Confederate Frenzy: NY Film Critic Calls For Banning Of ‘Gone With The Wind’

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John Nolte:

Book burning.

Movie banning.





When it comes to the Left, it is always only a matter of time before they show their fascist colors. We’re seeing it all over the place in a media frenzy that began with a cause I agree with (removing Confederate Flags from state capitols) into what is now a full-blown mob waging a bullying witch hunt to completely memory-hole the flag.

Wednesday, the thing that you believe could never happen, did happen: a New York film critic has called for the banning of The Greatest Movie Ever Made.

In just three days, the left’s mob mentality took us from removing the Rebel Flag from a state capitol to banning “Gone with the Wind.”

Lou Lumenick in today’s New York Post:

If the Confederate flag is finally going to be consigned to museums as an ugly symbol of racism, what about the beloved film offering the most iconic glimpse of that flag in American culture?

I’m talking, of course, about “Gone with the Wind[.]’’ …

But what does it say about us as a nation if we continue to embrace a movie that, in the final analysis, stands for many of the same things as the Confederate flag that flutters so dramatically over the dead and wounded soldiers at the Atlanta train station just before the “GWTW’’ intermission?

Warner Bros. just stopped licensing another of pop culture’s most visible uses of the Confederate flag — toy replicas of the General Lee, an orange Dodge Charger from “The Dukes of Hazzard’’ — as retailers like Amazon and Walmart have finally backed away from selling merchandise with that racist symbol.

That studio sent “Gone with the Wind’’ back into theaters for its 75th anniversary in partnership with its sister company Turner Classic Movies in 2014, but I have a feeling the movie’s days as a cash cow are numbered. It’s showing on July 4 at the Museum of Modern Art as part of the museum’s salute to the 100th anniversary of Technicolor — and maybe that’s where this much-loved but undeniably racist artifact really belongs.

Lumenick isn’t beating around the bush. He’s serious about calling on Warner Bros. to smother the movie outside of museum screening — a self-imposed ban, but a ban nonetheless.

This is akin to book burning. Granted, Lumenick’s not suggesting government agents kick in your door, search your house, and burn your copy “Gone With the Wind” (maybe in another 3 days). Nevertheless, he is talking about removing from the marketplace one of the most treasured pieces of cinematic art the world has ever seen.

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when did the Confederate flag become a symbol of racism? Oh the idiot pres declared it racist. Do the liberal idiots recall that massive amount of both black and whites did in the Civil War. Lincoln and his wife Todd held 460 slaves at the time of his election-so why not tear down the Lincoln memorial in DC or the “douche bag congress” ? One has to recall that the frenzy of the media and illiterate politicians will have collateral damage now and in years to follow. This county is clueless on what the Klan controls today.

On the idiotic Daily Kos Facebook page, they have the title, “Ban This Symbol of Hate”. There is no doubt that the left is comprised of utter idiots; those that come up with this crap and those that look at it and think, “Gosh, I never knew it meant hatred. Now I want it banned, too.”