Hillary Clinton’s world was so worried about a Republican investigation of the Benghazi attacks, they sent a message to House Democrats: We need backup.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) publicly considered boycotting the panel, an idea that Clinton supporters feared would leave the potential 2016 candidate exposed to the enemy fire of House Republicans.
So Clinton emissaries launched a back channel campaign, contacting several House Democratic lawmakers and aides to say they’d prefer Democrats participate, according to sources familiar with the conversations. Pelosi’s staff said they have not heard from Clinton’s camp.
On Wednesday, Pelosi appointed five Democrats to the committee, giving Democrats another crucial mission in the months ahead of what was already a tough election year: act as Clinton’s first line of defense.
“Republicans are making it clear they plan to use the power of the Benghazi Select Committee to continue to politicize the tragedy that occurred in Benghazi, which is exactly why Democratic participation in the committee is vital,” a Democrat close to Clinton world said. “Inevitably, witnesses ranging from Secretary Clinton to Secretary [John] Kerry will be subpoenaed to testify, and the Democrats appointed to the committee will help restore a level of sanity to the hearings, which would otherwise exist solely as a political witch hunt.”
More at Politico
They are worried.
They oughta be worried. There is more than one smoking gun.
Let us hear from the sequestered survivors, who have not been seen since.
Let us see the the uncensored emails and other communications.
Trey Gowdy, do your thing.
It oughta be really good.
Read all statements by Pelosi…does she honestly want to get to the truth?
Is she continuing to beat the drum of the lying democrat bastards who continue to try to cover up the truth because they were vying for political brownie points just before the 2012 elections?
Pelosi, in true liberal form is diverting the ‘real’ conversation about truth and the democrats lying….by throwing hissy fits about how the republicans are trying to politicize this….
She is a gem isn’t she? (sarc)
@faith7: “Read all statements by Pelosi…does she honestly want to get to the truth?
Is she continuing to beat the drum of the lying democrat bastards who continue to try to cover up the truth because they were vying for political brownie points just before the 2012 elections?”
Let me welcome you to the Planet Earth, since apparently, you just got here.
I am beginning to think Hillary is holding off on announcing her candidacy until this is over and she can see what covered up details remain covered.
@Bill –
Let me welcome you to the Planet Earth, since apparently, you just got here. Huh??
As far a Hillary, I don’t think she is up to the challenge health wise…and if everyone thinks she is, then yes of course she will be waiting for the outcome of this BEFORE she announces anything…it’s the way the dems play the game…Benghazi and 2012 elections is proof of that.
@faith7: I was cracking a joke at how you might even ASK that question of Pelosi’s motives…