CONFIRMED: The Leftist Atlantic Behind the Garbage Military Hit Piece on Trump — Is Owned by a Joe Biden Mega-Donor

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On Thursday The Atlantic website published a garbage hit piece on President Donald Trump and his alleged hatred of the military and US veterans.

President Trump has done more for the US military than any president in decades.  Trump is also the first president in decades who DID NOT start any new wars or send American soldiers into conflict with unwinnable and dangerous restrictions.

The garbage hit piece also comes as President Trump continues to surge in the polls following the amazing RNC convention and the continued leftist riots across the country.

The liberal media and FOX News have been pushing this article that is based entirely on alleged anonymous sources.

The hit piece was immediately debunked.


It wasn’t that long ago The Atlantic was bought by Laurene Powell Jobs — a huge leftist and Joe Biden mega-donor.

So it all makes sense now.

Via Jack Posobiec.

And former Obama official Ben Rhodes is on staff there.

Joe Biden is incapable of defending himself in his current mental state so look for more crappy hit pieces on President Trump in the coming weeks.

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That’s pretty much what passes for “non-biased journalism” from the left. I was refuting this story on my nephew’s Facebook page and he provided the ubiquitous “fact check” showing The Atlantic just barely left of center.

The democrats and the media, but I repeat myself, know that biden is toast. President Trump will win in a blowout but then the fake vote count will show 120% of the eligible voters voted. Just like third world banana republics.

Dem operatives and their puppet masters fail to understand the basic premise behind supporting President Trump.
We already accepted Donald Trump as our human, fault-filled leader last election.

THIS election is about how President Trump has exceeded even his wildest-seeming promises.

There is no way a new revelation of how human Donald Trump is can sway them.

In point of fact, President Trump has gained tons of NEW supporters as a result of his record over the last 3+ years.
There is a “WalkAway Movement” whereby registered Democrats now support Trump in the hundreds of thousands.
There is the small group called the Never-Trumpers who have been quitting that stupid movement and supporting President Trump.
There is a HUGE number of never-voted-befores who have been registering for the 1st time just so they can vote for Trump. A example of one of the organizers of this group is Scott Pressler who might be better known for coming into Dem-ruled city slums and cleaning them up. C-SPAN had such a surge of such callers that they changed their phone protocol from: Dem#, Rep# and Ind# to Trump supporter#, Biden supporter # and undecided #.

Watch videos of people waiting to see Biden VS people waiting to see Trump (coming into a city) for an example of the HUGE enthusiasm gap in Trump’s favor.

These “hit pieces” won’t work.
They won’t even peel off a few voters for Trump.
Dems will have to cheat.
And not get caught.

paedophile joey and kamaslut are in for a rude awakening 11/4/2020. ever wonder what medications they inject paedophile joey to pop him up?? ask DR. John.

I read an article that I posted on my Face Book page , which disappeared within 10 hours stating in a September 3, 2020 picture of Sleepy Joe shows what looks to be an IV site bruise and scab on the back of his left hand.
The article went on to state there is an experimental drug called aducanomab that is delivered via monthly IV infusions to reduce cognitive decline in patients with early Alzheimer’s, the most common form of senile dementia. The FDA accepted the Biologics License Application (BLA) for Biogen’s aducanumab last month:…/fda-accepts-biogens-aducanum…
The drug is experimental, and it should be noted that other trial drugs in its class failed miserably!
There are any number of other drugs that might be pumped into someone with cognitive impairment that may give symptomatic relief. Point is, I would not put anything past the democrats!comment image?fbclid=IwAR2XPxqc4lpMucPURgxr5jJjApuQqd9rxgBaPEULfMW4qGJw1ke-ezhhqBY

@Nan G:

There is the small group called the Never-Trumpers who have been quitting that stupid movement and supporting President Trump.

And they were already gone, so no 2020 votes are lost there. Meanwhile, Trump has gained massively among independents and minorities. All of that comes right out of Biden’s support.

No one with the power to think gives the liberal media any credibility whatsoever.

Here’s a link to an article that Comrade Greggie and his buttbuddy Ward/AJ will never provide to you:

@retire05: Gee, remember when Obama and Hillary met with and empathized with the families of those military members who were killed at our consulate in Benghazi? Oh, wait… they didn’t. They LIED to them about how and why they were killed to further their own political careers. Remember how the left became outraged about that? Oh, wait….