Sensenbrenner floats impeachment of Obama admin. officials as ‘Fast and Furious’ response

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Wisconsin Republican Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner, a former chairman of the House Judiciary Committee where Attorney General Eric Holder testified on Thursday, suggested that impeachment of administration officials involved with Operation Fast and Furious may be the only way to bring the scandal to a close.

In a heated exchange between Sensenbrenner and Holder during Thursday’s Judiciary Committee hearing, Sensenbrenner said impeachment is one option on the table if Holder and the Justice Department continue to withhold information from congressional investigators.

Sensenbrenner didn’t specify which administration officials he thinks could face impeachment proceedings, or if Holder is among them. But he did say the drastic measure would be a last resort.

“There is really no responsibility within the Justice Department,” Sensenbrenner said. “The thing is, if we don’t get to the bottom of this — and that requires your assistance on that — there is only alternative that Congress has and it is called impeachment, where our subpoena powers are plenary and there can‘t be any type of legal immunity or privilege that can be asserted on that.”

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About time.

He should do it. I’ve seen some of Holder’s BS testimony. He is a liar thru and thru.

I say … Start at the top and work our way down!

It is time to take action. There has been too much talk already!

just like other failures from big COMPANIES end up with their HEAD cut up
It fit even more for leader on top positions of governing a NATION OF PROUD AMERICANS,
which are tolerant enough to obey the orders of leadership who failed to
be worthy of it

Impeach Hell, it is time for criminal charges.