Conservatives more loyal than RINOs

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The media keeps portraying the Tea Party as holding the Republican Party hostage — as if the Tea Party will take its ball and go home if the party does not play nice. The opposite turns out to be true. It is the Republicans In Name Only.

Gallup surveyed and found that conservatives are as supportive of Mitt Romney as moderates and liberals in the party are.

59% of the Tea Party find Mitt Romney acceptable.

59% of RINOs do.

But when it comes to conservative candidates, the RINOs are not so loyal. Only 36% find Newt Gingrich acceptable, only 35% find Rick Santorum acceptable, an only 29% of the RINOs find — ugh — Rick Perry acceptable.

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The GOP and company just refuse to acknowledge that many of us don’t want Romney. He is not a conservative. Thats why after one runner is knocked out we go to the next in line, but not Mitt! When the GOP crowns him is when it will get really interesting.