CNN Changing Tune On Violent Riots Because Of Polls

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CNN anchors Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo spoke out about the violence in Kenosha, Wisconsin Tuesday, providing a stark contrast in CNN’s previous coverage and analysis of the sustained riots in cities around the nation. Lemon and Cuomo cited polling as the main reason why rioting should now be acknowledged as something more than “peaceful protests.”

“It’s showing up in the polling. It’s showing up in focus groups. It is the only thing right now that is sticking,” Lemon explained.

“The riots and the protests have become indistinguishable,” he added.

Lemon proposed that Kenosha is a “Rorschach Test for the entire country.”

“I think this is a blind spot for Democrats. I think Democrats are ignoring this problem or hoping that it will go away, and it’s not going to go away,” Lemon said.

Despite their previous unwillingness to acknowledge the issue, Lemon and Cuomo urged Democrats to address the rioting and police reform, saying that, even though no solution will be finalized by the election, Biden must at least acknowledge it.

“The problem is not going to be fixed by then,” said Lemon. “But what they can do, and I think maybe Joe Biden may be afraid to do it…he’s got to address it. He’s got to come out and talk about it.”

“And they’re rioters, not protesters. They’re criminals,” he added.

Lemon also spoke out against the “defund the police” movement, claiming that “most black people don’t want police defunded.”

“They don’t want fewer police there. They want more. And most communities of color in this country need police more than white communities,” he explained, giving the disclaimer that many wouldn’t like his statement.

While Cuomo and Lemon both cite the polls as the reason for Democrats to capitalize on this movement as part of their political platform, some have pointed out that polling in recent weeks, especially about the DNC, is not yet released.

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Each passing day we see CNN losing its credit and its viewers

They know they can no longer hide this is a well organized movement made to look chaotic.

joe biden just lost the election. Those on the left did not expect patriotic Americans to fight back.

Sadly, more of these liberal punks will need to be made examples of before the stupid democrats realize that have lost the American people.

@July 4th American: I think if riots continue tonight, we’re going to awake to a huge report of armed conflict between the BLM terrorists and private citizens who’ve had enough.

I don’t want that, but…

There are most likely patriots who are waiting to act and last night’s presence of citizens defending Kenosha will give them the final push to come out.

My prediction: a rather large “militia” will be filmed taking action tonight.

Gee, if you dumbasses would step outside your liberal bubbles every once in a while, it wouldn’t take a poll to make you understand Americans don’t like to have their businesses burned down and don’t like to see their friends and neighbors attacked, threatened, hurt, killed and put out of a job. But, that’s liberals for you.

What does this tell us about the liberal media when they only report issues when a poll shows knowledge of it is so widespread that it can no longer be ignored and lied about?

@Nathan Blue:

I think if riots continue tonight, we’re going to awake to a huge report of armed conflict between the BLM terrorists and private citizens who’ve had enough.

I agree. Riots continuing in large democrat controlled cities will continue to advance President Trump in his re election campaign. biden is getting crushed at the GOP convention.
President Trump is gathering up the black, independent and blue dog democrat vote to a point where whatever biden would do or say will not matter.

@Nathan Blue: No Nathan Kenosha is blue deep blue, sandwiched in between Milwaukee and Chicago. A useless Mayor a more useless Governor, professional rioters from both of these cities have converged on this lakefront democrat stronghold, citizens will obey the curfew, Tony wants nothing to do with federal agents assistance those that would be able to with their specialized training pick out and arrest the ringleaders and bring them into a federal courtroom. Read a bit on the John doe bullshit that went on with Walker if you think that area of the state is interested in truth and justice.
The militias are a bit further north where you see huge Trump Pence signs in the yards lining the highways.

Biden’s spokessoyboy is live on TV reacting to these riots in Kenosha.
Is he ever SWEET!
Could have been in the jammies with the hot cocoa for obamacare back in the day.

Meanwhile, Trump got on the horn with the Gov of Wisconsin over the need to send in the National Guard.
So, Trump won, the National Guard will be there extra soon.
Rioting there is over.
The guy who got shot had his mother on CNN where she praised Trump and trashed the rioters/protesters.

What is new is something we’re starting to see happen around the country more and more (but not if you’re watching most of the mainstream media, because they will not show it).  We are finally starting to see a pushback by John Q. Public; and I believe we’ll see more as the weeks and months go by. 
The “woke” forces of Antifa and Black Lives Matter — mostly overindulged, pampered, underparented, overeducated and spoiled children — are on the verge of a rude awakening.  They are on the verge of waking the sleeping giant, which is to say most of the law-abiding, hard-working and family-focused people of this country
There have been several reports recently of clashes in the streets; not between Antifa and the Proud Boys, police or other demonstrators, but between Antifa and regular people in their own neighborhoods.  We’ve seen Antifa, emboldened by the almost nonexistent response by the neutered Democrat politicians who run their cities and states, attempt to export their nonsense out to the suburbs and other non-urban locales… and the response has been glorious!