ABC, NBC and CBS are doing their best keep the public from seeing abortion for what it really is: the ripping apart of little baby bodies.
Since the release of the first Center for Medical Progress (CMP) video July 14 exposing Planned Parenthood’s harvesting of aborted baby parts, the three broadcast networks have spent only 1 minute and 13 seconds playing CMP video footage with audio. That’s 1 minute, 13 seconds out of 243 hours and 30 minutes of morning and evening news shows.
In other words, ABC, NBC and CBS spent a mere 6% of their total Planned Parenthood coverage actually playing CMP’s videos during morning and evening news shows.
Of that 1 minute and 13 seconds:
Controversial video played: 0 seconds
Controversial imagery shown: 0 seconds
Controversial comments said: 1 minute, 5 seconds
The news shows not once played even blurred or pixilated footage of babies’ hands and legs picked apart in a dish – footage prominently shown in the fifth video.
For example, the networks censored camera-shots like these from the video:
Since release of the first CMP video, ABC, NBC and CBS have played 243 hours, 30 minutes total in morning and evening news shows. For perspective:The networks spent 0.16% of that on total coverage of the CMP videos.
The networks spent 0.008% of that on total play of CMP videos.
Media Blasted Other Undercover Videos
It’s not like the networks have anything against undercover videos — if they fit in the media’s liberal agenda.
In September 2012, the networks spent 88 minutes in 3 days covering the Mitt Romney “47 percent” undercover video. ABC found the story worth 21 minutes, 19 seconds, CBS covered it in 31 minutes, 24 seconds and NBC spent 35 minutes, 40 seconds.
That’s 1 political video against 6 showing the trafficking of baby parts by a taxpayer-funded organization.
The nets rushed to highlight NBA owner Donald Sterling’s racist remarks. In 3 ½ days, the networks devoted 146 minutes, or more than 2 hours, to the story of secret audiotapes capturing his racism.
In general, the networks are big fans of playing video. On January 7, ABC’s World News Tonight spent 114 seconds on zookeepers trying to get any mother gorilla to accept baby gorilla.
So, there’s one exception to the ”if it bleeds, it leads,” rule.
And yet even with this blatant leftist bias trying to cover for the butchers of Sanger’s racist eugenics organization, enough of the truth is getting out that StemExpress formally announced they are cutting business ties with Planned Parenthood.
So, if PP was doing nothing wrong, why is StemExpress publicly cutting business ties with them?
This is more Overton Window misdirection from the extreme leftist media. Just keep bringing this up in your daily life. Do not give your money to companies that have anything to do with the ghouls of Sanger’s racist eugenics organization, and let them know that you will continue to avoid them until they publicly condemn and oppose the evil that is Planned Parenthood. Pull up Sanger’s eugenics writings, and inform people of just how evil she was.
You want another example of the extreme left bias? Trent Lott was crucified in the media for an off-hand comment to a 90+ year old Senator from South Carolina on his birthday because Sen. Lott said that if the 90 year old had won his campaign for the Presidency in the 1940s, the country would be a better place. The issue was this 90 year old ran on a “white supremacy” party ticket. Lott lost his position as the Senate Majority Leader over the issue.
Now compare that to Margaret Sanger speaking to MULTIPLE meetings of the KKK throughout the country, where she discussed her eugenics plans. Sanger was quoted as referring to blacks as “weeds” that should be “exterminated”. You can google the quote from her writings yourself. This is the racist woman that Hillary Clinton said she admired!
So the next time some leftist tries to call anyone a racist for opposing the marxist policies of Obama, you can shove the facts of Sanger’s racist organization murdering blacks right back in their ignorant faces.