Guy Benson:
NBC’s Chief White House Correspondent and MSNBC anchor Chuck Todd doesn’t see any rationale for the formation of a select committee on Benghazi. The inquiry is pointless, Todd asserts, because “all” questions pertaining to the 2012 terrorist attacks have already been asked and answered:
 “I’ll hear from Republicans who will say, ‘but there are unanswered questions.’ Well no, all the questions have been answered. There’s just some people who don’t like the answers — that wishes [sic] the answers were somehow more conspiratorial.”
Yes, there have been a number of investigations into the deadly raid, including revelatory House hearings, aSenate report, and a State Department-mandated review. The House proceedings answered some questions, but raised others. The Senate Intelligence panel’s report concluded that the attacks were preventable, andrebuked the Obama administration for “unnecessarily hamper[ing] the committee’s review.” The State Department’s “Accountability Review Board” declined to interview key players, including Secretary Clinton. None of the Benghazi survivors have testified publicly. Furthermore, new information and perspectives have come to light within the last few weeks. A court-ordered document release turned up a relevant,previously-withheld email that further undermines the White House’s official version of events regarding their post-attack talking points, and an Air Force General who was on duty at AFRICOM that night said the military never received a request for help from the State Department during the eight-hour ordeal. He went on to suggest that the US government should have attempted a rescue mission, which other military officers have testified wouldn’t have been logistically feasible. A majority of the House of Representatives — including a handful of Democrats — clearly believes that unanswered questions remain. A large majorityof the American public is skeptical of the White House’s veracity and supports keeping the investigation open and ongoing. Two former top CIA officials have endorsed the proceedings. Most Beltway Democrats, and apparently Chuck Todd, dissent. Todd is a journalist. It’s therefore a bit jarring to hear him declare that “all” questions pertaining to a controversial matter have been answered, thus intimating that the issue is settled — particularly after previously-unseen evidence has just recently emerged. What follows is a sampling of questions that have yet to be adequately resolved:
(1) Why were multiple requests for additional security assets denied by the State Department in the lead-up to the Benghazi attacks? Indeed, why was a security team removed from Libya, over the objections of our security personnel on the ground?
(2) Why did the State Department renew its inadequately-protected diplomatic mission’s lease with special security waivers in the summer of 2012 — following previous attempted attacks against the compound, and as other Western nations and organizations began to withdraw from the rapidly-deteriorating city?
(3) At what point was it determined that the US could not have deployed a rescue mission in time to save American lives in Benghazi. How could this determination have been made when the duration of the attack was unknown? (Nobody could have forecast in advance that the siege would “only” last eight hours). Was the Commander-in-Chief consulted on this decision? Is Gen. Lovell misguided in his insistence that the military should have launched a mission that night? And even if we accept the premise that a rescue would have been impossible within the established time frame, how was it that our government was so egregiously unprepared to defend its people against a hostile action in an extremely dangerous city, in an unstable country, on the symbolic anniversary of a major terrorist attack?
There are no more questions the left WANTS to be answered. They have, up till now, dodged a bullet (which is more than we can say for the Americans murdered in Benghazi).
OK. Where was President Obama during this whole incident? Why was Chris Stevens in Benghazi on 9/11? Why have none of the perps been punished? How come the blind sheik is still in custody? Was he not to be traded for a kidnapped Stevens?
Rep Trey Gowdy- (paraphrase here) “They said there wasn’t enough time for a rescue...Can anyone tell me how did they know how long it (the attack) would last? “
A messNBC broadcasted the absolute minimum about Benghazi. This info was on Newsbusters. A messDNC was told to find more dirt on Christie and that unimportant bridge. They call themselves journalists. I call them sturm staffen.