CNN officially joins the Democrat Party

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We’ve seen the NY Times attempting to fill the potholes in Hillary’s path to the White House and make ridiculous assertions in support of Obama. Now witness Candy Crowley, who acted as an advocate for Obama in a debate, again as a stooge for Obama and the DNC.

In this exchange with Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin she argues why people should not join the Republican party rather than argue the merits (or lack thereof) of extending jobless benefits essentially forever:

CANDY CROWLEY: If I am an unemployed American and I hear from Republicans that, “Yeah, you know, we should go ahead and do that provided we do the following three things,” and it’s a caveat approval of extending those [unemployment] benefits, or if I am a minimum wage worker and I find, I see Republicans who say, “You know what? It’s artificial, it messes with the marketplace, it might mean some teens can’t get into the job market,” why would I become a Republican? How do you message that in any way to reach out to those who are disinclined to sign up for the Republican Party?

GOVERNOR SCOTT WALKER (R-WISCONSIN): Because in the end, what people want is freedom and opportunity. You don’t get that through the mighty hand of the government. I think as a kid when I grew up in Sullivan, nobody I knew in my class said, “Someday, my goal is to grow up and become dependent on the government.” The same way for all the great people I have met who have immigrated from other countries – be it Mexico or India or Germany or anywhere else – all those folks I know who are successful small business owners don’t say to me that they came here because they wanted to become dependent on America.

No, the American dream is given a chance, given an opportunity, the great thing about this country, greater than just about any country in the world, is that you have an equal opportunity, but the outcome’s up to you. The problem is too many Americans right now don’t have that equal opportunity, and we should be making the case about how we’re going to make it easier to create a job, easier to get in the workforce, easier to get the skills that they need to fill those jobs. We’re not going to artificially raise things.

CROWLEY: You know, that’s not an uncommon argument for many Republicans that I have heard in the past saying this is about empowering people, not about, you know, raising benefits and making them dependent, but it hasn’t worked. What makes this expand the Republican Party, which desperately needs to bring in something other than what’s really been a shrinking base in your party?

Video and more at Newsbusters

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It would indeed be interesting to hear what is construed as an objective, nonpartisan news source.

Does the NYT lean left? Yes, considerably.
MSNBC? Absolutely.
CNN? Slightly.

But then again, in light of “accurate” reporting, one has to consider the profound buffoonery Teapublicans are selling. I mean, it’s just hard to report things like Allen west claiming and then doubling down on “there’s about 78 to 81 members of the Democrat Party who are members of the Communist Party” or Michelle Bachmann explaining Elvis Presley’s birthday and John Wayne’s birthplace, not to mention her more serious greatest hits, without putting reality back into the picture.


Wasn’t it Marx who said (to paraphrase here) the bridge between democracy and Communism is Socialism?


They are member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus

Not that I’m on grammar patrol as lord knows I make my share of errors but in light of the fact that every word is scrutinized here (using the word “thing” in place of the word “issue” somehow invalidates my entire argument but then again, well, I’ll digress) it’s hard to tell exactly what you’re trying to say.

Assuming you’re referring West’s comment, that’s not what he said, at all. West claimed that the U.S. House of Representatives had 80 or so “members of the Communist Party” and later stood behind that claim, despite the Communist Party stating they had no members in the House.

Perhaps you feel the news outlets should have informed the viewers that he meant the Congressional Progressive Caucus?

Again, it would interesting to hear what you construed as an objective, nonpartisan news source.

Gee, I keep hearing about how great the recovery is going, how great the economy is doing and what a great job this administration is doing with the economy. But the fight over extending, again and again and again unemployment benefits to millions is repeated. I’m somewhat confused…??

Wallace? The guy that stated Obama was trying to”panic the markets” over the debt ceiling? The same Chris Wallace that says the PPACA “DEMANDS” insurance companies to change existing plans?

f course there’s the infamous 2006 Clinton interview where he asked Clinton why he failed to “do more” during his presidency to put Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden “out of business”. And that’s a fair enough question but it doesn’t compare to the softball interviews he gave Bush, Cheney, Limbaugh, and other right wing folks, which I can gladly link to.

@Bill: I’m confused on that too Bill. Teapublican legislators blame Obama for low jobs on one hand and then wonder why the lazy bums drawing UI don’t go out and get a job.


Wallace that says the PPACA “DEMANDS” insurance companies to change existing plans?

But that did happen.

Apparently, Ronald J Ward has not heard all the Democrats who are excusing the increased cost of insurance/loss of insurance to millions of Americans because (and here comes to DNC spin) those policies were “sub-standard.” Now the Democrats assume they know best what kind of insurance policy I should have.

That whole “sub-standard” meme is just a way of saying “Yeah, we wanted insurance companies to provide what WE wanted them to provide and the hell with the Americans who didn’t want what we were shoving down their throats.”

But worry not, Dr. John; my son informs me that he now has maternity coverage for himself.

@Ronald J. Ward: Actually, Ronald, if there WERE jobs, the need for extended unemployment support would be lessened, woud it not? Perhaps if the administration would stop doctoring the figures to reduce the image of their failure, we could have a much clearer picture of what support is needed. Maybe these unemployed are simply not qualified to apply for those millions of green jobs that have been created?

And, I don’t recall any Republican calling those on unemployment “lazy”. Unfortunate victims of “Hope and Change” maybe, but not lazy.

@Ronald J. Ward: I guess I missed those interviews, Ronald, because for the life of me, I can’t remember if any of those guys wore boxers or briefs or what their answers were to such hard-hitting questions such as “what’s it like being so awesome?”.

Can anybody give a link to a story where the propaganda media said ANYTHING good about a republican? Can anybody give a link to a story where the propaganda media said ANYTHING bad about a democrat? If so, what is the ratio between bad and good for each party?