Chris Wray’s FBI continues to cover for Team Comey’s Russia shenanigans

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The FBI is going to court to fight the public release of a small number of documents the State Department sent to agents from Christopher Steele, the British intelligence operative and Hillary Clinton-paid political muckraker, during the 2016 election.

Normally, such Freedom of Information Act cases don’t merit public attention. This one does.

To hear the FBI tell it, the release of former Deputy Assistant Secretary Kathleen Kavalec’s documents is tantamount to giving up the keys to President Trump’s nuclear briefcase, aiding the enemy or assisting terrorists.

“We know that terrorist organizations and other hostile or foreign intelligence groups have the capacity and ability to gather information from myriad sources, analyze it and deduce means and methods from disparate details to defeat the U.S. government’s collection efforts,” an FBI assistant section chief swore in an affidavitsupporting the request to keep the documents secret.

The FBI can’t afford to “jeopardize the fragile relationships that exist between the United States and certain foreign governments,” the FBI official declared in another dramatic argument against the conservative group Citizens United’s request to release the memos.

And if that wasn’t enough, the bureau actually claimed that “FBI special agents have privacy interests from unnecessary, unofficial questioning as to the conduct of investigations and other FBI business.”

In other words, agents don’t want to have to answer to the public, which pays their salary, when questions arise about the investigative work, as has happened in the Russia case.

The FBI’s July 10 court filing speaks volumes about Director Christopher Wray’s efforts to thwart the public understanding of what really happened in the FBI’s now-debunked Russia collusion probe.

Steele’s contacts at State can’t possibly be equated to the nation’s most sensitive secrets. The same research he provided to State and the FBI in fall 2016 was being provided to Clinton and the Democratic National Committee, and to the media.

In fact, Steele was fired from the FBI on Nov. 1, 2016, for leaking information. Any assumption of secrecy, privacy or classification is ludicrous. And a post-firing FBI analysis found most of Steele’s dossier was either wrong, could not be corroborated, or simply was made up of public source internet information. In other words, it was garbage intelligence.

On its face, the FBI’s behavior in the Citizens United case isn’t about protecting national security secrets. It’s about protecting the bureau’s reputation from revelations its agents knew derogatory information about Steele and his work before they used his dossier to support a surveillance warrant targeting the Trump campaign and failed to disclose that information to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC).

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Odd the FBI is taking such a concerned interest in protecting national security, classified information, sources and methods when not long ago, they gave Hillary and her gang an unprecedented pass on her gross mishandling of classified information and sources.

ACLJ Obtains Obama DOJ’s Immunity Agreements with Hillary’s Lawyers to ‘Dispose of Evidence and Refuse to Comply with Federal Law’

I think they are concerned about other things.

Wrays attempts to protect the reputation of the DOJ and FBI is like defending the honor and purity of reputation of a common street walker.
What type of vast spying ring did the DNC run FBI/DOJ/CIA form to Please the NWO globalists? To fundamentally transform the US into the police state the corruption ran deep, very, very deep it took a long time to build more than 8 years. To bad for the Democrats they became sloppy, arrogant, and evil beyond being able to hide it during the last administration. Seething hatred for those that bankrolled their anti-american treasonous activities oozed from the IC and federal law enforcement agencies.

@kitt: It was all going to be solved when Hillary won. Well, THAT didn’t happen.

@Deplorable Me:
what “other things”?

@an ol exaJahead: Their reputation and more of their leadership being fired and investigated. And, for some, suicide.