David Sacks: ‘Why I’m Backing President Trump’

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Xitter post by David Sacks

As many press accounts have reported, I’m hosting a fundraising event for President Donald J. Trump at my home in San Francisco this evening.

Over the last couple of years, I have hosted events for presidential candidates Ron DeSantis, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., as well as several Congressional figures in both major parties. I give to many, but endorse few.

But today I am giving my endorsement to our 45th President, Donald J. Trump, to be our 47th President. My reasons rest on four main issues that I think are vital to American prosperity, security, and stability – issues where the Biden administration has veered badly off course and where I believe President Trump can lead us back.

1. The Economy

President Biden took over an economy that was already recovering strongly from the Covid-induced shock of Q2 2020. Demand had roared back, and employment had recovered. But he chose to keep priming the pump with unnecessary Covid stimulus – almost $2 trillion of it, passed on a straight party-line vote in March of 2021, with trillions more to follow for “infrastructure,” green energy, and “inflation reduction.”

Biden did this despite early warnings from former Clinton Treasury Secretary Larry Summers that it could lead to inflation. When the inflation came, the Biden administration dismissed it as “transitory.” In fact, inflation still remains persistently high even after the fastest interest-rate tightening cycle in memory.

As a result of Biden’s inflation, average Americans have lost roughly a fifth of their purchasing power over the last few years. Moreover, any American who needs a mortgage, car loan, or credit card debt faces much higher interest costs, which further constrain their purchasing power.

It’s no different for our federal government, which now must devote over a trillion dollars annually to interest on its $34 trillion debt, a massive sum that’s been growing by a trillion dollars every hundred days. This trajectory is unsustainable, yet Biden’s 2025 budget calls for even higher spending.

Growth has already slowed from 3.4 percent in the last quarter of 2023 to an anemic 1.3 percent in the first quarter of this year. We can’t afford another four years of Bidenomics.

2. Foreign Policy / Ukraine War

President Trump left office with ISIS defeated, the Abraham Accords signed, and no new wars raging on the global stage. Three and a half years later, the world is on fire. President Biden has made several strategic choices that have contributed to this situation.

In his first year in office, Biden unnecessarily alienated the Saudis before realizing that they are an indispensable partner in the Middle East. He also presided over a chaotic withdrawal of our troops from Afghanistan (right policy, abysmal execution).

But his biggest blunder by far has been in Ukraine. His administration immediately began pushing for Ukraine’s admission to NATO, despite no unanimity among the existing NATO members that such a move was a good idea. When this predictably antagonized the Russians, the Biden administration doubled down at every turn, insisting that “NATO’s door is open, and will remain open” with respect to Ukraine. Biden himself baited Russia when he said he didn’t “accept anybody’s red lines.”

After the invasion, there was still a chance to stop the war in its early weeks before much loss of life and destruction had occurred. Russian and Ukrainian negotiators had signed a draft agreement in Istanbul that would have seen Russia retreat to its pre-invasion borders in exchange for Ukrainian neutrality. But the Biden administration rejected that deal as well as General Milley’s advice to seek a diplomatic solution in November 2022.

As the war of attrition grinds on, the Ukrainians face ever-mounting casualties and infrastructure damage. Still, President Biden keeps allowing the conflict to escalate and risk World War III. Every escalation that Biden initially resisted – Abrams tanks, F-16’s, ATACMs, allowing Ukraine to hit targets in Russia – he has eventually acquiesced to. There is just one more escalation to go: NATO troops on the ground fighting Russia directly. And our European allies like Emmanuel Macron are already spoiling for exactly this scenario.

With Biden, our choices are limited to fighting the proxy war to the last Ukrainian, or fighting Russia ourselves. President Trump has said he wants the dying in Ukraine to stop, and that he will seek to end the war through a negotiated settlement. Ukraine will no longer be able to get the deal we talked them out of in April 2022, but we can still save Ukraine as an independent nation and avert world war.

3. The Border

As an immigrant to the United States myself, I certainly believe in America’s history of strengthening its ranks by welcoming talented people from other nations seeking freedom and opportunity. But that promise requires an orderly process of legal immigration that emphasizes skills and the principles of American citizenship. This was the preferred policy under President Trump.

What Biden ushered in was a de facto open border policy. On his first day in office, he repealed President Trump’s executive orders restricting illegal immigration and stopped construction of a border wall, selling off parts of it for scrap metal. This quickly resulted in a massive spike in illegal border crossings and a chaotic and dangerous situation on our southern border.

President Biden (along with the hapless Kamala Harris and the malevolent Homeland Security Chief Alejandro Mayorkas) responded to growing concerns by gaslighting the American public, saying there was no problem at the border despite constant videos of masses of people sprinting across it.

When the situation became too dire to ignore or deny, Biden claimed he didn’t have the executive authority to do anything about it and blamed Republicans for not sending him legislation. But this week, facing abysmal polling numbers on this issue, Biden suddenly discovered he has executive authority after all. The order he signed is a tepid, too little-too late effort to slow the tidal wave of illegal immigration in time for the election. But Biden has shown he is not serious on this issue. If he wins a second term, the open border policy will resume, and tens of millions more illegals will stream across the border.

4. Lawfare

A bedrock of the political stability we’ve enjoyed in America over the last 250 years is that we don’t accept attempts to jail political opponents in order to win an election. Yet Biden has pushed for selective and unprecedented prosecutions of his once and future opponent from the moment he assumed office.

Merrick Garland took a long look at the January 6 situation and didn’t see a path to prosecute Trump, even after a one-sided Congressional committee sent a highly-prejudiced referral to his Justice Department. Press stories then appeared describing Biden’s frustration with Garland’s reticence. The result was Jack Smith at the federal level and Alvin Bragg and Fani Willis at the state level. All have pursued cases based on novel legal theories heretofore unseen and designed to get Trump. In the NY case, Bragg resurrected a dead book-keeping misdemeanor into 34 felonies by claiming it was in the service of a second crime that he never defined and that the judge never insisted the jury unanimously agree on.

My immigration to this country as a young boy happened because my parents disagreed with the political system of their home country. That government sought to solve its political disagreements by imprisoning its political enemies. What a sad irony that the lawfare we escaped has now reared its ugly head in America of all places.

President Biden keeps insisting that a return of President Trump to the White House threatens democracy. But his administration is the one that has colluded with tech platforms to censor the Internet, used the intelligence community to cover up his son Hunter’s laptop, and pursued elective prosecutions against his political opponents.

Conclusion: The A/B Test

The voters have experienced four years of President Trump and four years of President Biden. In tech, we call this an A/B test. With respect to economic policy, foreign policy, border policy, and legal fairness, Trump performed better. He is the President who deserves a second term.

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For any actual US citizens that actually love this country and the freedoms we have, this is not even debatable. Trump fought off attacks from every direction to restore our economy, create energy independence, low energy costs, low inflation, a secure border, peace deals instead of wars and actual respect for law and order. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is the exact opposite of all that with corruption, treason and pedophilia thrown in to boot. Not even a question. Democrats try to use lies to make their argument, which is further indication of what an easy decision this should be.

Trump added $8 Trillion to the national debt in only 4 years, effectively turned Afghanistan over to the Taliban during his final months in office, purged the State Department of decades of expertise, praised and emboldened Putin, legitimized Kim Jong Un, precipitated civil unrest in our nation’s cities, enabled fundamentalist psychos to overturn Roe v, Wade, and attempted to retain office through conspiracy, fraud, lies and mob violence after being voted out, destroying faith in the integrity of the nation’s election system in the process. Having been charged with multiple state and federal felonies, he’s now attempting to destroy faith in the nation’s criminal justice system to evade accountability and regain power. He vows to use the levers of power to exact vengeance against his political enemies, and to dismantle the nation’s federal administrative infrastructure. He has publicly stated that there are times when the Constitution itself must be disregarded—such times, of course, being determined by the ruling authority—but jokes he will only be a dictator on the first day.

That’s the guy you want to lead the nation.

Trump’s first meeting with his probation officer is tomorrow, June 10th.

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg

Trump added $8 Trillion to the national debt in only 4 years,

The national debt increased $7372 trillion during Trumps four years. That works out to $1.843 trillion per year. On the other hand, Biden increased the debt by $6.222 trillion in three years (2021-2023) which works out to $2.074 billion, more than the Trump increase.

effectively turned Afghanistan over to the Taliban during his final months in office,

While Biden turned over how many millions/billions of U. S. equipment to the Taliban,
left untold number of Americans and Afghanis that aided the Americans to the horrors of the Taliban and watched 13 American military (whose families have never heard from Biden) to be slaughtered at Abby Gate.

purged the State Department of decades of expertise,

How so?

praised and emboldened Putin,

Kept Putin on his own home territory while under both Obama and Biden, Putin invades Ukraine.

legitimized Kim Jong Un, precipitated civil unrest in our nation’s cities,

Yeah, cause everyone knows that BLM/Antifa are all conservative right wingers.

enabled fundamentalist psychos to overturn Roe v, Wade,

Returned Roe to the States, where it always belonged.

and attempted to retain office through conspiracy, fraud, lies and mob violence after being voted out,


destroying faith in the integrity of the nation’s election system in the process.

Nope, you can thank the DNC and Marc Elias for that.

Having been charged with multiple state and federal felonies, he’s now attempting to destroy faith in the nation’s criminal justice system to evade accountability and regain power.

Nope, thank Biden and Merrick Garland. Shame you can’t admit what your own party is responsible for.

He vows to use the levers of power to exact vengeance against his political enemies, and to dismantle the nation’s federal administrative infrastructure.

If that were true, Hillary Clinton would be making big rocks into small ones in an orange jumpsuit.

He has publicly stated that there are times when the Constitution itself must be disregarded—

You continue to tell that lie and more than me have corrected you but you choose to continue to lie. You are without morals.

such times, of course, being determined by the ruling authority—but jokes he will only be a dictator on the first day.

He said that once. To Hannity. But considering that you support a demented traitor and shitty dad, it’s no surprise you continue to lie.

“So, with the revelation of MASSIVE & WIDESPREAD FRAUD & DECEPTION in working closely with Big Tech Companies, the DNC, & the Democrat Party, do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION? A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution. Our great “Founders” did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!”

The post, on Truth Social

You continue to tell that lie and more than me have corrected you but you choose to continue to lie. You are without morals.

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg

The Founders—not being total idiots—would have required credible evidence that “MASSIVE & WIDESPREAD FRAUD & DECEPTION” actually took place. A mob leader’s pronouncement wouldn’t have been sufficient.

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg

And they could have found it at STATE FARM ARENA, as just one example.

A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution. 

Fraud being the subject in the sentence.

Big tech/DNC were responsible for fraud. Hello? Christopher Steele? How Hillary doing, Chris?

Is English your second language or are you just that fucking stupid?

You first have to prove that massive fraud existed, idiot.

A vast majority of Americans now believe biden is illegitimate more than 6 in 10.

Last edited 8 months ago by TrumpWon

That’s a load of Trump cult horse manure.

A vast majority of Americans now believe biden is illegitimate more than 6 in 10.

Belief doesn’t turn lies into truth.

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg

biden has lost his base. Millions who voted wrongly in 2020 are switching to vote for President Trump in November. You can not deny that buckwheat.

Then why has Trump’s lead in the polls dropped to less than 1 percentage point?

Drop out Rasmussen, and it vanishes entirely.

People KNOW he’s a fraud.

biden has lost his base. Millions who voted wrongly in 2020 are switching to vote for President Trump in November. 

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg


You’re whistling past the graveyard.

You’re whistling past the graveyard.

How the hell does THAT apply?

How the hell does THAT apply?

If you’re too stupid to figure it out—as you apparently are—an explanation won’t help.

Mikey has no opinion on the thread only opinions on others posts,cause he has an immature tude issue.

you watch to much tv

comment image

I think you’re nuts if you believe Trump will fix inflation by cutting taxes, commanding that interest rates be lowered, and creating a massive deportation infrastructure.

He has proposed concentration camps can handle a million people a year. They’ll need to come up with a less evocative descriptor than “concentration camps”. Maybe “processing centers” would work. Or maybe “work camps”? It would be a shame to let all of that labor go untapped.

The devil is always going to be in the details.

The devil is always going to be in the details.

The devil is actually in the LIES, which you roll out by the dozen.

Belief doesn’t turn lies into truth.

Tell that to Joe Biden. He’s been lying about all sorts of things for over 50 years. Him and his 51 lying intel traitors.

Last edited 8 months ago by retire05

Belief doesn’t turn lies into truth.

That negates your entire belief system.

A vast majority of Americans now believe biden is illegitimate more than 6 in 10.

Outrageous bullshit.

Did you ever find those posts of those who predicted Trump would be acquitted and those calling for civil war? Just wondering.

Yes, I did.

Provide them, groomer.

I already posted them, you crusty green oozing vagina. I did it the last time he pulled that shit, you crusty green oozing vagina.

Nope. You are a liar, alright. A gutless, cowardly, grooming liar.

Um, no… you didn’t. So, now we have you in a clear lie. Again.

51 IC liars. Do you deny they lied?


I wonder how severe a blow to the head it takes to make someone view everything the exact opposite of what the reality is?

Just Plain Bill, Comrade Greggie has been pimping his Socialist lies and mantra here at FA for over a decade. He has no connection to reality. He lies, and lies and lies defending the Left. He worshipped Obama, one of the worst presidents this nation has ever seen.
I think Comrade Greggie is mentally deranged.

Donald Trump: The Man Who Destroyed the Republican Party.

Trump the fascist Democrats and their lawfare have unified the Republican party more than it has been in decades. You should probably look to your own degenerate party that has numerous violent factions that are tearing that party asunder.

Democrats accept diverse views. They’ll all vote against Trump.

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg

Democrats accept diverse views. They’ll all vote against Trump.

Democrats pander to divergent groups who are now in conflict. No, they won’t vote for Trump; they HATE America. But the majority of them aren’t voting for Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, either.

bs, greg.
When a black voter says he’ll vote for Trump, dems accuse him of not really being black at all.
When an Hispanic voter says he’ll vote for Trump, dems say he’s trying to look “more white.”
When an actor supports Trump, dems blacklist him.
We’ve even seen dems going ballistic about joe’s weak-kneed support of Israel. As a result loads of traditionally dem supporting Hamas-supporters will either vote for Trump or sit out the election.

PS, I expect, despite all your bluster, you, too, will vote for Trump in the privacy of the voting booth.

have unified the Republican party more than it has been in decades.

…Except for all the Republicans who have turned against him, and whom you people then call RINOs. So many people who worked directly with him while he held office have said that he can’t be trusted again with the reins of power.

That number grows smaller and smaller and many are now supporting Trump.

How about those posts? Those who predicted Trump would be acquitted and those calling for civil war? Anything?

And, thanks to the disaster Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden will be handing over and all the money he has already wasted ($6 trillion), Trump will have to add more. It’s always the same when a Republican follows a failed Democrat like Obama or Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden. They have to spend trillions just to repair the damage left behind. Then, it will take trillions to do infrastructure since Democrats just waste the money and get nothing done (like Obama’s $695 billion for “shovel ready” projects that never got done). Democrats do a great job at creating problems and wasting trillions of dollars.

Say what?

And he is right because here you are acting like he really means that,

Odd, you never talk about the things Crooked Joe Biden says.

What did he really mean? I don’t have my decoder manual handy.

I think the comment escaped from his overheated noggin before he knew what he was saying.

The desperation and stupidity of the left is not difficult to predict.

Trump is so secure with his supporters he can crack a joke or two. Note he didn’t have to tell the audience to laugh, like Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, the pedophile, does.

Quote the next two sentences.

Democrats. Right after that, the wolf went to a carnivore fundraiser and laughed at how stupid the vegetarians are.