CNN Spreads Fake News On Russian Dossier [VIDEO]

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Daily Caller:

CNN spread misinformation to its viewers Friday when a chyron on Wolf Blitzer’s show claimed that an anti-Trump Republican helped fund the Russian dossier.

Reporting on the dossier tells us that a Republican was the first to pay Fusion GPS for opposition research, but that donor was out of the picture by the time Fusion contracted with Christopher Steele to create the dossier.

Host Wolf Blitzer said that a Republican “first established contact” with Fusion GPS, which is correct based on current reports, but the chyron floating below him during the interview claimed that Republican was also behind funding for the dossier.

“Who’s the anti-Trump Republican who helped fund the dossier?” the chyron misleadingly asks.

Again, Christopher Steele and the dossier did not become a part of the Fusion GPS situation until that Republican ended their contract and the DNC and Clinton campaign took over payment.

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Who is surprised that CNN, instead of playing the part of a news organization and providing facts, would try and manipulate the story to protect the left?

When did the Communists News Network(CNN) hire Katie Couric?

CNN spread misinformation to its viewers Friday when a chyron on Wolf Blitzer’s show claimed that an anti-Trump Republican helped fund the Russian dossier.

What CNN has reported is not misinformation, nor is it new information. That initial funding came from an anti-Trump conservative source was leaked shortly after the document first appeared. The specific identity of that source was then unknown. It has now been confirmed to have been the conservative website, the Washington Free Beacon. They have publicly acknowledged providing the original funding, and don’t apologize for having done so.

Washington Free Beacon funded initial Fusion GPS anti-Trump research

@Greg: No, CNN spreading lies in support of Democrats is in no way new information.

What don’t you get about the Washington Free Beacon’s public acknowledgement this past Friday? Do you think they’re making that up? They’re not exactly good buddies of Hillary Clinton or the DNC.

Judges appointed by Obama but the well known smear company was oft used by shady clients

Comey Offered $50,000 for Russian Dossier Created by Clinton-Backed Firm


What don’t you get about the Washington Free Beacon’s public acknowledgement this past Friday?

That was before Steele and the dossier. Go here to see a time line laid out for you. Regardless, between Hillary and Obama, Fusion GPS was paid $3 million to lie (just as Trump said). Then the DOJ used the lies to justify spying on Trump (just as Trump said). They generated their own lies to justify what would otherwise have been illegal surveillance.

And with all that surveillance, unmasking hundreds and hundreds of names and conversations, what have they found in the way of Trump/Russian collusion? Hmmmm? What we have found is where the REAL collusion was. Hillary/Obama and Russia… all trying to manipulate an election.

Obama, Hillary and Russia. Obama, Hillary and Russia. There are your collusioneers. There are your conspirators. THERE are your TRAITORS.

What part of lying and knowing about it do you not get? You are either being fooled by your manipulators and played for a useful idiot or you are a willful participant in the lies. Choose your poison. Neither one is anything to be proud of.

Trump on Twitter, 9 hours ago:

.@FoxNews is MUCH more important in the United States than CNN, but outside of the U.S., CNN International is still a major source of (Fake) news, and they represent our Nation to the WORLD very poorly. The outside world does not see the truth from them!

FOX News is a commercial entity, you frickin’ moron. It’s a product, a service, and an enterprise for profit. Kindly refer to the Department of Justice’s informative page regarding MISUSE OF POSITION AND GOVERNMENT RESOURCES

Allow me to quote directly and verbatim from the same:

An employee may not use his public office for his own private gain or for that of persons or organizations with which he is associated personally. An employee’s position or title should not be used to coerce; to endorse any product, service or enterprise; or to give the appearance of governmental sanction. An employee may use his official title and stationery only in response to a request for a reference or recommendation for someone he has dealt with in Federal employment or someone he is recommending for Federal employment.

5 C.F.R. § 2635.702 (see Subpart G – Misuse of Position; Use of Public Office for Private Gain)

You, Mr. Trump, are an employee holding public office.

@Greg: So he can’t have an opinion, but Obama when he was “holding a public office” could? As we know what he said about Fox news when in office. Selective outrage or selective memory for you, which is it?

@Mully: “Ends justifies the means”

@Greg: How about when Obama “endorsed” Solyndra? He endorsed it with billions of US taxpayer dollars, lost it, but saw to it that his campaign donors didn’t lose THEIR investments. And, there are numerous other such examples.

@Bill… Deplorable Me, #10:

How about when Obama “endorsed” Solyndra?

You’re right to put endorsed in quotation marks, because—unlike Donald Trump’s Twitter post—Obama was not promoting one particular business enterprise while disparaging another that was its direct competitor. He was promoting the development of an entire new technological sector, to the long-term benefit of the nation and its workers. That one of the many individual start-ups failed—namely, Solyndra—is essentially irrelevant. (Nor at all unusual, in any promising area of technological and commercial innovation.)

Irrelevant, because:

May 25, 2016, from Bloomberg: Clean-Energy Jobs Surpass Oil Drilling for First Time in U.S.

January 26, 2017, from Business Insider: Solar-energy jobs are growing 12 times as fast as the US economy

May 30, 2017, from Inside Climate News: U.S. Renewable Energy Jobs Employ 800,000+ People and Rising: in Charts

Thank you for that, President Obama. (And by the way, you were and continue to be entirely correct about Fox News.)

Fake news machine gears up for 2020 There’s a whole industry dedicated to producing fake US news in Macedonia — and it’s gearing up for 2020.”

Mirko Ceselkoski has more than a decade of experience running websites that target American readers.

He started with sites that specialize in dubious health tips, muscle cars and celebrity gossip. But then he discovered fake news.

Ceselkoski now spends his days schooling Macedonians, including many young people in Veles, on the finer points of the fake news industry. He tells his students they’ll earn at least €1,000 ($1,200) a month from their websites.

“There is a large community of young people there … and there is nothing else to do,” he said. “It spread like fire.”

Ceselkoski estimates that around 100 of his pupils are now operating U.S. political news sites.

He helps students make their websites look professional, mimicking legitimate sites with rolling tickers and “Breaking News” banners. They have used web addresses like, and

The students also learn how to pick a viral story. The trick, Ceselkoski says, is find a legit story that’s already trending in the U.S., and then to “make it even more sensational.”

“The title is the most important part,” he said.

Ceselkoski boasted that at least four of his students are millionaires, and many have bought expensive German cars — Porsches, Mercedes and BMWs. Others have invested in property. CNNMoney was not able to independently verify the claims.

The full documentary video.

Note the YouTube video has 634 dislike votes—far more than the like vote count. Given that the video was published to YouTube only a couple of months ago, that too is almost certainly a false number, resulting from an orchestrated effort to discredit a well-investigated and entirely legitimate news story. You can find similar information being reported by a number of reputable journalists having no connection to CNN. CNN wasn’t even the first to report on the situation.


Obama was not promoting one particular business enterprise while disparaging another that was its direct competitor.

Oh, but he was. He was promoting the green wonder industry over fossil fuels. Worse, he flushed billions down the drain on dozens of such failures.

Besides that, calling lying, liberal, biased CNN fake news is absolutely accurate and REAL news. Facts. Truth. Accurate.

What CNN needs to do is learn from their mistakes, stop being a left wing propaganda agency and start presenting unbiased news.

@Bill… Deplorable Me, #13:

Oh, but he was. He was promoting the green wonder industry over fossil fuels. Worse, he flushed billions down the drain on dozens of such failures.

I guess that part about U.S. Renewable Energy Jobs Employ 800,000+ People and Rising must have somehow escaped your notice—along with Clean-Energy Jobs Surpass Oil Drilling for First Time in U.S., and Solar-energy jobs are growing 12 times as fast as the US economy.

Such annoying facts are are apparently unprocessable information on the right, being totally incompatible with their propaganda media’s steady output of spoon-fed b.s.

@Greg: The moment our government stops propping them up with subsidies that will be the start of their demise. They cannot survive without it.
So called renewables take up a lot of real estate, are expensive and are part time producers at best. I don’t know anything that can change that.

Hillary Clinton’s Clean Energy Plan Is A Farce


I guess that part about U.S. Renewable Energy Jobs Employ 800,000+ People and Rising must have somehow escaped your notice—along with Clean-Energy Jobs Surpass Oil Drilling for First Time in U.S., and Solar-energy jobs are growing 12 times as fast as the US economy.

And that’s why Solyndra, A123, Solar Trust of America, Bright Source, LSP Industries, Energy Conversion Devices, Abound Solar, SunPower, ECOtality, Beacon Power, Unisolar, Azure Dynamics, Evergreen, Ener1 are all such growing concerns, providing thousands and thousands of jobs today, right?

Dept. of Energy lies about green jobs


@Greg: The moment our government stops propping them up with subsidies that will be the start of their demise. They cannot survive without it.

One company was so dependent on taxpayer money that they shut their doors the moment Hillary lost the election!

UtOh this has been derailed CNN has much bigger thing to worry about like Pie-gate
the oven in question now seized by the FBI for full investigation, Did that woman bake that pie? Chocolate Pecan Pie real or a stock photo….FAKEPIE?
Internet was all over this,sharp eyed investigators already pointing out if a stock photo why crumbs on the counter, a crack in the crust and a shadow of the photographer seen in the lower part of the pie, clearly not a fake they claim….but…

@kitt: I think she used Cuban sugar to make it and, even if she didn’t, CNN should report it as true… for the good of the country (as it suits liberals).

We need another special prosecuter… choose Hillary, so we know it’s all on the up and up.

@Bill… Deplorable Me: If she didnt make that pie she needs to resign and make full apology to Martha Stewart! Why Chocolate Pecan? Isnt Apple our National Pie? This is all so deeply concerning.

@Bill… Deplorable Me, #16:

And that’s why Solyndra, A123, Solar Trust of America, Bright Source, LSP Industries, Energy Conversion Devices, Abound Solar, SunPower, ECOtality, Beacon Power, Unisolar, Azure Dynamics, Evergreen, Ener1 are all such growing concerns, providing thousands and thousands of jobs today, right?

Has no one ever told you? Failure is in the very nature of all free enterprise and technological innovation. We advance by making errors, correcting them, and trying again.

According to an article in FastCompany, “Why Most Venture Backed Companies Fail,” 75 percent of venture-backed startups fail. This statistic is based on a Harvard Business School study by Shikhar Ghosh. In a study by Statistic Brain, Startup Business Failure Rate by Industry, the failure rate of all U.S. companies after five years was over 50 percent, and over 70 percent after 10 years.

Innovators and visionaries understand that failed efforts are a necessary part of all technological advancement. Failed efforts are what teach us how to succeed. Renewable energy itself isn’t failing. It’s succeeding. The industry has become one of the fastest growing components of our economy. Do you think 800,000 jobs and counting is nothing?

The global population is growing rapidly and uncontrollably. The third world is rapidly industrializing, putting rapidly increasing demands on our planetary supply of fossil fuel, which is finite. On top of that, it has been observed that burning fossil fuels in such enormous volumes involves seriously adverse environmental and climatory consequences. It makes little sense to imagine that it wouldn’t. Scientific observation supports that conclusion.

It has also been observed that enormous quantities of solar energy reaching the earth’s surface go untapped—so much that the entire energy needs of the planet could be supplied indefinitely by capturing only a tiny fraction of it. We know for a fact that the technology to do this is within our reach. That’s already being demonstrated on a rapidly expanding scale. It’s already generating not only power, but hundreds of thousands of new jobs and increasing levels of economic activity.

Why do you think China has become the world’s leader in renewable energy production? These people aren’t stupid.
China is all about the future. America’s political right, on the other hand, seems to be obsessed with preserving the past. They’re all wrapped up in past glories, real and imagined, and how things used to be. They’d roll back the clock, if they were allowed to do so, imagining it’s possible to return to the Good Old Days.

It isn’t. Any Golden Age we’re going to find can only be found in the future.


Failure is in the very nature of all free enterprise and technological innovation.

Only that wasn’t free enterprise; it was Obama picking the companies he wanted to promote and supporting them with taxpayer money. Yet, like everything else in his administration, they all failed.

On top of that, it has been observed that burning fossil fuels in such enormous volumes involves seriously adverse environmental and climatory consequences.

It has also been observed that it doesn’t.

Why do you think China has become the world’s leader in renewable energy production?

Through heavy subsidies.

Go out an buy solar panels for your home without any government subsidies. See how that works out for you.

The point stands, undiminished; Obama tried to promote green energy businesses that benefited his donors and most of them failed, costing the American taxpayer billions.

Oh, and CNN is a left wing propaganda outlet that lies on a regular basis.

They’re not subsidies; they’re an investment in our nation’s future.

What happened to Trump’s promised infrastructure investments?

What we’re doing here is contrasting real investments and the real progress that’s resulted—both technological and economic—with Trump’s totally imaginary bullshit.

The fact of the matter is that our current continuing economic growth is entirely a result of Obama’s policies. Trump hasn’t actually done diddly squat. He’s taking credit for things resulting from decisions and policies he had absolutely nothing to do with, while working to destroy regulatory agencies from within and advancing the causes of more special interests than you could shake a stick at.

Yup give the lib greenies a bit of a boost and

Te evilplantomake electric and gas unaffordable to lower income people just didnt work awww shucks darn that fracking and black market terrorist oil.

Trump hasn’t actually done diddly squat.

Except make people feel great by beating shake em down Hilliary.


What happened to Trump’s promised infrastructure investments?

Perhaps if he didn’t have to waste time with phony accusations, frivolous investigations, partisan attacks and some Republicans who are more at home in Obama’s living room with Ayers, he could have gotten his entire agenda done in the 9 months he has been in office. As it is, has has accomplished far more to benefit the country than Obama did in 8.

He’s taking credit for things resulting from decisions and policies he had absolutely nothing to do with, while working to destroy regulatory agencies from within and advancing the causes of more special interests than you could shake a stick at.

No one wants to take “credit” for what Obama left (blame is a better term). What Trump has accomplished (tripled Obama’s growth) has been due mostly to him being anyone but Obama and reversing most of the economically crippling regulations Obama issued by the bushel. Trump has restored respect for the United States overseas, with many nations visibly relieved and grateful that Obama the Weak was finally gone.