Covid: Don’t Let Them Off The Hook

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4 years ago, we were told we had “15 days to slow the spread.”

Covid’s “15 days” turned into years, and the loss of our freedoms increased. It’s important we don’t forget what happened.

Politicians destroyed jobs and increased costs.

They made bad things worse with arbitrary rules, and on top of that, government probably killed people with its endless red tape.

Let’s remember politicians’ incompetence and their insatiable wish to gain power over us. Let’s never give them power like that again.

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Sweden didn’t “shut down,” but rather followed time-honored ways of fighting a viral epidemic.
And it worked.
Lowest “excess death rate,” while the USA is at the top of that list.
Utah, one of the few states that didn’t lock down, had a surge of cases but then it was over.
The main reason Utahans died was the doctors followed a federal Covid protocol that caused lots of sick people to die.
And, because they were paid more for Covid deaths hospitals kept adding it to death from other causes, like even a motorcycle accident.

Sweden has a universal health care system that’s ranked 9th best in the world. The US doesn’t, is ranked 69th, and spends more on health care per capita that any other nation.

US went corporate, nothing even as little as a bandaid change is done with out an order. Lots of clinics, huge ones, being built here each has a specialty. Its all government guideline driven not patient.

Then move to Sweden, Pinhead