Dear Jon Favreau – There’s No Such Thing As No-Government Conservatives

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American Glob:

Obama’s former speech writer Jon Favreau wrote a piece for The Daily Beast today filled with lots of subtle and not so subtle anti-conservative propaganda. I’ll rebut below.

Among his claims:

The Republican Party has been overrun by people who want no government.

Sorry Jon, those are the anarchists in Oakland and the filthy crime ridden Occupy camps you and yours support. Conservatives respect the rule of law but want smaller and more efficient government. Rejecting the Titanic doesn’t mean you hate boats. Even the most hard core Libertarians in America believe in some government.

The Republican Party was so much better when they had moderates.

Oh, you mean like John McCain? You and your ilk didn’t seem to like him so much back in 2008 but now you think the Republican Party can’t survive without people like him? By the way Jon, who are the moderates in the Democratic Party? Bill Ayers? Self proclaimed Socialist Lawrence O’Donnell of MSNBC? Obama? Was Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney a little too “right-wing” for you? Please.

Conservatives are hostage takers.

Ahh, there’s the “new tone” we’ve heard so much about. Tell me Jon, who’s keeping the White House closed to the American public while he travels to Africa and Martha’s Vineyard on the taxpayer’s dime? Who was in charge of the government when the IRS just happened to target Tea Party groups in the run up to the 2012 election?

The truth Jon, is that you’re a liar.

You hate Republicans, Conservatives and Libertarians. You hate everything they stand for and you’ll do anything you can to discredit and smear them while pretending to offer them counsel and advice.

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Ignorance is temporary, but stupid is forever.

Speechwriters for Obama, like Jon, has led Obama’s followers away from the decency of Judeo-Christian values and right into the ugliness of some of the worst ”values” anyone can hold.
Coveting: Obama pushes ”equality of outcome,” and demonizes ”the rich.”
Jealousy: Obama pushes upward-dependency including organic foods, cell phones and lap tops for the ”poor.”’
Sexual immorality: Obama pushes both the ”gay agenda,” as well as free abortions.
Strife: Obama threatens race problems when he doesn’t get his way.

Up until this president Judeo-Christian values were at least held up as a high target at which to aim.
Obama has never missed an Iftar dinner.
That religion is based on LOOTING and PLUNDER.
Gee, I wonder where Obama got his own base values from?

But the straw men that Jon erected for Obama when he was speechwriter for him didn’t go away when he left.
Jon, too, still loves that particular fallacy very much.

@Brother Bob:

To quote Ron White “You can’t fix stupid.”

But Jon Favreau is a prime example of the current administration; if they can’t defend their pathetic record, they attack their opposition with slurs and outright lies.