Dear Dems: We Told You So, We Told You So, and We Told You So Some More

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Let’s not recap Thursday night’s presidential debate because I’m sure you’ve read enough of those by now, but there is one thing that needs to be said: did I call it, or what?

Ever since Donald Trump agreed to debate Joe Biden on all of Joe Biden’s terms — no audience, two CNN-DNC flacks for moderators, etc. — the conventional wisdom was that Trump had made a big mistake letting them stack the deck against him like that.

Ten days before the debate, I wrote a contrary take for PJ Media VIP and VIP Gold subscribers. “What if Trump goes up against Biden with this one message underpinning his performance: ‘I’ve come to this debate the same way I’ll go back to Washington, with literally everything stacked against me. And I’ll still win.'”

Trump walked into the lion’s den, did his thing, and walked back out unscathed.

Washington is such an impossibly geared Rube Goldberg device that it’s impossible to predict what will happen on one end of the machine when you start turning the crank on the other. It’s nice now and then to see it play out how you thought it might.

Also in need of mad props is PJ Media’s own Athena Thorne. While I called what went down in the broadest possible terms, Athena drilled down into the specifics — and, if you don’t mind me mixing metaphors, nailed it.

It’s a “blessing,” she wrote on Wednesday, “that there won’t be a live audience; Trump will be in CEO mode rather than in full live-rally bluster. The conditions are in place for him to revert to his natural form: a killer negotiator who will dominate his opponents.”

That’s exactly what we saw for 90 excruciating (for them!) minutes last night. Then this follow-up gem from early this morning:

I’ll finish today with something I posted last night, sometime between my last drunkblog scotch and my bedtime brandy.

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jill and joe had a “rally” in North Carolina today.
Was their free rap concert performer openly making fun of joe?
He sang, “Go Stupid! Go Dumb, Dumb!, Go Stupid! Go Dumb!”

Everyone tuned in and awaited the shocking surprise of Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden showing up without a teleprompter, without note cards, without an earpiece (?) and putting the wood to Trump.

We were not surprised.