Climatologists Trade Tips on Destroying Evidence, Evangelizing Warming

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Penn State researcher and his CRU/IPCC colleague treated AGW like a religious “cause” despite warnings from peers

Anthropogenic global warming is a fascinating hypothesis that mankind may be able to systematically increase the Earth’s temperature in the long term by burning deposits of hydrocarbon fuels. But the key thing to note is that despite the intriguing premise, little definitive information has been determined in this field even as politicization runs rife. In fact, researchers are still struggling to explain why warming has stalled in the last decade even as levels of carbon dioxide — supposedly the most important greenhouse gas have rose.

I. Climatologists “Pull an Enron”, Shred the Evidence

The recent University of California, Berkley “BEST” study — perhaps the most comprehensive climate change investigation to date — was blasted by AGW proponents. They were upset that the study — funded in part by the charity of a major oil entrepreneur — highlighted the fact that temperatures had flat lined over the past decade, and were more upset still that the study suggested that other factors like sea currents could have driven the warming that occurred in the 1960s-1990s.

But newly reportedly leaked emails reveal that accusations of bias are perhaps a bit of projection. The new emails include discussions that sound as shocking or more so as the infamous “Climategate” emails from the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit (CRU).

The new emails revisit embattled climate researcher-cum-AGW evangelist Phil Jones, a scientist working with the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

In one email Professor Jones explains to researchers how to best hide their work to prevent anyone from being able to replicate it and find errors:

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