CBS’s Sharyl Attkisson, the only Big Three network reporter who’s been regularly covering the “Fast and Furious” controversy, appeared on Thursday’s O’Reilly Factor, throwing cold water on an earlier report that she was “unavailable” for further interviews on the story. Attkisson emphasized that there was a lot more to the issue than what has already reported, but “we need to get more confirmation.”
The Fox News host pressed the journalist on her revelation from Tuesday’s Laura Ingraham Show, that associate White House communications director Eric Schultz “screamed and cussed” at her for her reporting on the controversy. Attkisson would only state that “the conversation, as you reported it, was accurate,” and later added that “the point is really not the content of that. The point is, story-wise, it seems significant and important how people handle questions, and how they react when you ask questions” [video clips available below the jump]
The CBS journalist also revealed that there was more depth to the issue than meets the eye:
ATTKISSON: Well, I would say there have been some pretty incredible developments in the past week. Also, documents- we haven’t even had time to report on all of them. There are very sensitive documents and allegations going around. Many of them we haven’t reported yet because we need to get more confirmation of them. But what you see on the surface, that we do report in our stories, is really only a part of what may be going on, and we may be reporting in the future when we can get confirmation.
She’s right.
Think of Fast & Furious.
The BATF has confessed that Fast and Furious guns have been recovered at at least eleven U.S. crime scenes, including the murder of a Border Patrol officer.
NOW, here’s the clincher:
18 U.S.C. § 1112:
Since CBS’s Sharyl Attkisson’s interview we have seen new reports about a Sinaloa Drug Cartel ”Enforcer,” whose home was FULL of Fast & Furious guns!,0,6431788.story?track=rss
Holder and Obama will be accomplices to murder for years to come. There is no statute of limitations for murder and many murders are yet to be committed. They will surely be defending themselves as accessories to murder for the rest of their miserable lives.
I have no doubt that Holder will eventually be toast. Whether the investigation of the scandal will reach as far as the current Oval Office occupant remains to be seen, as the MSM will most likely be running interference for him.