CRISIS BY DESIGN: Migrant encounters over 200,000 again in August, as border surge continues.

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By John Roberts , Adam Shaw / title via Instapundit

There were more than 200,000 migrant encounters at the southern border in August, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) confirmed on Wednesday, the second month in a row where the number has been over the 200,000 mark as migrants continue to attempt to enter the U.S.
Fox News first reported that there were 208,887 encounters in August. While it marks the first decrease in migrant encounters seen under the Biden administration, where migrant encounters have been sharply rising for months, it is only a 2% drop over the more than 212,000 encounters in July.
Additionally, the 208,887 number for August represents a 317% increase over last August 2020 which saw 50,014 encounters — and a 233% increase over August 2019, where there were 62,707 amid that year’s border crisis.
In August, 49% of apprehensions were single adults, down 7% from July, and 44% of migrants overall were expelled via Title 42 public health protections put in place under the Trump administration and extended by the Biden administration.
The Biden administration has been expelling single adults and some migrant families under the order, implemented due to COVID-19, but has not been expelling unaccompanied children or migrant families with young children.

There were 18,847 encounters of unaccompanied children in August, down slightly from July, and 86.487 encounters of family units, marking a 4% increase over July. Just 19% of encounters involving family unit individuals resulted in a Title 42 expulsion.
“The men and women at CBP continue to step up to meet the demands of high numbers of encounters at our southern border,” acting CBP Commissioner Troy Miller said in a statement. “CBP recorded 2 percent fewer encounters in August than July. The vast majority of single adults encountered in August, along with a substantial share of families, continued to be expelled under the CDC’s Title 42 authority.”
The Biden administration has faced fierce criticism for its handling of the crisis along the U.S.-Mexico border, which Republican critics have blamed on the dramatic rollback of Trump-era policies like border wall construction and the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP). It has also narrowed interior Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) priorities and pushed hard for legalization of illegal immigrants already in the country. It has also been releasing migrants into the interior, processing UACs to sponsors already in the country and releasing migrant families — angering Republican governors and other lawmakers.
The Biden administration has pushed back, blaming the Trump administration for sealing off legal pathways to asylum, while emphasizing the role that root causes — like poverty, violence and corruption in Central America — play in encouraging migrants to travel north.
DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said the administration intended to continue with its border strategy, which he said involves rebuilding “safe, legal and orderly pathways for migrants,” improving processing, and going after smugglers.
“We have a plan, we are executing our plan and that takes time,” he said last month when he announced the July border numbers.
He also told Border agents in audio leaked to Fox News that the situation is “unsustainable.”

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via frez1975:

Total CBP encounters by FY (from the CBP website)
FY 2017 526,901
FY 2018 683,178
FY 2019 1,148,024
FY 2020 646,822
FY 2021 1,741,956 (as of August)
With September’s numbers, we should sail right past the previous apprehension record of 1.7 million from FY 2000.
You’re doing a bang-up job getting the border sorted out, Kneepads.


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This Invasion is being financed and supported by the CFR,DNC,UN,George Soros, and the rest of the Globalists

That’s 1.74 million encounters; that doesn’t count those that snuck in. Someone needs to tell idiot Biden that “the buck stops here” doesn’t refer to influence peddling money taken in. It refers to responsibility and the full responsibility for MILLIONS of illegal immigrants, many infected with COVID, being lured into the country and allowed to steal across the border.

President Trump had the border situation in control. On the other hand, biden has failed miserably and there is no sign that he gives a shit.

Off to the beach for more ice cream. It is said ice cream is a favorite among the most severe sufferers of dementia

UPDATE: Thousands of Migrants Still Crossing Rio Grande into Del Rio, Texas; Camp Now Holds 12,000; FAA Grants Fox News Drone Permit (Videos)

tolerating in your face treason always comes at a high cost.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

Contrary to right-wing claims, the reason the crowd is there is because the border ISN’T open. The reason ‘encounters’ are up is because many more are being intercepted. The reason they’re coming isn’t under ANY president’s control. They’re trying to get in because of circumstances elsewhere.

Must be that man made climate change happening in South America

I thought your piece of shit vp was the Norse czar

Climate change and displaced populations are going to amplify every tension and worsen every problem. Pretending it isn’t real only makes it worse. What do you think will happen here when the western U.S. is suddenly out of water?

I have told you, there is no real climate change discussion without addressing the decades long geo-engineering.

So what has happened to 400,000 people who came in July and August? Did they turn around a return from whence they came since the border was closed?

Maybe they were all imaginary, like the 670,000 Americans you claim didn’t die of COVID.


No, sadly there’s nothing imaginary about idiot Biden’s complete failure.

Your definition of failure is odd. Biden is President. Trump ISN’T. Trump is a LOSER. He lost the election, and he lost 60 some court cases related to the lies he told about it. He didn’t even win in front of republican judges.

“Biden is President. Trump ISN’T.”

Absolutely correct, Comrade. Biden is President and the disaster in Del Rio, Texas is all on Biden.

The dimwitted scum Talibiden is refusing to help the State of Texas with a disaster he created. Not to mention his disaster of murdering an Afghan family of 10 with a drone. But I’m sure you’ll pull an excuse for that out of your ass like you do ever other mistake made by Democrats.

In his first 8 months Biden has had to deal with the evacuation of Afghanistan, a COVID pandemic, millions on the verge of foreclosure or eviction, hurricanes, massive wildfires, continuing waves of undocumented immigrants, inflation, and a worse-than-useless, opportunistic GOP led by a mentally unbalanced conman who has convinced a third of the nation that he’s the embodiment of Truth, Justice, and The American Way, probably ought to be proclaimed President for Life, and would do anything in his power to make that happen, no matter what the consequences might be.

I would wish it all on Trump, except for the fact that it would be the end of American democracy and in all probability of the Union itself.

Idiot Biden was handed vaccines to control the virus, a solid economy that just needed to be opened up, energy independence, a secure border with agreements in place to keep it secure and a plan to leave Afghanistan that would have provided at least short term security for the Afghan people.

Idiot Biden f**ked every bit of that up totally.

The definition of failure is the same as it has always been. Soon, when one searches “failure”, idiot Biden will come up and a catalog of his self-imposed disasters will be listed.

Trump had the nation strong and growing. Idiot Biden is nothing but ruin.

Trump cost the GOP the House, the Senate, and the White House.

“Trump cost the GOP the House, the Senate, and the White House.”

As did Clinton and Obama cost the Dems the House in 1994 and 2010 only by greater numbers than in 2018. But then, with your anal cranial disorder, that would never enter your mindless skull.

Fraud did. Fraud. Fraud cost the Republicans the presidency and the two Georgia seats. Probably more.

But, recall, the failure Democrats lost seats in the House.

Trump is the guy who lost the GOP the presidency, the House, and the Senate. So they made him party leader and proclaimed Joe Biden a failure.

Biden is not a failure by proclamation, he’s a failure by his own actions. Everything that has happened since January 20, 2021 is on Joe the Dimwit’s head. It is Biden’s administration who bragged on killing a terrorist with a drone only for us to be told today that “Oops, it was an aid worker and seven children. Our bad.”

You must be so proud of talibiden who now orders the killing of children.

You’re consistently wrong about everything, but that goes with the silly red had.

Wrong, Comrade Greggie? No, I’m not wrong but NBC was. First,

But then today:

Your lies are failing, jerkweed. When even the NYSlimes longer lies for Talibiden, you are sinking to the bottom of the pit.

The American people were cheated out of a great and successful leader and have the most incompetent, corrupt idiot foisted upon them and the disastrous results were predicted.

Your cult leader lost by 7 million votes. Stop whining.

Seriously. Impeached twice, and rejected by a 7-million vote margin… Losers come no bigger.

The 7 million margin went the other way. Idiot Biden lost in a landslide and it took massive fraud to drag is sorry, worthless, groping, raping, corrupt, lying ass (and all the failure) across the finish line. Georgia and Arizona have be proved. More states to follow.

Unconstitutional use of impeachment is now the legacy of the decadent Democrat party. Their lust for a totalitarian police state is barely hidden. Certainly not anything to be proud of and brag about. But, what else does a liberal have?

What absolutely stupid “logic”. Is that the best you can come up with?

If it’s happening on our side of the border, it’s FAILURE, and that moron put in power through fraud, the idiot Biden, is totally responsible.

You speak intellectually but your stupidity is projected in your belief ANYONE can be swayed with such weak bullshit.

Because you are poorly informed, Haiti is an island that is to the east of Cuba.comment image?lossy=1&strip=1&webp=1

Dude not why they are here but how did so many even get here. Swim?
Maybe we just bus them to Hillary’s mansion so she can explain where the Billions in earth quake donations were flushed.

Fears Grow of Riot or Stampede at Border Detention Camp in Del Rio, Texas as Thousands of Migrants Cross Rio Grande Daily; Democrat Mayor Begs Biden for Help

Donald Trump is a cancerous tumor that has killed the soul of the Republican Party, and will kill America if not eradicated.

Republican Rep. Anthony Gonzalez will not run for reelection; cites ‘toxic dynamics inside party’:

gonzales is a dirtbag

Anybody who doesn’t kiss Trump’s excessively HUGE, gold plated posterior is a dirtbag, right?

Nobody sucks ass like Obama worshipers suck Obama’s ass. Idiot Biden only gets a puppet’s respect.

I know no one wants to think of idiot Biden as “*president”, but why do I have to keep reminding you Trump isn’t in charge now? All the disasters are idiot Biden’s handiwork

If he’d go the hell away, I’d happily never mention his name or think of him again.

@Greggie, If he’d go the hell away, I’d happily never mention his name or think of him again.He lives rent free in your head. We have an invasion force at the southern border where is the HO? Wasnt she suppose to be in charge of that issue?

That will be the final destination of the entire decadent Democrat socialist party.

Texas Governor Deploys National Guard After Biden ‘Abandons’ Border

Charging the Biden administration has abandoned the border amid an illegal-immigration crisis, Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott announced he is using state resources to close ports of entry, including the National Guard.

Separately, Texas officials on Thursday awarded a contract to oversee construction of a barrier along the Texas-Mexico border.

The governor noted in a statement Thursday the Biden administration reversed a decision to shut down the borders after a massive influx of migrants, now totaling more than 11,000, arrived at the Texas border.

“Six hours after U.S. Customs and Border Protection requested help from Texas to close ports of entry and secure the border, the Biden Administration has now flip-flopped to a different strategy that abandons border security and instead makes it easier for people to cross illegally and for cartels to exploit the border,” the governor said.

BIDENVILLE SLUM: Illegal Aliens Now Bathing in River, Washing Clothes as Numbers Swell to 14,000 from 4,000 on Wednesday

Sept 18, 2021 – Biden Administration Plans Mass Deportation Of Haitian Migrants In Del Rio, Texas

The Department of Homeland Security will begin deporting planes full of Haitian migrants as soon as Sunday to discourage more border-crossers from streaming into a camp in South Texas.

The plan, outlined by the Department of Homeland Security, is meant to relieve the overflow at the South Texas border town of Del Rio and deter more Haitians from trying to come to the United States illegally.

Human rights groups and some Democratic lawmakers opposed the plan.

The administration said it will “accelerate the pace and increase the capacity” of deportations to Haiti as well as other countries in the next 72 hours. The plan does not detail the number of people on each plane or how migrants will be processed before being placed on a flight. The administration did note that families with children will be subject to expulsion, a point that had been contested in court earlier this week…

Why are they here to be deported in the first place?

The biden regime is frantically trying to elimate the optics of bidenville, America’s newest homeless slum.

Maybe Congress could authorize a post office there. It is something Congress happens to do well.

The EPA should check what they’re doing to that river.

Pretty racist, but then again, that’s Racist Joe Biden for you.

No one questions why this impostor and his admin traffic certain illegals into our country, but then suddenly push out others?

Democrats don’t look to hard at things, of course. They just need to maintain their dissolving world-view.

Trump handled our border well. He’ll be doing again in the coming years.

Democratic Del Rio Mayor Slams Biden, Harris Over Border Crisis: ‘Why Aren’t You Here?’

Biden talks a lot about doing this or that but then accomplishes the opposite.

Nope, google this title to read the article:

“Biden Is Busing Haitian Immigrants from the Much-Watched Del Rio Bridge to Other Border Points, Which Are Not Being Filmed — And Then Releasing Them to Disappear Into America”

Contrary to right-wing claims, the reason the crowd is there is because the border ISN’T open.

2 days ago

Yeah, that is some kind of logic, huh? “The reason there are over a million illegal immigrants spreading COVID across our country right now is because they aren’t.”

Biden Administration Allows Border Invasion to Continue – Massive Crisis Overwhelms Del Rio Border Sector in Texas

The efforts of the Biden regime to collapse the U.S. immigration system and open the borders to unrestricted illegal alien migration are being extremely successful. Tens of thousands of illegal border crossers are now assembled in Del Rio, Texas, hometown to the Chief of the U.S. Border Patrol, Raul Ortiz.

The issue has become so overwhelming Ortiz told Houston media, “We’ve never seen a migration population explode so quickly on the immediate border like we saw over the last 72 hours.” Approximately 13,000 illegal aliens are now encamped underneath the overpass of the international bridge connecting Del Rio, Texas, to Ciudad Acuña in the Mexican state of Coahuila.
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Among the invasion forces are massive numbers of Haitians, thousands of them, who previously fled their homeland to South and Central American countries like Brazil and Columbia. After gaining visas to South America they work their way through Panama, Central America and into Mexico where they take organized buses from left-wing open border aid groups and eventually taxi cabs to Del Rio where they walk across the Rio Grande unimpeded.

The Obama administration previously began supporting this network of travel in 2012 during the “unaccompanied alien children” crisis. However, currently the same system is working in overdrive, because the Obama crew has installed Joe Biden as a disposable figure to facilitate the fundamental change Obama failed to achieve when he was restricted by political backlash.

In the 2021 version of Obama’s operation, the invasion force is no longer limited to children or teenage central American gang members. Now we see entire families of economic migrants, and those who know the U.S. taxpayer will be forced to fund their life in the U.S, flooding the border in extreme numbers.
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The scale of the movement is so extreme, the cartels in Mexico have even stopped trying to catch, tax and charge the travelers for passage. The Mexican drug cartels are incapable of blocking the flow of the migrants as they flow like ants around the villages and towns where the cartel checkpoints were set up. Additionally, most Mexican nationals and the Mexican military do not want to block the flow because they know the sheer size of these groups will cost them billions to support.

In an effort to stop the larger American people from seeing what is taking place, the Biden administration closed the Del Rio border bridge on Friday. Any legal passage into this region, including valid Mexican workers with permits, now have to drive an hour away to Eagle Pass, Texas, to cross in or out of the U.S. This is making the situation in Del Rio even worse, as the legal workforce for sustainable social and economic infrastructure can no longer get to work.

According to one report, shared by Latino for Trump founder Bianca Gracia (via Steve Bannon’s broadcast), customs and border patrol officers are now moving their families away from Del Rio, Texas, because the entire region is being overrun with a mix of desperate people from the third-world and is no longer safe.

This situation would appear to be the motive for USBP Chief Raul Ortiz to leave his Washington DC office and rush back to his hometown to evaluate the scale of the crisis. “From my perspective, we need to do everything we can to manage the safety and security of the migrants, the community and of course our agents,” Ortiz said.

The invasion force has resulted in a bottleneck of approximately 13,000 people, as the Biden administration cannot distribute them further inland as fast as they are arriving. The Del Rio encampment population is expected to double in the next 24 to 48 hours.
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CTH has tracked this issue so closely through the years, it often feels futile. There is no greater disconnect from ordinary Americans on any singular issue than the policy positions of Democrats and Republicans in Washington DC surrounding illegal immigration.

Massive illegal immigration is supported by both sides of the professional political machine. There are few issues more unifying for the K-Street purchased voices of DC politicians than keeping the U.S. borders open and the influx of illegal aliens as high as possible. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce pays politicians to keep this system in place.

All Democrats, and most Republicans, support mass immigration. Almost no DC politicians want to take action on any policy or legislation that stops the influx. There are billions at stake. None of the GOP leadership want to actually stop illegal immigration; it’s a lucrative business, and almost all of the CONservative groups and politicians lie about it.

Example: Glenn Beck was about to go bankrupt because his failed media empire was collapsing around him. What did he do? He shifted the financial mechanism underneath him to a process of joining the charitable business-end of illegal immigration. Beck’s “charity” Mercury-One, now openly fundraises under the faith-based auspices of saving people from hardship around the world, “It’s what good Christians do”. With a name like “The Nazarene fund“, if you question it, you’re a racist.

In the bigger picture, “Faith Based Immigration Services” is a code-speak for legalized human smuggling.
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(Lutheran Immigration – Grant Link)

Human smuggling is big business. If you dig into the IRS 990 forms, you’ll see a lot of, well, “generous” wage/benefit perks. Golf, florists, cafes, mysterious leases, land purchases, third party mortgages, $$$ spouses on the payroll, etc.

So, when you’ve got each individual immigration business making multi-hundreds of millions; and politicians getting kick-backs (lobbyists); and bribes to Mexican government officials; and payments to smugglers; who do you think actually wants the business to stop?
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(Data For Catholic Bishops – FY 2018)

The “faith-based” crew (Ted Cruz, Glenn Beck, etc.) don’t want it to stop, because facilitating illegal alien import is now the financial bread and butter amid groups in their base of support. The man/woman in the pew might not know; but the corporation minister, preacher or priest (inside the process) surely does.

The Wall Street, big GOPe, U.S. Chamber of Commerce crew doesn’t want it to stop, because they benefit from it (cheap labor), and the taxpayers -not them- are the ones funding it.
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(Baptist Child and Family Services – BCFS – FY 2018)

Sad thing is, it’s you and me that are paying the South/Central American human smugglers through U.S. taxpayer funds. Funds laundered through the immigration business bagmen at U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, and/or, U.S. Catholic Charities, or Southwest Key Programs Inc; or Baptist Child and Family Services Emergency Management Division (BCFS-EMD)… just to name a few.

These immigration groups get *MASSIVE* HHS grants and then pay-off the DC politicians and human smugglers, including MS13. Billions of dollars are spent, and the business has exploded in the past six years.

It’s a vicious cycle. Trafficked children are more valuable than adults, because the organizations involved get more funding for a child than an adult. Each illegal alien child is worth about $56,000 in grant money. The system is full of fraud.

From our prior research approximately 65% of the money they get is spent on executive pay and benefits, opaque administrative payrolls, bribes, kick-backs to DC politicians and payoffs to the South American smugglers who bring them more immigrants.

As best it can be determined, approximately 35% ($19,000) is spent on the alien/immigrant child; maybe. It gets sketchy deep in their accounting.

I dislike all of them…. immensely. In the wake of their financially lucrative immigration outcomes, you will find nothing except human misery.

Biden Administration Allows Border Invasion to Continue – Massive Crisis Overwhelms Del Rio Border Sector in Texas

Here is a message from the border czar…

and then this:

Biden Administration Requires all Foreign Travelers Entering U.S. to be Vaccinated, Except Illegal Border Crossers Who are Exempt From U.S. Rules and Laws

White House: Migrants don’t need travelers’ vaccine proof because ‘they’re not intending to stay’

“That’s the policy for people who fly into the country,” Doocy said. “So why if somebody walks into the country right across the river, does somebody ask them to see their vaccination card?”

“Let me explain to you again, Peter, how our process works,” Psaki replied. “As individuals come across the border, they are both assessed for whether they have any symptoms. If they have symptoms, the intention is for them to be quarantined. That is our process.”

Challenged on whether this is inconsistent with requiring lawful international travelers to provide proof of vaccination, Psaki denied that the two situations are analogous. “They’re not intending to stay here for a lengthy period of time,” she said of the migrants. “It’s not the same thing.”

The response was widely ridiculed on Twitter, especially by conservatives. “Bullcrap,” tweeted Rep. Lauren Boebert, a Colorado Republican

A rather remarkable development. The Biden administration has announced that all foreign travelers to the U.S. must be vaccinated. “All foreign travelers flying to the U.S. will need to demonstrate proof of vaccination before boarding, as well as proof of a negative COVID-19 test taken within three days of flight”, said White House COVID-19 coordinator Jeff Zients, who announced the new policy on Monday.” (LINK)

However, illegal aliens from around the world who cross the southern border from Mexico into the United States do not have to provide proof of vaccination or COVID test. WATCH:

If this seems like a bizarro-world standard… it actually gets worse.

Today, Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas traveled to Del Rio to evaluate the crisis of 16,000+ illegal aliens, mostly from Haiti, camped out under the overpass. “We are very concerned that Haitians who are taking this irregular migration path are receiving false information that the border is open or that temporary protected status is available,” Mayorkas commented during prepared remarks to the press. However, approximately 30 minutes before Mayorkas made those remarks, DHS told CBP to grant asylum entry to 8,000 of those illegal migrants from Haiti.

DHS grants 8,000 Haitians entry into the U.S….. DHS then walks to a microphone and says Haitians are receiving false information that entry permitted.

The Biden administration cannot even lie well.
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WATCH: Joe Biden Refuses to Answer Questions About Border Crisis he Created as His Handlers Shoo Away Reporters

When I go to an restaurant and a lot of other places I’m not intending to stay either.

When I go to a restaurant I don’t plan on staying long, either, so why would masks and vaccinations be required?

Stupid lying bitch.

Maybe they have asked about the crisis in Haiti rather than trying to bait him into provide right-wing sound bytes.

After all, he was meeting with the UN Secretary-General, and the border situation is a RESULT of the crisis in Haiti.

You really don’t care about underlying causes. That would require thinking.

Catch and release: Biden makes mockery of his pledge to send home Haitian migrants by RELEASING thousands into America with just 1,000 deported since Sunday. So why should they stop coming?

Sept 24, 2021 – Del Rio camp cleared as last remaining migrants depart

After several days of living in squalid conditions under the Del Rio International Bridge, the last remaining migrants departed a makeshift camp there just before noon local time on Friday.

A CNN team captured images under the bridge of the final two buses as they departed for US Customs and Border Protection processing centers.

A surge of migrants — many of them Haitian — had converged on the temporary site at the bridge, the result of word-of-mouth or social media posts saying that the border at Del Rio was open, US Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz previously said. At times the number topped 14,000.

Chaotic scenes at the bridge, including law enforcement on horseback using aggressive tactics against migrants, had sparked anger from both local and federal officials.

Earlier Friday morning, Bruno Lozano, the mayor of Del Rio, Texas, had told CNN just 144 migrants remained, waiting to be processed by US immigration authorities.

US Customs and Border Protection facilities along the US-Mexico border are at capacity or over capacity as officials try to process migrants moved from Del Rio in addition to the usual flow, a Department of Homeland Security official told CNN.

Some of those processed at these facilities will be released on a case-by-case basis — for example, based on a determination of vulnerability — while the majority is likely to be expelled, the official said…

Super Spreader Event: DHS Secretary Mayorkas Admits the 15,000 Haitian Migrants in Del Rio Were Not Tested for COVID Before They Were Dispersed Across the Country

This demonstrates biden does not care about the health safety for Americans

I’m old enough to remember when Biden said this…

2007. Joe Biden – “No great country can say it is secure without being able to control its borders.”

This is rich. camel-la the hyena, thinks border patrol on horseback is a terrible thing. Who is responsible for these people living in squalor in bidenville TX?

Never mind that biden, the jackel, is encouraging these people to abandon all of their possessions in order to make the trip to our border. Once here, they are on their own. Where have they gone?

biden successfully removed the optics of bidenville but, what has happened to these illegal aliens? Where are they?

Horowitz: The government’s mass migration from disease-ridden countries during a pandemic is quite revealing

What do you call a government that will mask an asymptomatic 2-year-old American but bring in people without measles and polio vaccines from the most disease-ridden countries in middle of a pandemic?

You have to give Australia credit. At least it is consistent about its totalitarian approach to the pandemic. While Australian officials repress their own people, they most certainly don’t allow foreigners into their country either. America, on the other hand, has now commandeered the bodily integrity of its own citizens under the guise of combatting a pandemic with a vaccine that doesn’t even work. At the same time, our officials are inviting the greatest global migration from countries that have some of the lowest vaccination rates for diseases we have basically eradicated and for which the vaccines actually work.

The beauty of the American left is how deftly and seamlessly they are able to turn on and off a public policy faucet when it suits them. When it comes to bulldozing fundamental rights of Americans, there is quite literally no tool our government won’t use under the guise of public health. Yet when it comes to inviting hundreds of thousands of people from Afghanistan and close to 2 million at our border this year from third world countries, even older viral threats suddenly don’t exist any more.

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While the American media and politicians, including the Senate GOP leader, compare not getting the risky, ineffective COVID shots to not getting the polio vaccine, both parties have agreed to bring in hundreds of thousands of unvetted Afghanis. Among many problems is that their country is saturated with diseases. The CDC says that “individuals from Afghanistan are being resettled across the U.S. Afghanistan ranks 7th in the world for measles cases with a current outbreak,” and yes, “one of only two countries with both wild and vaccine-derived poliovirus in circulation” (emphasis added).

Now there are measles outbreaks in Northern Virginia and Wisconsin’s Fort McCoy, two places that have received large numbers of the Afghan refugees. We flattened our economy, society, and liberty in a failed attempt to alleviate the burden on the hospitals, yet now we have elected fill Northern Virginia hospitals with Afghans during our own pandemic.

Here are the latest details from the Epoch Times:

Other than measles, tuberculosis, and malaria, the CDC said that there are concerns about evacuees having an increased likelihood of “shigellosis, giardiasis, cryptosporidiosis, hepatitis A, rotavirus, and viral diarrheal diseases.”

The CDC, according to the release, is “also aware of some cases of varicella, mumps, tuberculosis, malaria, leishmaniasis, hepatitis A, and COVID-19 among evacuees. Although COVID incidence in this population has been notably low, COVID immunization and testing is being provided for all evacuees.”

The CDC claims it is vaccinating and quarantining the Afghans, but why are we bringing them in the first place when, according to DHS Secretary Mayorkas, 84% of them are not special immigrant visa holders or lawful permanent residents? In addition, Biden plans to bring in 125,000 other refugees this year — not including those from the border or from Afghanistan.

This is the relatively controlled, though unvetted, flow of refugees. What about the hundreds of thousands crashing our border? As Fox News reports, the government has contracted with private airlines to fly tens of thousands of illegal aliens into the interior of this country. “So basically all we’re doing is we’re catching them at the border, shipping them into the interior, releasing them and getting more and then releasing them and then getting more and releasing them,” warned former ICE Buffalo Field Office Director Tom Feeley.

Do you really think all of these are up on their shots and are properly quarantined? In fact, White House press secretary Jen Psaki defended the illegal alien exemption from international testing and quarantine regulations by suggesting that these border-hoppers are “not intending to stay here for a lengthy period of time.”

Yeah, right! They came from around the world for a week’s vacation! And since when did international travelers get exempted from COVID restrictions when they are not staying here for a lengthy period of time?

So, what explains the gross dichotomy between the treatment of Americans and foreigners with regard to public health policy? Well, it’s certainly not driven by concern of viruses. It’s all about control, subjugation, and replacement of Americans. To add insult to injury as it relates to immigration and the pandemic, New York officials are now threatening to replace Americans fired from health care jobs for not getting the shots with … you guessed it … Haitian nurses! New York Gov. Kathy Hochul told reporters Wednesday that they are working with the State Department “to find out about visas for foreign workers, on a limited basis, to bring more nurses over here” as part of the solution to replacing the 20% of health care workers who are refusing the shots.

In other words, they never cared about COVID. After all, if they truly feared the virus, they would have carpet-bombed the country with early treatment rather than restricting it. They are not doing this to protect us from the virus; they are using the virus to replace us as citizens.

Shock Report: Feckless biden Admin Prepares for Up to 400,000 Migrant Surge in October

Shock Report: Biden Admin Prepares for Up to 400,000 Migrant Surge in October

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Welcome To Bidenland – Where The Cartels Are Not In Control Of Our Southern Border

The key to life in Bidenland is denial. Bidenland is a fantasy world where reality cannot intrude.

In Bidenland:

Afghanistan is not a terrorist superstate.
The Taliban are businesslike partners who want coexistence.
The Chinese do not control Bagram airbase.
Gas prices are not surging.
Shortages of consumer goods are not looming.
(Covid) Vaccines work.
And perhaps most importantly, the southern border is most definitely not out of control.

Most of us, however, do not live in Bidenland. We live in the real world. And, in this reality, our southern border is spiraling dangerously out of control.

One of the many myths in Bidenland is that everyone coming to our southern border has benign intentions. If we are being invaded it is by kindly, hardworking individuals who have traveled from all over the planet to give us hugs and wish us well.

No doubt there are a great many wonderful people arriving at our southern border who simply want to build new lives. There are also a great many other people and things crossing the border, and the vast criminal enterprises that are behind this mass movement are most definitely not well-intentioned.

Individuals are not crossing into the United States unaided. They are not coming in small groups on their own. They are being transported by the hundreds of thousands by criminal cartels. These are the very same cartels, which are moving massive quantities of drugs, including fentanyl, into our nation to poison our citizens.

These cartels use the movement of human beings across the border to overwhelm our border defenses and allow them with impunity to then move narcotics through areas of the border left unguarded. The numbers of people moved by these criminal enterprises are so huge that each individual is literally marked with a wristband, so the cartels can keep track of where they are going and where they are coming from. The wristbands are removed once the migrants enter the United States and literally litter the ground near the border.

Per a CBP official, “It’s an inventory reason. They’re all over the place.”

Jaeson Jones, a retired captain for the Texas Department of Public Safety who specialized for years in combatting Mexican cartels, describes the significance of this methodology this way.

“What this means is that the cartels and the smuggling organizations have created a process because they are being so overrun with people that, even for them, it’s difficult to keep up with who has paid and who hasn’t.”

The amount of money being made by the cartels is almost unbelievable. The current fee to move a single individual from Mexico into the United States is at least $2500. The cartels charge $3,000 for migrants from Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador, and Honduras. Chinese migrants pay $5,000. Russians and Arabs pay $9,000.

Some migrants enter the United States without having paid in full. In these cases, the cartels keep tabs on the migrants inside the United States. They also keep tabs on relatives of the migrants who remain outside the United States. Anyone who does not pay in full can expect that they or their relatives will be threatened and pressured until the debt is discharged.

As of February, of this year the estimate was that the cartels were making $15 million a day from human smuggling.

Fueled by this new cash flow the already powerful cartels are making a real push to challenge the authority of Mexican authorities in the border area. The cartels are heavily armed. They have armored vehicles, belt-fed machineguns, and grenade launchers. They are fighting for territory amongst themselves, and they are openly challenging the Mexican government.

On July 15, 2021, the Juarez drug cartel detonated a car bomb in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, less than one mile from the U.S. border. The use of car bombs by the cartels is a new tactic and represents a dangerous escalation in the level of violence.

Inside Mexico, cartels are dividing the country up into what amount to separate kingdoms. Roads are being broken up and checkpoints established to prevent other gangs from entering what is considered “conquered” territory. Nothing moves in or out of these areas without cartel permission.

“They say that the border is secure, that people are being turned back. I can tell you that the border is anything but secure […] the ones who are de facto in charge of our southern border are the drug cartels from Mexico,” said U.S. Rep. Brian Babin, R-Texas recently during a fact-finding trip to the border.

The violence in Mexico is already spilling over into the United States. Instances of cartel members shooting at law enforcement on the American side are increasing.

ICE Special Agent Victor Avila recently noted in an interview that the El Paso sector of the border was particularly dangerous. “In El Paso, it’s a whole different dynamic. It’s all cartel land over there. Border patrol can’t even go to certain parts of the mountain, or they’ll get shot at from the Mexican side,” Avila said.

In June Gunmen in the Mexican city of Reynosa, another Mexican border town opened fire and killed at least 14 people. Reynosa is one of the key crossing points from Mexico into the United States.

Last week a cartel member opened fire with a machinegun sending tracer rounds over the border and into the United States. The fire was apparently specifically intended to pass over a known Border Control position as an act of intimidation. The incident followed days of taunts and threats by armed cartel fighters to Border Patrol agents inside the United States.

In reality, we no longer have a border with Mexico. We now have a border the other side of which is under the control of ultra-violent criminal organizations. Those organizations are increasingly showing a willingness to operate inside the United States and to challenge our law enforcement agencies directly.

National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd said a few months ago that the Border Patrol no longer controls the U.S.-Mexico border, the cartels do. “I was asked last night who is controlling the border? Is it President Biden? Is it Kamala Harris, who is it? And my answer was, it’s the cartels. The cartels control the borders now. It’s not even the Border Patrol. It’s not even the U.S. government.”

That statement was echoed by Representative Chip Roy. “The reach of the cartels, I cannot emphasize the cartels enough, cartels have operational control of the border of the United States. That’s the truth for the most powerful country the world has ever known. Cartels run our border.”

This is reality. Just as in Afghanistan Biden’s “policies” have created the most lethal terrorist state in history, his border “policies” are enriching and emboldening criminal enterprises on a scale we have never seen before. These cartels do not simply operate in Mexico. Increasingly, they are the government of Mexico.

These groups are stronger and more violent by the day. Their fear of retaliation by what is an obviously toothless administration is dissipating. The violence in Mexico will inevitably come here, and we will find the ground under our feet on fire. That may not be true in Bidenland. It is true here.

Fox News, the only news organization covering the disaster at the border, had a report this morning where their reporter questioned an illegal immigrant caught on a rancher’s property by Texas DPS. He gave a sob story about wanting to find his wife and child and was deported under Trump for not having a drivers license. When checked out, he was deported for domestic abuse and the “wife” he was looking for was just one of his wives. His running buddy caught with him was deported 5 times, lastly for drugs.

These are violent criminals roaming across rancher’s land creating a threat to their safety. But, of course, idiot Biden, slut Kamala nor any of the Democrat apparatus (which includes the media) don’t care about citizens because citizens reject their agenda of stupidity.

OAN and RAN are covering and have been covering the border as well or better than fox

I tend to distance myself from fox. That November thingy with calling the election and all…

Point being the leftist media will NOT cover it. Thus, the stupidity of the left.



Real America’s Voice

More blood on bidens hands, harris too

55 Dead, More Than 100 Injured After Truck Smuggling Migrants Headed to US Crashes Into Bridge, Flips Over
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Joe Biden’s open borders policies are deadly.

55 people died and more than 100 are injured after a tractor-trailer smuggling migrants from Guatemala, Ecuador, Dominican Republic and Honduras crashed into a bridge and flipped over on Thursday.

Is this what idiot biden means when he says build back better?

I refuse to feel bad for illegals.

But hey, if it keeps them out of the country, by all means, more cow bell…

Hell, all they need are their names. They can still vote for Democrats.