By Ace
Some idiot named Erica Hill did not like this answer.
MILLER: These individuals, I went over their rap sheets yesterday, multiple charges, grand larceny, robbery, attempted robbery, grand larceny, grand larceny. This particular crew operated on mopeds and scooters. They were doing organized retail theft, they were doing snatches on the street. iPhones, iPads, clothing, so on and so forth. One of them that they are still seeking has ten charges in one day because he’s part of a pattern that’s been going on.And I’m looking at the dates that their arrests started, which is probably close to when they got here.
They’ve only been here a couple of months. So what the detectives are telling me is they have crews here that operate in New York, do all their stealing, then go to Florida to spend the money and come back, and I’m like, “Why don’t they just stay and steal in Florida?” They said, “Because there you go to jail.”
(Other anchor ends the segment)
CNN's Erica Hill quite literally stunned speechless after CNN's John Miller said migrants steal in NY, spend in FL, but return to NY because they'll actually be held accountable in the sunshine state:
"So what the detectives are telling me is, they have crews here that…
— Brianna Lyman (@briannalyman2) February 2, 2024
Michael Lind at Tablet: The border crisis is no accident.
Much of this is not news to you: The Regime is finding less and less favor with American voters, so they’ve decided to bring in new voters en masse who will support them.
But it’s something that this is being published at Tablet.
The unprecedented chaos at the U.S. border and in major American cities that has been caused by the Biden administration’s immigration policies finally seems to have moved to the center of national political debate and public awareness.Over the past three years, the Biden administration has effectively rewritten U.S. immigration law, creating an entirely new stream of quasi-legal immigration under the rubric of “parole.” The discretion of the federal government to grant parole or legal residence and work permits to a small number of refugees and other foreign nationals has been used by the Biden administration to rip a hole in America’s southern border in order to invite millions of foreign nationals, most of them from Latin America and Central America and the Caribbean, to travel to the U.S. border, from which they are dispersed across the country and supported chiefly by state and local governments and government-funded NGOs.
As of September 2023, an estimated 3.8 million immigrants entered the U.S. under the Biden administration. Of these, 2.3 million have been given Notices to Appear (NTAs) before an immigration court–which could allow them to stay in the U.S. in a “twilight status” for years before a court date.
Of the rest, an estimated 1.5 million are illegal immigrants who sneaked across the border or overstayed their visas and remain, with the government having no idea of their whereabouts, and with Democrat-dominated “sanctuary cities” actively thwarting the ability of federal immigration officials to identify and deport them.
Biden’s radical immigration policy represents not only a policy revolution but also a political revolution.
The Democratic Party changed its immigration policy when its leaders began to hope that they could import voters to compensate for the loss of voters that Democratic policies were alienating.
What happened to make Democrats change their minds?
[T]he Democratic Party is an alliance of interests threatened with long-term demographic decline–declining industries, declining states, declining cities, declining churches and nonprofits. These civic downtrodden have united around the hope that they can reverse the unpopularity of their offerings among U.S.-born Americans by importing new citizens en masse.
A politics founded on this idea–namely, that if not enough American voters like what you are offering, you should compensate by importing supportive voters–may seem like something from Alice in Wonderland. But that’s exactly what the leadership of the Democratic Party is doing, by refusing to enforce existing immigration laws and preventing states from securing their borders–while counting on the Democratic bureaucrats and judges to enforce the dubious legality of such moves.
I’m skeptical.
Cnn hires exclusively morons, idiots and degenerates.
The better to connect with the 33 people that comprises their audience.
Florida has a Stand your Ground which allows Citizens to use Firearms in self defense from the very Crinimal’s the Democrats have been releasing and after the Hurricane they were arresting and jailing looters in the Sunshine State
She was probably stunned by the harsh reality she had never heard before. The leftist elites, living in their rarified and gated world, have no idea the destruction wrought by Democrat policies. They just accuse those telling them about it of being liars and continue blaming conservatives for the ill effects they may actually encounter.
Once again CNN and their fake news is exposed to the American People and Ted Turners leftists Propaganda is exposed