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DATA: Biden’s Support Plummets Among Minority, Democrat Voters.

by William Upton

Joe Biden’s re-election campaign continues to struggle among critical Democratic Party voter demographics. A new poll from Rasmussen Reports shows the 81-year-old Democrat incumbent falling to just 61 percent support among Black voters. Meanwhile, only 70 percent of registered Democrats say they plan to cast a ballot for Biden in November’s presidential election.

The voter survey offers little positive news for Biden as he faces mounting criticism from voters over his muddled stance on Israel’s war against Hamas, the state of the American economy, and the ongoing border crisis. Among Hispanic voters, Biden trails former President Donald Trump 41 to 33 percent.

In 2020, Biden won Black voters by a margin of 92 percent for former President Trump‘s 8 percent. The low level of support for Biden among Black Americans suggested by Rasmussen Reports would all but doom Biden’s chances in November. Former President Trump, meanwhile, registered 21 percent support among Black voters in the same poll.

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