Deepstate Panic: The Fallout from the Failed Trump Hit

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The Trump “event” has come and gone, and we’re really no closer to knowing precisely what happened, as details have only become more convoluted, with endless conspiracy theories floated by click- and ragebait-happy pundits. Of course, that includes the media itself, which floated the most nonsensical conspiracy theory of all: that Iran may have been responsible for Trump’s assassination attempt.

But I don’t intend to get into the nitty gritty as it’s pointless playing detective over an event whose chief perpetrators are known to all with a modicum of logical ability.

The more interesting aspect is how things have returned to relative normality after such a momentous, potentially epoch-shifting circumstance. Democrats have done their best to re-stabilize the political narrative back to status quo and demonstrate that Trump’s election chances have not been overly boosted. It’s quite difficult to tell these days, as the epistemic divergence has become so vast between the two sides that each literally operates in the haze of a separate reality. Democrat surveys show Biden still ahead, while other polls show a catastrophic situation for Biden’s re-election chances.

There is a deep sense of normalcy bias in America, with the masses seemingly impervious to any sense of doom or dread. But if you examine the ‘worst case scenarios’ over the course of the past year, almost every one was hit in turn. For instance, at one point it seemed inconceivable that a recent President could be impeached, then charged or jailed, yet it was done to Trump. Now, many thought it an unlikely fantasy that they would try to take him out the kinetic way, and we’ve now seen that happen too.

What will be the next axe to fall?

Many consider it inconceivable that America could erupt into civil war or mass uncontrolled, runaway political violence and open conflict. The scary thought is that all the previous ‘inconceivables’ swiftly came to pass, and in fairly unimpeded manner at that. Things feel calm, so such a drastic escalation innately feels ‘improbable’. Yet, as stated, in perfect sequence, all previous improbables were hit in turn: why should we expect the escalation spiral to ever stop? Rationally speaking, we should be prepared for the next shoe to drop as the deepstate does everything in their power to keep Trump from taking office.

In fact, the deepstate’s now in worse trouble—not only because they’ve energized the Trump base with the failed hit, but because they’ve inadvertently put a muzzle on their own rhetoric. From this point forward, they’ll have to be much more careful of what they say so as not to be accused of inciting more violence—but this in effect takes away their most powerful weapon: dog-whistling implied threats against their ideological opponents.

Granted, that won’t stop them completely—and in fact, there have already been statements from the White House that “no change” will be made in their rhetoric. Here’s Karine Jean-Pierre expressing just that, as tactfully as her duplicity would allow:

Further, regime media figures—as if pathologically incapable of helping themselves—have continued to ‘accidentally’ dog-whistle the same threats to their propagandistically radicalized base:

Watch the cretinously immoral commander-in-chief likewise cover his tracks with a series of flubbed excuses:


In fact, the Democrats, Left, and deepstate allies have adamantly been back-tracking with claims they weren’t the ones pushing division, and that they’re the party of unity and reconciliation—but everyone that’s been even half-conscious for the last few years knows that’s a lie:




Despite all that, however, the Democrats will be forced to temper their rhetoric somewhat, and that will hurt them; they will have to second-guess themselves all the time, and proof has already emerged with the Biden administration announcing that all currently planned ads would be pulled down and rejigged, as they all apparently featured quite “inciting” language against Trump:

Secondly, since the deepstate had planned to succeed and be rid of the Trump problem, the historic miss hurts their chances of reprising such an attack on Trump or other bothersome candidates. They have now been forced to at least feign concern and precaution by making security concessions that will play into the resistance camp’s hands:

But even if the latest developments have ensured that Trump should win the election, his near-assassination has taught us one very important lesson: that the Right will not “revolt” or wage some kind of dramatic, Hollywood-style civil war any time soon, even if further aggravations of a terminal sort occur, such as the total theft of the election later this year.

Many on the Right now brag that not a single fire was lit, nor a soul harmed in the wake of an open hit attempt on their candidate. However, some still cling to fantasies that were the shooter successful, an explosive civil war would have kicked off. But given the total normalcy and calm even in the face of near-disaster, it’s become evident that the majority of normal Americans will not “rise up” any time soon. Whether it’s a level of first world comfort that has yet to be totally eroded, or mass propagandizing, or the simple decades of docility imposed upon them by the establishment—it’s hard to know for sure. But it’s clear no one is going to “rise up” in the way some have imagined any time soon.

It has led me to contemplate what a potential civil war could actually look like if it did kick off, and what I’ve concluded is that it would have to be at the behest of strong State governments initiating some major anti-federal actions. Texas, for instance, could begin some of the anti-fed moves Governor Abbott promised long ago, leading to the call up of citizens into the National Guard or even declaring the call up of various state militias. Most people don’t know that the National Guard is actually State controlled, with the governor as its commander-in-chief. It only becomes ‘Federalized’ under an express order from the President for a specific Federal mission, which in such dire circumstances could be ignored by the State, thus spurring a conflict. Ron Desantis, in fact, has already threatened to do this, among other things.


This is what a real “civil war” would actually look like—not spontaneous Republicans armed with shotguns storming the streets when their candidate gets robbed for the second time in the election. However, if such a hypothetical State-led effort were to kick off, then it could spur more spontaneous citizens’ movements on the ground.

I mention all this because we began the article with the idea that we’re now living in a time of normalcy bias, where all the earlier ‘inconceivable’ scenarios are slowly coming to pass. As such, we can no longer totally dismiss the possibility that anything can happen during the forthcoming election, as the situation has now become more charged than ever.

For a while now I’ve nursed a bad feeling that during the coming election we could see America’s equivalent of the Russian 1993 Constitutional Crisis—you know, that one:

Where Boris Yeltsin rode in on a tank to dismantle the Russian Parliament and centralize his own power. Personally, I don’t think America will quite devolve into full civil war just yet, but that we could see our first “close call” during this election, which could materialize as some sort of smaller military clash in the capital between the two sides and their supporters, a sort of supercharged J6.

Plan “C” for Collapse

What is the Democrats’ and deepstate’s plans for if they fail in stopping Trump’s re-election? We know that Biden’s corrupt administration has been desperately covering the destruction of the U.S. economy. Every possible metric has been pasted over and lied about.

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She was pretty good at regulating all of Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s standard lies. Only difference is, I actually think he believes them.

I think the Democrats have surrendered the Presidency. They can’t shoe-horn another candidate in and win and their is no way Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden can win. They just want to throw in a firewall that will protect the down ballot from a massacre.

My daughter brought up a curious point. CNN won’t allow Trump’s speeches to be covered on their channel, much less coverage of a rally. Why were they covering this particular rally live?

That is an interesting find. Why if they have not previously covered rallies, why this one? Again, the unanswered questions keep coming.

PLEASE stop saying that Dems and/or Deep State are “panicking.” It’s become like a Sean Hannity “BREAKING NEWS” alert. For being in a constant panic, they sure seem to press on. Sadly.

They’re not panicking now.
joe just dropped out.
The Convention will be “open,” (dem style.)
Kamala will NOT be endorsed by joe.
Maybe they are panicking, but over different issues.

Trump survived so that means Liberals and Liberal Democrats/CFR/Globalists wont be dancing in the Streets