CBS News: One of Logan’s mistakes was Blaming al-Qaeda

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Ben Barrack:

In CBS News’ Summary of Findings against Lara Logan and her producer Max McClellan, Executive Director of Standards and Practices Al Ortiz took issue with a rather irrefutable charge made by Logan in the now “discredited” 60 Minutes report on Benghazi which aired on October 27th. Apparently, Ortiz thought identifying al-Qaeda as having been involved was too much of a stretch.

CBS chairman Jeff Fager – who seems to have no problem holding up the deceptive communist and globalist Walter Cronkite as a beacon of journalistic integrity – ultimately made the decision to place Logan and McClellan on leave.

Via Washington Post:

Questions have also been raised about the role of Al Qaeda in the attack since Logan declared in the report that Al Qaeda fighters had carried it out. Al Qaeda’s role is the subject of much disagreement and debate. While Logan had multiple sources and good reasons to have confidence in them, her assertions that Al Qaeda carried out the attack and controlled the hospital were not adequately attributed in her report.


The truth is that it’s journalistic malpractice not to conclude al-Qaeda was involved. As has been reported here, Ansar Al-Sharia, the group widely accepted to have been at the heart of the attack is al-Qaeda. According to many sources, the name change was the brainchild of none other than Osama bin Laden himself. It served at least two purposes.

  1. Since the al-Qaeda name had become politically toxic, a re-branding effort was needed.
  2. Since Ansar Al-Sharia is a reference to those who follow Sharia law, bin Laden thought it would help the recruiting effort if the U.S. was seen as waging war against Sharia law itself.

In reality, identifying the attackers as belonging to the Muslim Brotherhood would have been more accurate since every group that was involved rolls up under that umbrella. The systemic refusal within mainstream media circles to point this out is far more egregious and a much greater disservice to the American people than Logan accusing al-Qaeda of being involved at Benghazi. Logan very correctly went there, much to the apparent chagrin of Ortiz and Fager.

Granted, if that had been the only problem with Logan’s report, she’d probably still be there and Ortiz wouldn’t have been engaged but itemizing that as a problem is clearly an attempt to discredit the entire report instead of the account of one person featured in it – Dylan Davies.

Davies, an employee of Blue Mountain Group, which was contracted by the U.S. State Department, is apparently the Jenga piece that brought the entire report crashing down. However, if you take him out of the mix, it was an extremely credible – if less dramatic – report.

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