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wow- , two dirt bags, andrew and george, narcissistic and egocentric losers. the current issue in medicine is the ethics of testing a new vaccine with a rapid release to the first responders and then the public. the other issue in a vaccine is the rapid replication and mutation of a virus, of a new stain that may not be covered in the released vaccine. bet if the paedophile wins, ny/nyc will open up in a ny heartbeat. Have you seen madison ave and 5th ave in nyc recently-destroyed.
Wow, so what is georgie still doing here? OH! he promised to leave if TRump won, he is still here? News Flask, he has again promised to leave USA if Trump wins again and loose $27+ million/years. like all democraps-can not keep their stories straight-pathological liars.

Cuomo should be held accountable for the elderly HE sentenced to death. Why anyone would seek out his vile opinion is testimony to just how degenerate the left and their media has become.