CIA shifts focus to killing targets

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Agency within an agency

Nevertheless, those directly involved in building the agency’s lethal capacity say the changes to the CIA since Sept. 11 are so profound that they sometimes marvel at the result. One former senior U.S. intelligence official described the agency’s paramilitary transformation as “nothing short of a wonderment.”

“You’ve taken an agency that was chugging along and turned it into one hell of a killing machine,” said the former official, who, like many people interviewed for this story, spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive intelligence matters. Blanching at his choice of words, he quickly offered a revision: “Instead, say ‘one hell of an operational tool.’ ”

The engine of that machine is the CTC, an entity that has accumulated influence, authority and resources to such a degree that it resembles an agency within an agency.

The center swelled to 1,200 employees in the immediate aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks and nearly doubled in size since then.

The CTC occupies a sprawling footprint at the CIA campus in Langley, including the first floor of what is known as the “new headquarters” building. The chief of the center is an undercover officer known for his brusque manner, cigarette habit and tireless commitment to the job.

A CIA veteran said he asked the CTC chief about the pace of strikes against al-Qaeda last year and got a typically profane reply: “We are killing these sons of bitches faster than they can grow them now.”

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This is yet another example of Barack Obama’s (fill in the blank) with regard to terrorism.

Fight or flight. Kill or be Killed. Some will think this is cruel, but it’s the “New Order of Things” after 9/11 . There are evil/murderous/insane people who (stupidly) brought the fight to us. I am one American who would rather have this kind of Agency on America’s side rather than the placating wussie Eric Holder and his crew… Sadly, (or Scary) there are many Americans and Politicians who “still don’t get it”.

Rest in Peace my fellow Americans. Your fate will never be forgotten –

This is something I can praise obama for- using the drone strikes and special forces and turning them loose in general.

Faith, Your comment reminded me.
Many men in the NFL will be sporting specially made Remember 9-11 footwear and gloves this weekend.
They got them from their official footwear maker, Reebok.
Next year Reebok is being replaced by Nike.
These men were willing to each be paying a penalty for wearing these commemorative gloves and shoes.
But due to the fact that so many are going to wear them, the NFL relented and will not be penalizing them.
See the story and pics here:

It’s a topic of great debate in our circle as to if Obi only tolerates the killing of the cockroaches as good PR with Americans, and or since his plan to have all terrorists tried in Federal court with full rights as Americans failed he would rather hold his nose and have them killed than have sent to Gitmo. I am all for the killing of the scum. But it’s just another bad example of Obis record really. Two years now, and he still has not created a prison/judicial system to have these cretins placed in. Terrorism is and will be a part of our lifestyle for the unforeseeable future. Yet Obi and company treat it as a passing fad. How many Americans are waiting now for their day in court? All the victims, and all the families, friends, and citizens as well. Its shameful. Period. And he is still playing games with Gitmo and the trials. We had the Military Commission, and FBI at our house last week. And the game continues. So yes kill them, otherwise they will just live out their lives here in American as a political tool on the tax payers dollar. Disgusting.

@Nan G: @#4 – Nan, our Big League Sports, Other Sports and our Nascar Racing, Players, Drivers and Fans are some of the most Patriotic people. The story made me sad because of the NFL players contract ‘Restrictions’ that are stifling to their sense of patriotism and honor especially in light of 9/11…. they ‘allowed’ them to do this without penalty because they did not want to face a “PR Nightmare” now THAT is UN-American! So glad they “kind of” came to their senses. Perhaps they can ‘tweak’ their contracts and rules a bit in the future…if ever there is a time to break a rule – this is the time…
“We haven’t heard from the NFL either way on this, but the league would be very wise to step away from this issue, let the players wear the specific gear (the league can always pop those players looking to add to the authorized apparel with their own pieces of flair), and move on to something that won’t be a PR nightmare.

“It’s a simple and honorable gesture. Not a fineable offense.”

Above cited from: