Anthropologists in the future will spend a lot of time discussing and debating the question of when, exactly, the once-great American civilization went insane, why it happened, and how. I can only imagine what conclusions they will draw. As an American citizen in the present day, actually bearing witness to the collapse of sanity and reason in real time, I’m not sure that I can even answer those questions. Perhaps hindsight will lend some clarity to the issue.
What I do know is that this case will be viewed as a seminal moment in our collective plunge into madness. It will be seen as, at least from a legal standpoint, the point of no return. The crossing of some kind of terrible Rubicon. I refer to the story of 7-year-old James Younger, whose father, Jeff Younger, has been trying to save him from a forced gender “transition.”
Jeff has been locked in a bitter court battle with his ex-wife, Anne Georgulas. Despite being a medical professional — a pediatrician, God help us — who presumably understands basic facts about human biology and child psychology, Georgulas got it into her apparently deranged head that her son James is really a girl.As The Texan previously reported, the factors that convinced Georgulas that her son is really her daughter include his affinity for the movie “Frozen” and his request to get a “girl toy” from McDonald’s. She also says he started expressing a wish to dress in girl’s clothing. But Jeff Younger recently explained in an interview that if James ever had any desire to wear dresses, it’s only because his mother started putting him in dresses and painting his nails when he was just 3-years-old. He claims that she used several other methods of manipulation, including locking the boy in his room and telling him that “the monsters only eat boys.” Jeff speculates that Georgulas would withhold affection from James if he did not act like a girl.
The court case revolved around Jeff’s efforts to rescue his sons (James and his twin brother) from the abuse of this sick and twisted woman. However, the decision was passed down yesterday, and the court ruled against the father. Virtually all control over James and his brother have now been handed to Georgulas. She is free to continue his “social transition” into a girl – a process already well under way, as he goes by “Luna” and poses as a girl at his mother’s house and at school. Eventually she can, and presumably will, start James on drugs to chemically castrate him. There is nothing his father can do to stop it, short of “kidnapping” the boy and fleeing the country (a move that would be not only morally justified, but heroic).
It should be noted that, according to Jeff, James “violently refuses” to wear girl clothes when he is at his father’s house. Free from the clutches of his mother, Jeff says, James is relieved to act like a boy, dress like a boy, and play like a boy. The mother claims the opposite, insisting that James is excited to return to his mother and his identity as “Luna.” I think both claims are probably true, in a sense. The poor boy realizes that it pleases his mother for him to be Luna, and so he “wants” to play that role for her sake.
But, in any case, the question of how he really identifies is irrelevant. The point is that James is a boy, plain and simple. Whatever confusion he is suffering from – confusion painstakingly planted in his head by a mother who, in my opinion, should be locked in prison for the rest of her life – could be alleviated through counseling and therapy. There is precisely zero chance that James is “really” a girl trapped in a boy’s body, because that concept is nonsensical. James is who he is. And he is a boy.
The child should be taken from her and all her parental rights revoked. She is a danger to the child.
This is child abuse to the max.
Such an idiotic and pitiful waste of time and money. I would bet that the ruling in the US would have been totally different.
@Deplorable Me:
Correct. Unfortunately, this is being held in the 255th Family Court. Judge Kim Cooks is a Democrat who has an inflated sense of her own worth. When asked about why she running again by a voter guide source she responded:
“I am running for re-election because I have done an wonderful job as Judge. I am a true servant for the community. I understand and can relate to every person who comes before me in court. The 255th Court has excellent customer service and we assure that the doors of the court are available for everyone to receive fairness and justice with dignity.”
This case is garnering national attention. People in Texas are demanding that the Governor step in and save this child from his mother that, if allowed, will do irreparable harm to him. Texas has provisions for removing judges from the bench that do harm. I can promise you, she will never be reelected.
Also, this case should go before a Court of Appeals immediately where, hopefully, sanity will prevail.
@retire05: Democrats don’t care if a child is abused as long as traditional values are destroyed and replaced with liberal “values”.
Sadly down the road I can see this young man committing suicide. Probably in his late teens or early 20’s. It will totally be his mothers fault but she will blame it on drug use.