Allahpundit @ Hot Air:
Ace wrote about this yesterday but I didn’t have time to look at the list until now. Go see for yourself. I went through it being as objective as I could about who might be interesting to watch as a young, impressive, highly touted leader of the future in the Rubio, Ryan, Christie, Jindal, Susana Martinez, Rand Paul, Brian Sandoval, Mia Love mold. Out of a list of 75 or so names, here’s what I’ve got — and I’m stretching even on some of these, just so that I’ve got something.
– Cory Booker, who hasn’t held statewide office;
– Julian Castro, who also hasn’t held statewide office but apparently is the best Democrats can do by way of a Rubio-esque Latino political rising star;
– Tammy Baldwin, who’s far left even by the standards of the House Democratic caucus and is highly likely to lose to Tommy Thompson in this year’s Wisconsin Senate race;
– Kamala Harris, the AG of California and certified union stooge, who’ll likely follow Jerry Brown as Democratic administrator of the state’s Greece-like fiscal disintegrationThat’s basically it.
If Obama gets that 2nd term look for Kamala Harris to jump California’s sinking ship and be seated on the Supreme Court.
Even rats abandon a sinking ship. Why would other rats get on board when they see so many leaving it? I wonder if Captain Obama will go down with his ship.
Wow that list is sorry.
LOL….Tammy Baldwin…I wish them luck with that one…She’s gone in this election cycle because she has zero appeal to anybody but the uber liberal people of Madison Wiscosnin. Whoever convinced her she could somehow win an election outside of the Madison area has pulled one of the biggest con jobs in history.
On the plus side that means I have a chance at a new Representative for my district who may fight for somthing besides Unions, ObamaCare, and LGBT rights.