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Chelsea Handler calls Ben Carson a ‘black white supremacist’

Handler, on the other hand, presented it in such a way that viewers would be left with the impression the elder Trump was a racist who attended and got arrested at Klan rallies. Again, if the story is even correct, Trump didn’t go to a “Klan rally,” but a Memorial Day parade in his neighborhood in which (as happened in those days) the Klan had a presence. When a brawl broke out, he was arrested for failing to disperse and then discharged.

But I guess that doesn’t make for such a good setup when you want to joke about the president having “racism in his genes.”

Handler later transitioned into explaining that “black white supremacists” are “black people who think white people are better than them.”

Among the people the comedian believes qualify as “black white supremacists?” Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson, a celebrated neurosurgeon and philanthropist with his own children’s charities. The man has a superior mind, superior skills, and superior accomplishments to just about anyone you can put up against him. The decision to toss him into that category is based on … what, his political disagreements with a white comedienne?

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