Climate Alarmists Panic at Every Weather Event: Stop the Madness

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Xitter by Chris Martz

Climate bedwetters go apeshit anytime Mother Nature goes boo.

Every heatwave, every cold snap, every flood, every drought, every wildfire, every hurricane, every tornado here in the U.S. is blamed on man’s carbon sins. The spin doctors in the media and academia count these events as evidence that the weather is more extreme than it ever has been, and use their platforms to promote climate activism.

The focus is always on extremes.

Then, when the activist zealots are then shown that the same weather has always occurred, they backpedal and accuse you of “cherry-picking” data because the U.S. is less than 2% of global surface area and the real story is global mean surface temperature (GMST) trends. So, they get caught red-handed and try to gaslight by changing the subject.

Don’t play along with these people. They do not have a common goal of pursuing truth. It’s not a value of Marxists. They’ll engage in this behavior until you begin to question your sanity. They rely on gullible people with weak fortitude to join their little cult that is divorced from the realm of the scientific method.

As far as averages go, I don’t deny that the planet has warmed. I never have. It is warmer now than it was during the Little Ice Age. That is evident (which is why I think skeptics who quibble about GMST records like NASA GISS, Berkeley Earth or HadCRUT5 are just wasting their time) based on how cold winters were at the time. It is very clear that the Mississippi River no longer freezes down to the Gulf of Mexico like it did periodically during the 18th and 19th centuries.

GMST is useful for atmospheric energy budget problems and radiative transfer calculations, but that’s about it.

It’s far from a useful measure of climate though. You can calculate the average phone number in a phone book, but of what use is that? The average human has one testicle. But, that isn’t very useful, is it? And, the 30-year average maximum temperature for any given day at one location might be 80°. But, it will rarely be 80° on that day on any given year. It might be 62° or 97° or 79°, but seldom will it be right on “average.”

The “climate crisis” distinction centers around impacts on society and wildlife; impacts that are largely caused largely by weather extremes, not “averages.”

We don’t feel global mean temperature, but we do feel extreme temperatures on a local basis. Extreme cold and extreme heat are deadly, cold being far deadlier. Temperature extremes increase energy demand, whether that is for heating or cooling. Property losses, crop losses and loss of life are caused by damage inflicted by hurricanes, fires, tornadoes, hailstorms and floods. Not the GMST. The GMST doesn’t cause loss of life or loss of property due to bad weather. But local extremes do.

And, there is no meaningful data metric showing that the increase in GMST has caused a great deal of harm on human welfare. There is absolutely no indication from history that GMST is the control knob of extreme weather or the overall human condition, period. This is because extremes don’t increase nearly as much as GMST does. There is literature on this very topic.

But, the Marxist knows this. They want gullible clowns to believe that GMST is a metric that can be fine-tuned to some arbitrary value through changing energy policy and authoritarian rule to reduce extreme weather and human suffering. And, people, being dumb, eat it up.

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So how many ill-gotten Dollars has Gore and Dicaprio made selling their Snake Oil(Global Warming/Climate Change)to those Gullible enough the buy their two phony films and recite Gores stupid Poem

I did my part, it was 85 this week, so we drove our gas guzzling truck down and bought hot fudge sundaes in a waffle bowl. After we lit up the camps junk firepit and burned the entire pile of brush from a tree that was cut down.