Campaign 2016 begins: Ben Carson to air 40-minute “introduction” ad in 22 states this weekend

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Important news for two reasons. One: ABC is right. This really is the unofficial start to the next election.

Two: Given how well Carson’s polling in Iowa at this very, very, very, very early stage, he might just be the grassroots stalking horse President Romney needs to beat back more formidable conservatives like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul.

That should be worth an appointment to surgeon general in the Romney administration, if you ask me.

Carson, a famous pediatric neurosurgeon and conservative political star, will air a nearly 40 minute-long ad introducing himself to the American people this weekend, an aide to Carson confirms to ABC News.

The documentary titled “A Breath of Fresh Air: A New Prescription for America” will air in 22 states and Washington, DC. The paid video will detail some of his biography and family life, including his rise from being born to a single mother with a poor childhood in Detroit to director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins for almost 40 years, known for his work separating conjoined twins, to potential 2016 presidential candidate…

In an ABC News/Washington Post poll from last month of the potential 2016 presidential candidates showed Carson in seventh place garnering seven percent of the vote after other notables including Jeb Bush, Mike Huckabee, Chris Christie, and Marco Rubio.

Carson has a grassroots effort to draft him for a 2016 presidential run that has raised millions for the effort.

It’ll air Sunday after the morning chat shows or NFL games, depending upon the state. ABC’s not kidding about his fans raising millions either: As of mid-October, the Draft Ben Carson for President PAC had drawn $10.6 million in donations, among the biggest hauls of any PAC this year. And they didn’t do it with mega-millions gifted to them by billionaires; 90 percent of their haul came from small donors.

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If Obama goes with executive amnesty, it will be all over for the Democrats in 2016. Even Chris “tingles” Mathews is screaming at Obama not to do it after this mid-term political bloodbath.

Dr. Carson has some interesting opinions. For example:

“The entire concept of for profits for the insurance companies makes absolutely no sense. ‘I deny that you need care and I will make more money.’ This is totally ridiculous. The first thing we need to do is get rid of for-profit insurance companies. We have a lack of policies and we need to make the government responsible for catastrophic health care.”

While we will have had 8 years of a half black president, you can be sure the race baiters like Jim Clyburn, Elijah Cummings, Al Sharpton, et al, all come out claiming Dr. Carson is nothing more than an “Uncle Tom” and is not black enough.

There are little bits of things that have me a bit worried about Dr. Carson. I’m concerned about his commitment to our Constitutional God Given Rights. I’m concerned that he’s for amnesty for illegals. I’m very concerned about my 2nd Amendment rights with him. We’ve got plenty of time to vet him and others. We need to get this right.