Coulter & Ingraham: Palin is ‘Obama of the Tea Party,‘

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Via The Blaze:

If former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is truly interested in seeking the White House in 2012, she’ll be less-than-pleased with an exchange that aired last night between radio host and Fox News fill-in host Laura Ingraham and conservative commentator Ann Coulter.

On Tuesday evening’s “The O’Reilly Factor,” Ingraham and Coulter made some negative statements about Palin’s presidential prospects, her willingness to dig deep on policy issues and her fans’ diehard allegiance to her. During the discussion, Ingraham explained:

“…I like Sarah Palin, but I don’t think she seems all that interested in digging really, really deep on that stuff. That’s just my take on that.”

Later, Coulter — elevating the temperature of the discussion – said:

“…she’s become sort of the Obama of the Tea Party. She‘s just ’The One’ to a certain segment of right wingers. And the tiniest criticism of her — I think many of your viewers may not know this. No conservative on TV will criticize Palin, because they don’t want to deal with the hate mail…

You know, we used to all love Sarah Palin, conservatives like me, for her enemies. I’m starting to dislike her because of her fans.”

Jim Hoft:

Conservative divas Laura Ingraham and Ann Coulter berated Sarah Palin and her supporters tonight on The O’Reilly Factor. They agreed that Paul Ryan, Chris Christie and Mitt Romney are showing great promise. Of course, Rep. Ryan and Governor Christie are not running. Christie believes in job-killing global warming junk science. And, of course, Mitt Romney is having a very difficult time connecting with true conservatives across the country.

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Statist, faux Conservatives bottle blondes with TeeVee gigs, book deals, policy wonk and fat fetishes diss the brunette hottie MVP Palin. If these 2 creepy talking heads are the Conservative Family – I want a divorce!


Statist, faux Conservatives bottle blondes with TeeVee gigs, book deals, policy wonk and fat fetishes diss the brunette hottie MVP Palin. If these 2 creepy talking heads are the Conservative Family – I want a divorce!

I love watching neo-cons turn on each other. Ship like this didn’t happen when Reagan was running the show. Bush 42 was an unmitigated DISASTER.

And Palin is not a “hottie”. And don’t think for a minute she doesn’t dye her hair.

The neo-con movement is analogous to the Titanic. DIE!!!!!! SINK!!!!!

We watched that interview and we all had different reactions. I could not help but noticed though that they both acknowledged that there is a yearning out here in voter land for someone different to vote for, I do wish Palin would run just for the social experiment that we would all be able to watch as her run unfolded. And of course that she might just pull it off too! But I guess that we will never know. But one thing is for certain, Palin has numerous enemies in both parties. And that many people are scared that she will run for various reasons. Many of those reasons are grounded in reality and valid to an extent, others are personal reasons. The two women who watched that same interview with me did agree on one thing, that both Ingraham/Coulter suffered from the “green eyed monster called jealousy” bigtime. Maybe. I just like Palin for what, and who she is. A real person who holds many of the same beliefs as I do. Who says what she means, and means what she says. Not your stereotypical politician who says and does what is popular. But I also like Cain who like Palin is being torn down by both sides for not being a professional politician. Like we need more of those anyway. Could Palin really do any worse than what our beloved and professional politicans had done to date? Or is that one main reason why so many politicians, pundits, talking heads, interest groups, unions, liberals etc…. fear her so much?

The bottom line is beating Obama in 2012, otherwise we’re in for another 4 years of what we’ve got now. I’d like to see the candidate best able to do that be the nominee, and I don’t think that’s Palin. For that matter, I’d prefer the Democrats put their best man (or woman) up too, since there’s a chance that person will be my president. It won’t happen, of course – they’re stuck with Obama.

Its gonna be interesting to see who comes out on top on the GOP. The real smarts ones are the ones who dont run for president. If Palin were to get the big job, she would probably quit in about a year or so, after someone dangled a big bag of money in front of her. You should never count out a VP choice, since if something happens to the Chief, they are next in line.

These two must be jealous; why do we have to listen to these anklebiters and the rest? Americans support whom they feel are best to represent their interest, and don’t need these backstabbers. We know the plastic weasel Romney is their boy, and that was determined only by insiders and these two yuckers.

Are you trying to be stereotypical, or does it just work out that way? I’m not sure who coined the “Neocon” label, nor what definition you use to define it. But, if a picture of “W” is next to it in your dictionary, rest assured, it has very little to do with conservatism.

Pruning the dead wood always makes the tree stronger. These ladies are, primarily, entertainers. The trend I’ve observed is that entertainers like them tend to eventually go the way of Hannity; mouthpieces for the establishment GOP rather than conservatism (make no mistake, the two are very, very different).

The conservative movement is far more like the iceberg, large, slow moving, mostly hidden from view, and indomitable. Indomitable forces of nature often come from the frozen north.

@Doug: Then I guess Hillary would work for you? Make no mistake, there are GOP candidates who would be worse for the nation than a gridlocked, lame duck Obama. Thinking things can’t get worse is not realistic.

Yeah, I like how Palin has somehow completely missed the bus by failing to announce thus far, but somehow that same bus is still waiting around for Christie and Ryan. Ingraham insists that job#1 for her is making President Obama a one-termer. I’m certainly OK with that, but somehow, I’m missing how this exchange between herself and Coulter helps moves the ball downfield in that regard. Why belittle a potential GOP candidate? Simply because her schedule doesn’t mesh with the expectations of the media and other talking heads?

Palin has said on more than a few occasions she’ll be announcing her decision about running sometime in September or October, and that she is cognizant about not leaving supporters wondering indefinitely. Fine. Why do these two women find that so hard to not only accept, but possibly even comprehend?

I don’t expect too much from Coulter; this is the “conservative” woman who advocated voting for Hillary Clinton last time around. Ingraham has given me the impression for quite awhile that she is remarkably ignorant about Sarah Palin for someone in her line of work.

In fact, let me say that, I like Laura Ingraham, but I don’t think she seems all that interested in digging really, really deep on that stuff. That’s just my take on that.