Daily Kos Engenders “Atmosphere of Hatred” Against Family Research Council

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With today’s terrible shooting at the Family Research Council, and the lack of media coverage, it behooves us to remember how the media framed other such events in American history. JFK is shot by a Communist – “culture of hate” in Dallas against democrats.) Gabby Giffords was shot by an insane madman and the Media blamed Sarah Palin. The Batman movie shooting was also caused by a crazy madman, and ABC’s Brian Ross immediately pins it on the Tea Party.

What happens when a group advocating Christian values is singled out for a shooting massacre?

Barely a trickle of press.

If we applied the same principle they apply to shootings to the left, we’d no doubt find plenty to blame, including the headline above at Daily Kos, the leftwing hate group that calls the Tea Party the “American Taliban” on a regular basis, even though, they probably believe Christians and Tea Partiers are much worse than the Taliban.

Here are some inflammatory sections from the article [emphasis added]:

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Even learning about ”the shooter” has been difficult.
The Shooter:
Floyd Lee Corkins II, “had been volunteering recently at a community center for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people” in Herndon, Va.
He used to ”man the front desk,” at Washington, DC’s Center for the LGBT Community

Center director David Mariner: ‘‘He always struck me as a kind, gentle and unassuming young man. I’m very surprised that he could be involved in something like this.”

Dan Avery (Queerty) : men like Corkins are “too demented to have what one could call a coherent political ideology.”

Hence, according to his defenders, just a man who snapped, not political, not ”hate” just needs meds and rest.
The Feds have not yet decided to charge him with a federal offense such as a hate crime.

Look up Jews on dkos and watch the hate flow. Rather than be branded a hate site, dkos is involved in conference calls with WH staff.
The left screams about right wing extremsists like Romney and Ryan. Apparently it’s nothing more than projection and hate against those that dare to disagree with them.

@Hard Right: I searched Daily Kos and didn’t find what you were talking about. (Besides I don’t have time engage in a wild goose chase—but I will entertain examples.) Did you mean hate stemming from their articles, or from their readers’ comments? If the latter, I wouldn’t doubt it—I’m sure you’ll find as much hate emanating from their readership as from those of this site.

@Liberal1 (objectivity):

@Hard Right: I searched Daily Kos and didn’t find what you were talking about.

That of course means you searched, but not hard enough to find the evidence you did not want to really find? No?

In my experience KOS and crew are smart enough to hide their smoking guns on occasion. However:

Crickets Chirp When Leftist Hate Inspires Violence
Posted 08/16/2012 07:02 PM ET

Bias: A gay activist opens fire in a conservative organization’s offices, inspired by the steady drumbeat of leftist vitriol against those who value traditional marriage, and no one says a word…

On Tuesday, the Human Rights Campaign put on its blog a piece titled, “Paul Ryan Speaking at Hate Group’s Annual Conference,” referring to the FRC.

It said that the “FRC has been labeled a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. It’s a group that has advocated for the criminalization of homosexuality, called for LGBT people to be exported from the U.S., and has pushed dangerous lies trying to link being gay to pedophilia.”

The FRC has done none of those things but that didn’t stop the Daily Kos from vilifying the FRC for its support of Chick-fil-A: “Chick-fil-A’s corporate ‘charity’ arm WinShape has donated millions of dollars to groups like Family Research Council. FRC doesn’t just oppose marriage equality, they really do HATE gays.”

Notice how those who hate apply the word so frequently to those who don’t.

@Liberal1 (objectivity):

It has been a little bit since I have been there. Sounds like they have decided the anti-semitism is a no-no in their diaries and comments. It used to be rampant.
Don’t worry tho, there is still plenty of hatred there. Look up Rethuglicans, Christian, and Teahadists, in the diaries or comments. Then you’ll see what mentally ill, unhinged bigots they are. To the right side on the main page are artcles where you’ll see the hysterical screeching of how racist and evil the GOP is.

Yes, Dkos is definitely a hate site.

Here is what I was talking about.