CNN star fact-checker Daniel Dale explains how ‘the viral Oklahoma-ivermectin mess’ is ackshually largely conservatives’ fault

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via Twitchy:

In case you missed it, the story advanced by Rolling Stone and Rachel Maddow — among many other liberal media — that gunshot victims in Oklahoma were having to wait for treatment because hospitals were being overrun by people who had OD’d on horse-dewormer was a hot load of garbage. It straight-up wasn’t true.
So you might think that it’d be the perfect fodder for a straightforward fact-check from a fact-checking authority, like, say, CNN’s Daniel Dale. There can be no equivocation in this particular case: media ran with a bogus narrative. Dale should have no problem with this one.
And yet:





“Conservatives pounce!”



“Conservatives seize!”

Or it was all for now … Dale had more to say about it today:


The doctor’s comments were just taken out of context, especially by conservatives! Perspective, people!

We’re just as shocked as you are, Dr. Shanker.


Dale’s fact-checking logic is really something else:

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Um…CNN reporters…people, whatever, only say what they are told to say.

There is ZERO latitude. They get their script, and that’s it.

I even saw the marquee on CNN one day reading “Conservatives and Fox News push hoarse de-wormer as a treatment for Covid-19”

That’s a company-wide decision.

Fact: any time the left finds a story that promotes their agenda, they run with it without regard for any truth that might be contained within it. If they get caught lying, they later merely asterisk a suppressed “Oops.” It happened time after time after time in their coverage/attacks on Trump.

By the way, Ivermectin and HCQ are viable and effective treatments for COVID. The left WANTS hospitals packed with “cases” so they can expand their unconstitutional control on the population.

Johns Hopkins is the source for this graph showing the difference between deaths from covid in African countries between those countries that use Ivermectin or not:comment image

Let me guess… those spikes on the non-Ivermectin graph correspond with COVID spikes in other countries…. yes?