College Republicans deemed a threat to Obama

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WARRENSBURG – Ten College Republicans were dubbed a security threat and refused admittance to President Barack Obama’s speech at the University of Central Missouri on Wednesday.

Despite the fact that the students had tickets to the event, security personnel turned them away at the door to the recreation center where Obama gave a speech on economic policy, telling the group it wasn’t about their politics but the president’s safety, State Treasurer of the College Republicans Courtney Scott told The College Fix.

The students, some of whom donned Tea Party T-Shirts and others who wore patriotic or Republican-inspired clothing, had protested the president earlier in the day on campus, but had put away their signs and said they were ready to simply listen to Obama when security shut them down – and even told them to leave the vicinity and stay several hundred yards away from the rec center.

The students had waited in a long line and under the hot sun to wind their way to the front of the line two hours in advance of Obama’s scheduled 5:30 p.m. remarks. Still, they were rejected.

“It just didn’t make any sense,” Scott told The Fix. “A lot of us traveled several hours to watch the speech. We were very disappointed not to be able to attend.”

The small group of College Republicans were confused as to why such extreme security precautions were directed at them – but not at the 2,500 other audience members who were granted admission to the event, Scott said.

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The obama administration has been screening who he gives speeches to since he was in office. Even when he goes to military bases, it is invitation only, and usually higher ranking members. One speech he gave in Iraq or Afghanistan was suspicious when a photo of it showed that almost all of the cameras taking obama’s picture were the same model.

And Obama’s followers still try to claim he is a uniter…when he is nothing more than a pro-muslim, anti-American, pro-marxist thug.

Man, I’d love to see your source on that story!
If you have a link to something online, please share it.
There’s got to be at least a photo!

It is absolutely true that Obama’s handlers pick the audience he will stand in front of.
The entire audience?
Probably more now than before.

@Nan G: #3
I can’t provide a link, but I do remember the story and photographs of the troops, many holding identical cameras.
The explanation in the MSM was that the cameras were all purchased at the PX, so of course they were identical.
A later, internet-only update stated that that model was never available in the PX system. Don’t know if that was true, though.

President Obama’s handlers can not allow him to realize that he is not universally beloved. Sort of like Saddam Hussein’s comment after he was “unanimously” reelected as President of Iraq- “They love me! My people love me!”
That’s probably what Obama actually thinks, with the exception of a few insignificant Bitter Clingers scattered across the nation.

@Pete: #2
As long as his followers keep getting the free ~~~~~, they will vote for him.

The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’ (Ronald Reagan)

@Nan G: #3

Man, I’d love to see your source on that story!

Unfortunately, a lot of my saved ~~~~~ is gone. Ever since I upgraded my iMac to Mountain Lyon (the latest OS), it had been acting up, but I didn’t know that was the problem. I had taken it to the geniuses at Apple several times, and they couldn’t figure it out. I called Apple Tech Support, and they told me that my 2007 iMac isn’t compatible with Mountain Lyon, and it shouldn’t have downloaded.

He helped me reinstall the earlier Snow Leopard OS, and my Mac is fine now, but all of the data from the time I downloaded Mountain Lyon is gone. He said I can’t retrieve it from my backup hard drive, because it was saved under Mountain Lyon.

I tried searching for the info on the Internet using several different search engines, but I couldn’t find it. All I can say for sure is that I read the article, and saw the picture that sure looked like the cameras were all the same.

@Smorgasbord: I remember that staged event. Its the going green effect. All plants.

@oil guy from Alberta: #8
We must all remember:
(1) Almost all events involving obama are staged. Before one speech he gave on a military base, one airplane was moved because, if I remember correctly, it was made by the wrong company.
(2) obama is a puppet, and very seldom speaks on his own. When he does, the propaganda media has to jump in and say what he MEANT to say.