muslim sympathies. Let’s be honest, he started out in the same hole you have him in now. Your feelings for Obama are static; only the given reasons for them change. And that’s why rational people will never take you seriously, because a logical argument doesn’t start with a conclusion and then scramble to fill in the premise.
It will be very interesting to look back on this era of right wing vitriol with perspective, say ten years from now. Ten years from now, when Obama’s presidency has been over for almost two election cycles, we are going to look back on the Right Wing hatred and hysteria over Obama much differently, I think, and people like you will have a much harder time explaining what your true motivations were.
Ditto, I think you just got called a “racist.”
This site is becoming a Troll magnet. Greg, This one, Richard Wheeler and now Tom. I really think these are all one lonely person, but I could be wrong.
if you would not be here,
we would have to invent you.
you are very important to FLOPPING ACES,
Well, there you go again. Always bringing race into it.
Sorry, there are no shortage of paranoid, logically challenged and angrily hostile people who can take his place.