COVID Origins Cover-Up? Biden’s Pardon of Fauci Raises Serious Questions

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by Alex Washburne

Anthony “I represent science” Fauci can now stand beside Richard “I am not a crook” Nixon in the history books as someone who received the poison pill of a preemptive pardon.

While Nixon was pardoned for specific charges related to Watergate, the exact crimes for which Fauci was pardoned are not specified. Rather, the pardon specifies:

Baseless and politically motivated investigations wreak havoc on the lives, safety, and financial security of targeted individuals and their families. Even when individuals have done nothing wrong – and in fact have done the right things – and will ultimately be exonerated, the mere fact of being investigated and prosecuted can irreparably damage reputations and finances.

In other words, the dying breath of the Biden administration appears to be pardoning Fauci for crimes he didn’t commit, which would seem to make a pardon null and void. The pardon goes further than simply granting clemency for crimes. Clemency usually alleviates the punishment associated with a crime, but here Biden attempts to alleviate the burden of investigations and prosecutions, the likes of which our justice system uses to uncover crimes.

It’s one thing to pardon someone who has been subjected to fair trial and convicted, to say they have already paid their dues. Gerald Ford, in his pardon of Richard Nixon, admitted that Nixon had already paid the high cost of resigning from the highest office in the land. Nixon’s resignation came as the final chapter of prolonged investigations into his illegal and unpresidential conduct during Watergate, and those investigations provided us the truth we needed to know Nixon was a crook and move on content that his ignominious reputation was carved into stone for all of history.

Fauci, meanwhile, has evaded investigations on matters far more serious than Watergate. In 2017, DARPA organized a grant call – the PREEMPT call – aiming to preempt pathogen spillover from wildlife to people. In 2018 a newly formed collaborative group of scientists from the US, Singapore, and Wuhan wrote a grant – the DEFUSE grant – proposing to modify a bat sarbecovirus in Wuhan in a very unusual way. DARPA did not fund the team because their work was too risky for the Department of Defense, but in 2019 Fauci’s NIAID funded this exact set of scientists who never wrote a paper together prior nor since. In late 2019, SARS-CoV-2 emerged in Wuhan with the precise modifications proposed in the DEFUSE grant submitted to PREEMPT.

It’s reasonable to be concerned that this line of research funded by Fauci’s NIAID may have caused the pandemic. In fact, if we’re sharp-penciled and honest with our probabilities, it’s likely beyond reasonable doubt that SARS-CoV-2 emerged as a consequence of research proposed in DEFUSE. What we don’t know, however, is whether the research proceeded with US involvement or not.

Congress used their constitutionally granted investigation and oversight responsibilities to investigate and oversee NIAID in search of answers. In the process of these investigations, they found endless pages of emails with unjustified redactions, evidence that Fauci’s FOIA lady could “make emails disappear”, Fauci’s right-hand-man David Morens aided the DEFUSE authors as they navigated disciplinary measures at NIH and NIAID, and there were significant concerns that NIAID sought to obstruct investigations and destroy federal records.

Such obstructive actions did not inspire confidence in the innocence of Anthony Fauci or the US scientists he funded in 2019. On the contrary, Fauci testified twice under oath saying NIAID did not fund gain of function research of concern in Wuhan… but then we discovered a 2018 progress report of research NIAID funded in Wuhan revealing research they funded had enhanced the transmissibility of a bat SARS-related coronavirus 10,000-times higher than the wild virus. That is, indisputably, gain of function research of concern. Fauci thus lied to the American public and perjured himself in his testimony to congress, and Senator Rand Paul has referred Fauci’s perjury charges to the Department of Justice.

What was NIAID trying to preempt with their obstruction of congressional investigations? What is Biden trying to preempt with his pardon of Fauci? Why do we not have the 2019 NIAID progress report from the PI’s who submitted DEFUSE to PREEMPT and later received funding from NIAID?

It is deplorable for Biden to preemptively pardon Fauci on his last day in office, with so little known about the research NIAID funded in 2019 and voters so clearly eager to learn more. With Nixon’s preemptive pardon, the truth of his wrongdoing was known and all that was left was punishment. With Fauci’s preemptive pardon, the truth is not yet known, NIAID officials in Fauci’s orbit violated federal records laws in their effort to avoid the truth from being known, and Biden didn’t preemptively pardon Fauci to grant clemency and alleviate punishment, but to stop investigations and prosecutions the likes of which could uncover the truth.

I’m not a constitutional scholar prepared to argue the legality of this maneuver, but I am an ethical human being, a scientist who contributed another grant to the PREEMPT call, and a scientist who helped uncover some of the evidence consistent with a lab origin and quantify the likelihood of a lab origin from research proposed in the DEFUSE grant. Any ethical human being knows that we need to know what caused the pandemic, and to deprive the citizenry of such information from open investigations of NIAID research in 2019 would be to deprive us critical information we need to self-govern and elect people who manage scientific risks in ways we see fit. As a scientist, there are critical questions about bioattribution that require testing, and the way to test our hypotheses is to uncover the redacted and withheld documents from Fauci’s NIAID in 2019.

The Biden administration’s dying breath was to pardon Anthony Fauci not for the convictions for crimes he didn’t commit (?) but to avoid investigations that could be a reputational and financial burden for Anthony Fauci. A pardon to preempt an investigation is not a pardon, it is obstruction. The Biden administration’s dying breath is to obstruct our pursuit of truth and reconciliation on the ultimate cause of 1 million Americans’ dying breaths.

To remind everyone what we still need to know, it helps to look through the peephole of what we’ve already found to inspire curiosity of what else we’d find if only the peephole could be widened. Below is one of the precious few emails investigative journalists pursuing FOIAs against NIAID have managed to obtain from the critical period when SARS-CoV-2 is believed to have emerged. The email connects DEFUSE PI’s Peter Daszak (EcoHealth Alliance), Ralph Baric (UNC), Linfa Wang (Duke-NUS), Ben Hu (Wuhan Institute of Virology), Shi ZhengLi (Wuhan Institute of Virology) and others in October 2019. The subject line “NIAID SARS-CoV Call – October 30/31” connects these authors to NIAID.


It is approximately in that time range – October/November 2019 – when SARS-CoV-2 is hypothesized to have entered the human population in Wuhan. When it emerged, SARS-CoV-2 was unique among sarbecoviruses in having a furin cleavage site, as proposed by these authors in their 2019 DEFUSE grant. Of all the places the furin cleavage site could be, the furin cleavage site of SARS-CoV-2 was in the S1/S2 junction of the Spike protein, precisely as proposed by these authors.

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Baseless and politically motivated investigations wreak havoc on the lives, safety, and financial security of targeted individuals and their families. Even when individuals have done nothing wrong – and in fact have done the right things – and will ultimately be exonerated, the mere fact of being investigated and prosecuted can irreparably damage reputations and finances.

In other words, what they did to Trump.

As I’ve said, I worked in the aviation industry. When we performed maintenance on an aircraft, the work had to be described and approved documents used cited. Falsely signing off work is a federal offense. Regardless if someone in charge ordered us to falsify documentation, whomever signed the document is who was liable. I think the same holds true here.

Does anyone think Fauci deleted emails or destroyed evidence himself? Does anyone think Bennie Johnson, Cheney, Schiff, Kinzinger, or Raskin destroyed evidence themselves? No, they gave orders to staffers to do the dirty work. THOSE people should be sought out for prosecution, not to punish some underling, but to get testimony about the actual facts.

We may not be able to put Fauci or Cheney in jail, but we can still find out the width and breadth of their lies, corruption and crimes.

Everyone involved at every level needs to be investigated. When they realize Fauci will walk while they are destroyed and imprisoned,for what they have done,they will be crawling over each other willing to tell the truth for leniency. No mercy should be shown.

Fauci was part of a plot to make Trump’s 1st presidency look bad.
Everything he did was to hurt Trump.
The fact that thousands of Americans died was irrelevant to Fauci.
He’d already killed thousands of Americans during his HIV/AIDS stupidity that flew in the face of all public health protocols.

The big question is…can someone even be “preemptively pardoned”? Seems like more Dem BS.

Moot question. They WEREN’T preemptively pardoned. They HAVE committed crimes.

The scarf lady Ms Granular data admitted in her book that they intentionally mislead the President.
As I said Fauchi has been criminal for many years. A mass grave in NY is his legacy tortured foster children. Newer technology allows aborted children for his evil vile experiments.
Milley who confessed to contacting China military vowing to give them heads up should Trump want to move against them, So stupid the man never knew Dons gets peace treaties he doesnt start senseless stupid wars, The J6 club formed without GOP. And the entire Biden Crime family grifting off the government since Joe began stealing documents out of the SCIF, sensitive compartmented information facility.
As Joe is no longer just dumb, but no longer able to stand trial, incapacitated, are any of these actions legally binding? We need to find out while we still have a majority in the SCOTUS.

On the bright side, now that they’ve been pardoned for all previous crimes they can be called in to testify to Congress.
IF they lie under oath like they did before, they can be charged with NEW crimes.
IF they tell the truth and admit they LIED before under oath, they are destroyed.
Their pardons have done them no favors.
They are between a rock and a hard spot, depending totally on the kindness of their victims.

Just what kind of Skeletons dose Biden keep in hi Closet Maybe Globalists Antifa BLM ISIS and the rest of them all?

I find it interesting the back dating begins when they installed a President into Ukraine, Soros got a medal for that, 2014. The Bio-labs that the Russians told us about then admitted to in a congressional hearing that makes one more pardon a little clearer.