Throughout 2015, and until April 28th, 2016, there were unknown “outside government” contractors with access to the FBI/NSA database. Those outside government agents were conducting unlawful searches of the FISA database. The 99-page FISA Court opinion by presiding justice Rosemary Collyer proves this with absolute certainty. CTH has long suspected those outside agents were doing political opposition research; and were allowed to do so as part of the political misuse of the intelligence apparatus.
Pg 83. “FBI gave raw Section 702–acquired information to a private entity that was not a federal agency and whose personnel were not sufficiently supervised by a federal agency for compliance minimization procedures.”
With the revelation of Daniel Richman, a close friend of James Comey, being an “special access employee” of the FBI, hired by Comey, CTH anticipates Richman will be discovered as one of those previously described “outside government” unpaid contractors with access to the FISA database. The new information of Richman, along with what we know of Fusion-GPS, is an example of the hidden connective tissue between the Lawfare group (outside government) and the “small group” of DOJ and FBI officials inside government.
NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers ordered a FISA-702 audit, and shut down the contractor access to FISA-702(16)(17) [“to/from”(16), “about”(17)] systems on April 28th, 2016. Those contractors -together with their inside allies- doing oppo-research, moved to make the unofficial use of the database, official.
Toward this end, Fusion GPS (an FBI contractor) hired Nellie Ohr (wife of DOJ Deputy Bruce Ohr) in May 2016. And by July 2016 the collective group of insiders and outsiders had assembled enough sketchy data-points/information to frame the outline needed for an official investigation. This is the origin of the July 2016 FBI Counterintelligence operation.
The left-wing alliance doing the work (insiders and outsiders contributing) was successful in morphing opposition research into an official FBI counterintelligence operation; that began at the same time as the GOP convention in July 2016. This is the broad-stroke outline, demonstrably provable through exhaustive research.
A year later, sometime in late June of 2017, a month after the appointment of Robert Mueller, the special counsel met with Director of National Intelligence, Dan Coats, and NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers. The New York Times cited the meeting in an article posted on June 14th of 2017.
Mr. Mueller wants to question Dan Coats, the director of national intelligence; Adm. Michael S. Rogers, the head of the National Security Agency; and Richard Ledgett, the former N.S.A. deputy director. (LINK)
Remember, DNI Dan Coats and NSA Mike Rogers were working together in March and April of 2017. It was thanks to Dan Coats we have access to the critical declassified FISA report (Rosemary Collyer) in April of 2017. Coats declassified the content, albeit with redactions – it is from this release of information that much is learned in 2017.
Depending on who was questioning; and considering that these are apex intelligence members who would be interviewed by only senior members of the special counsel, likely Robert Mueller himself; and considering Robert Mueller was one of the key architects of the FISA court (post 9-11); there is almost NO WAY Dan Coats and Mike Rogers would not inform Mueller of the DOJ and FBI FISA issues and the political corruption therein.
This conversation between Coats, Rogers and Mueller, is likely around the end of June, or beginning of July, 2017….. Now, consider and overlay:
The exposure of the corruption and bias was merely a PR problem. The investigation was corrupt and biased and would continue on its original mission, which is to discredit Trump, damage election prospects and, if at all possible, provide fodder for impeachment.
June 23, 2018 — The DOJ has turned over additional FISA records to Republicans, and former intelligence officials say the implications could be ‘catastrophic’
Nunes and others will use all tools at their disposal to assist Donald Trump. They have become his tools. Those who don’t fall in line become his enemies.
@Greg: The damage you liberals have done to the Justice and intelligence agencies is indescribable.