Dangerous Times: Benghazi Means Betrayal

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James Lewis:

“Danged if I know!” answered Dr. Susan Rice when asked about the administration’s multiple betrayals of U.S. policy, its many violations of ordinary decency, its massive electoral coverups, Obama’s daily bad faith lies to the American people, and worst of all, their knowing betrayal of Constitutional command responsibility in the miserable Benghazi fiasco.

Instead of “Danged if I know!” Dr. Rice is perfectly able to speak educated English, and with her Oxford doctorate she fully understands the many levels of treachery revealed by the Benghazi assault on 9/11/12 — the 11th anniversary of the biggest attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor.

The assault on America on 9/11/01 was conducted using ritualistic Muslim throat-slitting by trained Wahhabi murderers, killing American flight attendants and their cabin crews, the pride of American civil aviation, and crashing four civilian airplanes full of screaming human beings into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon.

The Wahhabi butchers of 9/11/01 used the exact animal throat cutting technique that Muslims practice on the ‘Eid al Adha holiday at the end of Ramadan, when every devout family kills a sheep for Allah, amid general rejoicing. That is an ancient Arabian desert celebration that has not changed since the 7th century CE.

Obama has known about ‘Eid butchery since he attended Muslim school in Jakarta from age six to ten. Al Qaida simply applies animal butchery to human children and other innocents, if they refuse to convert to Islam.

First level of Benghazi betrayal: The Benghazi attack on 9/11/13 was a deliberate signal, recognized by every Muslim in the world, and by every member of this administration, that Al Qaida was winning the Jihad War against America, contrary to a massive election-time lie by the Democrats and our beneath-contempt media that “Al Qaida is on the run.”

Six weeks before the U.S. presidential election, Al Qaida signaled plainly and clearly that it was expanding and killing more every day. Every informed person in the world understood that, except for the American people, who are bamboozled on a daily basis by our political media class.

Go back to the news headlines on that day, and you can’t see it plain as the nose on your face. If you did not understand the front-page photos that day, it’s because our oil-bought media have pulled the wool over your eyes. Your bad. Their win.

Benghazi was an open signal to the Muslim world, because the black Al Qaida flag was shown flying in triumph over the U.S. embassies in Cairo and Tunisia, while Ansar al Shari’a was killing our ambassador in Benghazi.

Multiple simultaneous murder assaults are the infamous signature of Al Qaida.

Benghazi was only one of the victories Obama has handed to the most radical butchers in the Muslim world. If you doubt that, ask any modern Egyptian or a freedom-loving Iranian. They will tell you, quietly.

Our country is at war today, and our media-political class have knowingly lied about the danger since the first World Trade Center attack in 1993. They lied again after 9/11/01, and hung out to dry the only president who dared to recognize the truth, George W. Bush. Indeed, our entire political-media class has smeared truth-tellers in America as “Islamophobes,” a whole new kind of racist sin that has never existed before in human history. There is no such thing as “Islamophobia,” because a phobia is a false fear. Fear of being killed by Al Qaida monsters in the Jihad War is not a false fear. It is a realistic fear in places like Syria, Iraq, and London, just as Americans feared Tojo’s Japan after Pearl Harbor, Stalin after the Soviet Bomb, and Communist infiltration in the 1950s. Those were not phobias. They were clear perceptions of a mortal national threat.

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What she meant was, she didn’t know if all the facts of the ongoing scandals would be revealed.

Life is hard. It is harder if your are stupid and dumb like rice. Did she really obtain a degree at Oxford or is it a fake like the pres’ birth certificate. Any one ever check rice’s degree for authenticity? We know she can not speak English. Her response was that of a criminal with a felony 1 hanging next to her name -premeditated murder in the first.