Coming next month: “Occupy Congress” to shill for Obama’s jobs bill

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Let the ‘turfing begin!

The coalition — which includes unions like SEIU and CWA and groups like the Center for Community Change — is currently working on a plan to bus thousands of protesters from across the country to Washington, where they will congregate around the Capitol from December 5-9, SEIU president Mary Kay Henry tells me in an interview…

One idea under consideration — pending various permitting and other logistical issues — is to have a series of tents set up on the lawn outside the Capitol, each representing a state, with the number of unemployed in each state prominently displayed. But the optics are still being worked out.

One goal of the protests, Henry says, is to pressure Republicans to support Obama’s jobs creation proposals. More generally, the aim is to highlight Congress’s misguided obsession with the deficit and overall inaction on unemployment

“The reason we’re targeting Republicans is because this is about jobs,” she said. “The Republicans’ insistence that no revenue can be put on the table is the reason we’re not creating jobs in this country. We want to draw a stark contrast between a party that wants to scapegoat immigrants, attack public workers, and protect the rich, versus a president who has been saying he wants America to get back to work and that everybody should pay their fair share.”

Simple problem, simple solution. Democrats want to create the perception of a popular revolt against GOP obstructionism — which, coincidentally, feeds directly into Obama’s re-election strategy of running against Congress — but they can’t rely on the “Occupy” movement to do that for them organically. The occupiers seem to care more about banks and redistribution than partisan wrangling and job creation; even if they did care, there might not be enough of them to create a truly impressive show of strength outside the Capitol; and even if they had the numbers, the accompanying tent city would produce the same crime and cretinism that’s already soured the public on the movement. Imagine the fallout if someone got raped at a camp organized explicitly to shill for Obama and his agenda. The Democrats need a way to coopt the populist “Occupy” brand while stripping the protests of actual occupiers to whatever extent they can. That’s where their union cronies come in:

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Send the coordinates to Iran, it would be an ideal place to test their new nukes.

It’s not all the fault of congress. This is a dirty little Democrat trick and strategy trying to keep 0-bama in office. If 0-bama had a real jobs bill and plan that had a chance to work then it would be different. The Democrat strategy is to distort, distract, delay, blame, and lie. remember when the boy was elected Democrats controlled the show. What happened?? What’s even more funny is they use the term “Republican Congress” huh?? I wished.

IF this Occupy Congress actually happens it will be the proof some last few skeptics needed to realize that this is only an astroturfed happening.

My guess is that the Washington Insider was right all along.
And add to that the idea that cash-strapped cities are all being forced to pay more and more overtime to unionized police/fire/rescue to keep all of the Occupiers in check.

Errrr…..shouldn’t they pressure the democrats first? There are only three cosponsors in the house for “Teh Won’s” jobs bill.