Debbie Wasserman-Shultz Torn To Shreds By Anderson Cooper Over Lies And Misquotes

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Susan Duclos @ Wake Up America

Wow, between Anderson Cooper and Wolf Blitzer, people have to be wondering if CNN was taken over by the pod people.

Blitzer had previously annihilated DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz over her lies about the Romney/Ryan Medicare platform, calling her out on her lies every time she opened her mouth and spewed them. (Video of the Blitzer interview here)

Below is last night’s Anderson Cooper, in a “Keeping Them Honest” segment, where he also calls Wasserman-Schultz out on lies, specifically an email sent to supporters where she misquotes an LA Times article. When she attempts to tell him “it doesn’t matter”, Cooper corrects her, saying “It does, it matters if you are misquoting the LA Times to say something they didn’t say. You’re saying it is proof of your positionand it’s actually not proof of your position.”

Cooper continues “Just as you don’t like being misquoted, I don’t like being misquoted, I’m sure the LA Times doesn’t like being misquoted to back up your political position. I don’t understand why you’d need to do that.”

Wasserman-Schultz then admits she will continue to use false claims.


Wasserman-Schultz’s email quote that Cooper nails her on was:

“Guess what? The Los Angeles Times reported yesterday that the platform was, and I quote, written at thedirection of Romney’s campaign.”

The actual quote from the LA Times article:

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