CNN Pounces, Seizes on Nonfunctional Bomb Scare As 17,883rd Reason Trump Must Never Dare Criticize CNN as “Fake News”

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Note that Hillary Clinton did not cancel her own political appearance today. In fact, in the very statement in which she said something about us needing to come together peacefully (directly contradicting her “no civility” statement from two weeks ago), she immediately added, “And that means electing people who will do the right thing,” or words to that effect.

But Trump has to stop campaigning. Not any Democrats. Just the most important player on the field for Republicans 12 days out from an election.

Coincidentally enough!!!

And CNN’s Jeff Zucker can’t wait to say, once again, that it’s off-limits to criticize CNN Because Reasons:

A politically-poisoned Democrat and Bernie Sanders supporter shot up seven Republican congressmen. CNN did not caution against overheated political rhetoric then, and certainly did not attempt to cool its own People Will Die rhetoric.

And, in fact, they removed that huge story from the front page within three days.

Think they’ll be burying this story in three days?

This is a very cynical and anti-american corporate messaging operation, and a disgusting bit of demagoguery.

CNN has been making the claim that you can’t criticize CNN every single opportunity it has received — or contrived.

When a man who had been stalking and harassing the Capitol Gazette for seven years over a defamation lawsuit entered their offices and shot people, CNN declared this was all because of Trump’s attacks on the media (meaning, CNN), and Trump must stop criticizing CNN as fake news or else People Will Die.

When a Saudi national, hooked up with the Muslim Brotherhood, was murdered by Saudi secret police, CNN declared that the Saudis must have felt they had a license to kill reporters, granted to them by Trump, because Trump had criticized CNN as Fake News and thus declared “open season” on reporters.

Therefore, CNN declared, Trump must no longer criticize CNN as Fake News. Or else — People Will Die.

Now, once again, CNN is ginning up its corporate advertising/political agitation division to once again declare CNN the hero of the #Resistance which cannot be criticized by Trump as #FakeNews because, get this, if Trump criticizes them, People Will Die.

I’m detecting a pattern here.

Whatever happens, CNN seems to seize upon, pounce upon this new event as proof positive that it is simply too dangerous to ever criticize CNN as partisan FakeNews.

CNN never pauses to wonder whether its constant claim that Trump will indirectly (but probably intentionally) kill people with his Murder Words could possibly have some kind of inciting effect on the minds of the emotionally unbalanced.

No, it’s only Trump’s less dramatic criticism — that CNN is Fake News — that could possibly spur an almost-killer into being an actual killer.

CNN’s constant People Will Die if Trump Calls Us Fake News has No Effect on the minds of the psychically unstable, they seem to be saying.

Well, I guess that’s either because All Liberals Are Angels — and they couldn’t possibly mean that, because they always tell me they don’t pick a side in political battles — or because virtually no one watches CNN.

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I’m calling the bomb sent to CNN as fake, based on the photo I’ve seen.
As fake as their reporting, as their outrage.
You don’t put a timer on a mail bomb.
You don’t have one wire going to each end of a pipe bomb.
And the display on the timer looks like the plastic overlay of an unsold clock. I doubt if it’s even turned on.

Regardless who who sent the bombs or for what reason, the violent rhetoric and actions by the left are having the desired effect; a more violent, more threatening, more unhinged response. Now, as planned, Democrats can conveniently forget they generated the bitter tone and campaign that THEY should be put in charge to restore law and order (“civility won’t be restored until Democrats are elected”).

I remember another socialist regime that played the same game. They preached law and order when all they actually wanted was the power to ignore all laws, as we saw to some extent under Obama.

To call the Ronny hater Cupp a “conservative: is as dis honest as calling another Ronny hater Rubin “conservative”!

They may be GOP but they are liberals!

The bombs that dont blow up are interesting, it went through the mail no wait…it was delivered with postage by a courier, mostly sent to has beens.
If it comes from a banjo strummin’ Trump supporter from the back woods dammit they blow stumps out of the ground they sorta know how to blow stuff up. How to hire a courier in NY not so much.
Jobs not Fake bombs VOTE

Mitt Romney is no Democrat, officially.
But Mitt agrees with Dems about this because he’s a globalist.
Republicans who are globalists make up the GOPe or Uniparty.
Mitt wants all those who disagree with him to shut up.

@kitt: All true, but it did take the caravan off the front page for a day or, two, didn’t it?
If it was a diversion who would benefit?
Only the globalists who want open borders here.

@Nan G: Lots of things they do not want to report on, the whole thing is unraveling. They need to get Trump off the Stump he is making people feel good. The constant tension and bashing is a huge part of the Lefts mind control, to say there is a bright future and Democrats are not interested in helping, its causing Polls to look bad for the marxists Just listening to the political ads here the Dems ads are attacks, doom and gloom and the Reps ads point out accomplishments.

It’s October. Night comes earlier, the mornings are darker, fog has settled over the land, and liberals — when not busy denouncing the rule of law, rejecting the facts of life, or rioting in pussy hats — sit by their dim, solar-powered faux fireplaces and think the most frightening thoughts-fucking with America and the Constitution