The world’s media is recoiling in astonishment at the sudden release of a massive new cache of Climategate emails that are further damning proof of how politics manufactured the man-made global warming agenda.
The emails have been made available once again in a free for all from a Russian server called Mysteriously, the server has since gone offline. However, thousands of bloggers still had time to download and share copies of the new release of a 173MB zip file called “FOIA2011.”
Analysts are convinced the release was timed to cause maximum impact on this week’s international COP 17 climate summit in Durban. Unless a global greenhouse gas reduction deal is signed at Durban nothing will replace the Kyoto Protocol that expires in 2012. As such international agreement on greenhouse gas reduction targets will be dead in the water.
The notable difference between the ‘Climategate1.0’ and the new ‘2.0 version’ is that the whistleblower this time has added his/her own personal message which includes the plea, “Today’s decisions should be based on all the information we can get, not on hiding the decline” (a cutting reference to doomsayer, Dr. Michael Mann’s shabby statistical graph trick).
The Climategate 2.0 data file contains more than 5,000 new emails that make a mockery of five ‘whitewash’ investigations conducted after the first Climategate scandal.
A full taster menu of the sensational revelation can be found at Tallbloke’s website and discussion and analysis is already fervently under way on popular skeptic blogs Watts Up With That, Climate Audit, TallBloke and The Air Vent. Also, not to be outdone, Daily Telegraph’s popular skeptic writer, James Delingpole has his own take on the story.
Link to download the entire email release here:
Looks bad for those who wanted to rip off the industrialized part of the planet.
Well, well, well, you don’t say -politicians like gore, obama, clinton, and the rest of the left here in the US, the crooks in the UN, the crooks in europe are charlatans? Hmm, all of them need to be jailed, they have wasted billions of dollars, demanded the cia to have a climate change unit rather the national security, and ‘thee powers-that-be’ were so foolish as to underestimate the internet, and it’s users?
For this or these whistleblower(s), I want to express my gratitude, without this we could not prove anything. Now, the left once again looks corrupt to the core.
For the ‘powers-that-be’, go to hell (bilderberg, cfr, un, goldman sachs or let’s say who they really are – the Iluminati) those who have been working overtime to destroy us, break us, and force us to submit to their utopia of a ‘one’world government with their leightbringer obummer and his sponser from this ‘powers… george soros.
The Scientific Revolution began when natural philosophers began to allow experiments to trump revealed wisdom. First example: Aristotle’s statements about motion through the air, contradicted by the experiments of Galileo. For over 350 years we have seen a succession of revealed truths replaced by dint of experiments. To do the replacement, the standard has been that the experiment be reproducible. That is, another person, in another setting, can follow the procedures in the experiment and come up with the same results. This reproducible test has been used until recently to filter out phony from real results.
I will not list here all of those things which everyone knew, which beliefs happened to be provable as false.
The anthropogenic global warming faith (it is certainly not a reproducible experiment) was based upon the classic technique of cherry-picking data, discarding data which did not fit the hypothesis, and then refusing to allow any access, either to the raw data or to the computer systems used to do the analysis.
Unfortunately real science is no longer taught; instead, our schools indoctrinate students with politically correct slogans and unprovable theories. And our Government does NOT fund any reproductions of experiments (they are regarded as unneeded). So, since there is no money to validate experiments, fraud takes place. Coulda told you that would happen.
And performing such a grand fraud required coordination. Thus the Climategate emails.
I am not saying that carbon dioxide is unrelated to climate. I am saying that we know too little to have any idea where the climate change precedes or follows the carbon dioxide level.
And the AGW crowd got very rich with the whole farrago of nonsense.
Thanks for “farrago.”
I learned a new word.
Remember the cold fusion hoax. MIT is continuing research on fusion and fusion reactors to enable a workable model that been ongoing for 25 years. They have encased chambers with huge electromagnets which drain megawatts of power. They’ve tried heating and cooling systems ad infinitum. Millions of dollars have been spent to utilize the cheapest energy source-water! Still no go.
Now you have some undergrads, from Utah I think, that have done fusion at basically ambient temperatures. The hoax was demonstrated with PEER REVIEWED LITERATURE. When East Anglia U was asked for data, and the steps for their conclusions- the dog had ate their homework. Utter fail and awesome hoax. Now the skeptics have about 30k scientists that doubt their salesmanship. This new batch of deniability is Act 2 of this comedy.