Debt clock hits $16 Trillion as DNC celebrates Hope and Chair 2012

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Mary Katherine Ham @ Hot Air:

Well, the scene is already set for an uplifting week of healing rhetoric and outreach to independents.

Democrats are having plenty of high-profile problems dealing with the simple question: “Are you better off than you were four years ago?”

Expectations are being managed.

What they thought was a rambling speech by a fading old-timer turned out to be the perfect metaphor for the president’s lack of leadership, perfectly suited to the age of memes.

There’s a blow-out end-of-summer sale at the Obama store.

The Raleigh News & Observer delivered less-than-welcome news to incoming DNC attendees today:

The debt clock will deliver a similarly unwelcome message when it clicks over to $16 trillion as the DNC kicks off Tuesday.

But, the man of the hour remains fully secure in his own awesomeness.

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