Allahpundit @ Hot Air:
Bill Kristol’s been a Christie booster for ages so it’s tempting to dismiss this as wishful thinking, but I don’t know. Makes more sense now than it did three months ago.
Speaking of Christie: As of Friday, when we wrote the editorial [recommending Ryan or Rubio for VP], we’d been led to believe Christie wasn’t in serious consideration. We now have reason to think he may be. So to be clear: We’d certainly include him with Ryan and Rubio as potential gold medal finalists. As to choosing among the three of them? A photo finish. But choosing a VP candidate who will help Romney run a big, forward looking campaign—that is not a close call.
We’re three months out from election day and Romney’s favorables are still upside down. In Rasmussen’s daily tracking poll, Obama’s suddenly ahead for just the second time in two months. The last wispy chances of an economic recovery before election day evaporated long ago, yet according to Nate Silver’s statistical model of the electoral college, Obama would crack 300 EVs (barely) if the election were held today. If you believe Major Garrett, even Romney’s own advisors are worried that he’s been “too rich for too long” to put some undecideds at ease. And because political news today moves faster than it did 30 years ago, there’s no telling if the convention and the debates will shift votes as dramatically as they did for Reagan against Carter.
If, in other words, the campaign’s decided that it needs some oomph, who better than Christie to provide it? Arguably only Rubio would jolt the race more, but Rubio’s lack of experience would be a bigger problem for the ticket than Christie’s would for the simple, silly, superficial reason that Rubio looks so much younger than his age. People will look at him and be amazed that he’s 35, a bad reaction when you’re presenting him as the man you want one heartbeat away. Christie’s older and looks the part of a seasoned pol even though he’s only held major political office as long as Rubio has, so he’s easier (though necessarily easy) to sell in that role. Beyond that, Christie’s better suited to the campaign demands of the VP role than Rubio is: Romney needs an attack dog and that’s not really who Rubio is. He’s more of an uplift guy a la Obama 2004 than a streetfighter, whereas Christie’s the preeminent streetfighter in the GOP right now. And like Rubio and Paul Ryan and precious few others, Christie can deliver big-picture fiscal conservatism on the stump like few other politicians in America can.
I really don’t see a positive reason to pick Christie. Frankly as VP he would be more of a liability than a help. Although I’m sure that’s what the MSM would want. We don’t need another loud-mouth VP to turn it into a circus. Having Biden this past term was quite enough.
I doubt if Mr. Big Mouth will be selected by Romney.
MY ODDS 1) Portman—safe and boring Brings a must win in Ohio 2-1
2) McDonnell—Va. Gov. moved way up in past 10 days. Attractive brings important swing state 3-1
3) Pawlenty—closest in personality and politics to Romney 3-1
4) Ryan— bold forward looking pick 3.5-1
5) Jindal—respected by Romney 5-1
6) Rubio— longshot due to minimum experiance and a charisma that would dwarf Romney. Would energize G.O.P. and assure Romney win. Next Conservative POTUS–7-1
7) Field—Everyone else 12-1
Don’think Petraeus would accept but do think if health O.K he could challenge Rubio in 2016.
Pick will be made early next week. Place your bets and your thoughts.
Off subject If you love baseball like me, don’t miss watching the incredible Mike Trout. Best all-around player in the game–turns 21 today!
No offense to Mr. Christie, but with his personality and weight issue, he wouldn’t get out of the gate. He just gets heavier and heavier and one day he is not going to get out of bed. Even though I like his direct approach, you have to be a bit more PC in the upper echelon of the political field.
Both Jindal and Rubio, both born in the United States were born to two parents none of which were U.S. citizens at the time of their births (Jindals parents Asian Indian and Rubio parents Cuban). They have both admitted it at one time or another. I realize that barry is president (SIC), however if he were vetted properly he wouldn’t have been on the ballot as he is not eligible either. his father was not a U.S. born citizen – regardless where barry was born. I would hope that Romney wouldn’t waste the time trying to prove they are eligible. He cannot afford to lose precious time in his campaign. I am sure that Romney knows the issues and is taking that into consideration.
Now they say Patraeus may be on the consideration list. I myself do not consider him to be a conservative or near conservative. He just knows how to play the game. However he would definitely give barry some concern as Patraeus is popular on both aisles.
Although people do not like Paul Ryan, he may be a good VP candidate.
Some of the unknown governors/legislators in my opinion are a non starter. We don’t want another Palin incident (even though I like Sarah Palin). We spent far too much time, or at least those who hated her spent a lot of time focusing on her, and I believe that instead of pushing up McCain which I was hoping, she bogged him down. She will do better doing what she is doing now.
I have a 50/50 chance of liking his VP pick. I am hoping for the good 50%. 🙂
How come no one is talking about Rep. Allen West as a running mate? I love this guy…he is a no nonsense, speak the truth patriot and would kill the race card before it could even be played. And would make a great transition to President when the time comes.