David Shuster Says Tebow, Christian Republicans ‘Pervert’ and ‘Cheapen’ Religion

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On Tuesday’s Bill Press radio show, former MSNBC anchor David Shuster continued the Press mockery of Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow: “I think what happens is when a politician or a figure like Tim Tebow and I know that Bill Press has mentioned it on the show, but when a national figure, sports celebrity, politician wraps themselves in religion I believe that they diminish the significance of that religion. That instead of it being something sort of somber and serious and deep they almost pervert it and they cheapen that religion.” Mention it, and you cheapen it. In other words, liberals think religious people should shut up and hide. Press told Tebow to “S.T.F.U.”

Shuster added, “You can call them clowns you can call them a joke, but when presidential candidates in such a bizarre way claim that they are running because they prayed and God told them to or because they need to save the lives of the unborn, but they won’t do very much once that child is born.”

This is the fuller transcript:

SHUSTER: This gets to one of my theory about why religious is diminishing and I think a lot of it has to do with you know you can call them clowns you can call them a joke, but when Presidential candidates (Republicans) in such a bizarre way claim that they are running because they prayed and God told them to or because they need to save the lives of the unborn, but they won’t do very much once that child is born. In other words you’re on your own once you come out of the womb, then forget about it we have no obligation to you, but you know once you’ve been conceived oh than you have all sorts of rights. I think that the hypocrisy and the way that politicians and even some sports figures rap themselves in religion is a major turn off.

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I just ran a search on David Shuster and Coptic.
So, I am left to wonder what he thinks about those Christians being martyred in Northern Africa these days.
Did they DESERVE it?
Were they too in-you-face for their non Christian neighbors to stand for another moment?

Maybe his motto could be: Gays, out of the closet; Christians, in!

I’m not a psychologist, however I did stay in a Motel 6 once. If I were to psychoanalyse little Davie, my first question would be, when did you stop wetting your bed? My second would be, what deep dark secret are you hiding or what guilt are you carrying? My advise to Davy would be write down your rants, put them in a drawer, put them out in a few days and read them. If you don’t realise how utterly stupid you sound you are a true prog. and there is no hope. If however you pause, even for a second or two there is hope for you my friend.

THIS GUY think of becoming a celeb with trying to bad mouth other, he even followed up with a bad mouth for a CANDIDATE, WOW IT SHOWS HOW LOW HE IS,
we are getting those creeps zombies to come out of their closet and try to help OBAMA,
they are all in the same dirt bag,