Compare and Contrast…Questions from Rolling Stone & Questions From Denver Local TV

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Mollie Hemingway @ Richochet:

Matt Welch absolutely humiliated Douglas Brinkley by quoting the first five questions he asked President Obama for the recent Rolling Stone interview:

  1. Let’s start with how the campaign has been going. Ever since the first debate, Romney has abruptly shifted his position on a whole host of issues, from his tax plan to financial regulation.
  2. Many observers have commented on how Romney has misrepresented or even changed his positions in this last leg of the campaign – that he’s been like a chameleon on plaid. Do you feel that he has lied to the American people?
  3. Where were you when you first saw Romney’s speech in Boca Raton about the 47 percent? What was your first reaction?
  4. What has surprised you the most about the Republican campaign this year?
  5. Do you have any fear that Roe v. Wade could be overturned if the Republicans win the presidency and appoint another Supreme Court justice?

And here are the only four questions local reporter Kyle Clark asked the most powerful man in the country earlier today:

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