California voters poised for a huge case of Karma

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Darleen Click:

Just got home, glass of wine, shoes off and still pissed enough I could scream.

Today was the first day of Prop 47 hell at work. As I ranted last night:

AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAARRRRREEEEEEEGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!There is no curse I imagine vile enough to thrust on my fellow Californians who are voting a big huge “Please come commit crime in our state! We don’t mind! Here’s a fruit basket”

Prop 47 looks to pass, it knocks a whole bunch of felonies down to misdemeanors … including fraud and theft under $950 … and wipes out any of them being used as priors or allowing any aggregation of value.

Here’s a perfect example … It’s Christmas time and I decide to help myself to a bunch of free loot (hey, its just a property crime right?) … I hit the mall, go into 5, 10, 12 stores with my booster bag and wire snips. I make sure I “liberate” $949 worth of stuff from each store.

So what if I get busted … each theft is separate. I may have hauled in $10k that one day, but I cannot be charged with more than misdemeanor petty theft at $949 an occurrence.

I’m not going to spend more than 1 or 2 days in jail. I’ll just keep doing it cause I will get away with it some of the time and no matter how long my rap sheet, it will always be a misdemeanor and I’ll never do any jail time.

Today DDAs were coming back from court gobsmacked … felony case after felony case, at all stages of a case’s lifecycle, were coming back with charges reduced to a misdemeanor. Those that had previously pled were having their pleas changes — and if they had already spent some time in jail, were being released forthwith with no probation (terminal dispo).

Are these all, poor misguided, addled addicts in need of a break and intervention??

Oh yeah, there was the guy who already did 20 years in State Prison as a 3rd striker (25 to life) who immediately got back into drugs and theft upon release. He was caught after breaking into a car and had cocaine on him. Both those charges now are misdemeanors that can never be bumped to a felony no matter what his priors. He was given credit for time served in jail waiting for Prelim and released this afternoon.

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CA is more than 1/2 people on the dole.
It makes sense they would pass laws and elect people who will dole out ever more to them.
But this came as a surprise.
Look how quickly it became passing laws to protect criminals from the law!
Tytler wrote:

A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.

The average age of the world’s greatest civilisations from the beginning of history has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to complacency; From complacency to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.

This is CA taking a shortcut back to bondage while looking like a path to freedom.
Can businesses stay in CA and eat those levels of losses?
Not for long.
Even a national chain, like Macy’s Dept Stores, has a small enough margin of profit to demand a large and successful Loss Prevention Dept.
These voters can’t vote themselves more largess from the CA coffers, since those coffers are bare.
So, they voted themselves immunity for looting and pillaging, being soused in public and more.
Next they will see the unintended consequences of their short-sightedness.

Of criminal parasites, by criminal parasites, for criminal parasites.

In California, they probably realize these are the people that mow their yards so cheaply. Can’t put THEM in jail!

Once these recidivists become violent, expect more demands for restrictions upon the law-abiding gun owners. Could even be the plan; who knows? Makes as much sense as anything else.

@Nanny: You say “Ca is more than 1/2 people on the dole” Wanna break that down?

@Richard+Wheeler: @Nanny: You say “Ca is more than 1/2 people on the dole” Wanna break that down?

While 34% of the nation’s welfare recipients live in California … (total of 109,631,000 on welfare out of 330 million people)
only 12% … of the U.S. population resides there. (38.5 million out of 330 million people with 33 million of these Californians on some form of welfare.)
(The reason that number is so close to the entire population of Californians is that so many part-time workers are counted as both worker and welfare.
There are very few children in public school who pay for even one or two of their gov’t school meals in CA.

So, in CA 33 million out of 38 million is way more than the ”more than half” I posited in my previous post.

It will be interesting to see what the response of businesses will be to this mobocracy in action. Will they begin employing more security guards? Will they devise new anti-theft mechanisms? Or will they simply start leaving the state?

Makes me have even less interest in ever visiting that state again.

@Nanny: Crazy numbers Highest Conservative estimate 50 mill. nationally. Actually 4 million getting paid not to work traditional meaning of “on the dole”.
You call kids getting a hot meal or two “on the dole” Sad. Wonder why Conservs. are called heartless–you’re a poster lady.

@Richard+Wheeler: Interesting, RW, that what got your attention was:

You say “Ca is more than 1/2 people on the dole”

Nan supplied some interesting numbers, which i’m sure you’ll dispute. But what really got my attention in the original post is there is no longer any penalty for most crimes as long as they keep a lid on the top end, at $950. I’m sure a lot of thieves will be relocating there where they can steal all they want to and since they won’t ‘have a job’ they can live off the public dole. I guess the strangest thing is that even ‘repeated’ misdemeanors won’t land you in the slammer. Get ready for an influx of a better class of citizen in CA.

@Redteam: Thieves will be bringing their calculators into each store—or Drew Carey.

On the “dole” is on the dole. No amount of counter Progressive liberalism can change this fact.

Meanwhile, the subject of this thread is about reducing the number of felony convictions in CA and, as such, keeping such criminals on the voter rolls.


Meanwhile, the subject of this thread is about reducing the number of felony convictions in CA and, as such, keeping such criminals on the voter rolls.

Ahhhh, it hadn’t even occurred to me how many thousands of ‘new’ voters would be registering on the Dimocrats rolls. So now they will let them steal all they want to, no limit as long as each occurance is under $950, stay on the voter rolls so they can keep the Dims in office voting to give them more payola. Wow, they have really put a lot of thought into the control of California and Gov Moonbeam is there to provide the shining light for them. Go California!!!!!!!!


or Drew Carey.

is he a human calculator?

@Redteam: Yes he is–disciple of Bob Barker.

@Richard+Wheeler: You’d be surprised how savvy shoplifters are about staying under the legal felony limit.
Before this law it was anything over $299.00 or it was just a misdemeanor…..per theft ….per store.
So, teams would come in and EACH person would try to steal just under $299.00.
For this new limit these families of thieves will probably have improved ”baby” carriages with lining and extra pockets.
I had visited a display about this crime at Lakewood PD and saw all the special false ”pockets” in coats, lined bags and funny underwear.
It was really amazing.
How can companies with slim margins of profits afford this giveaway?
They can’t.
I expect the most highly targeted stores to try to create new security methods before packing up and quitting CA.

What can you get in California nowadays that costs less than $950?

What can you get in California nowadays that costs less than $950?

A vote for a Democrat?

@Nanny: Yes, this ruling seems to set a new ‘maximum wage’ for shoplifters per occurance. Minimum wage isn’t working so they’re going for Maximum per session.
With there being no penalty now for shoplifting, what will prevent or hinder open season on department and convenience stores. Katy bar the door……

A 90-year-old man and two Christian ministers face up to 60 days in jail and a $500 fine after they were arrested for feeding the homeless in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

They will put you in jail in Fl for feeding someone, but you can go to CA and steal all you want to with complete immunity. You can’t tell me that Fl doesn’t have a plan to get rid of the criminals, seems they’re all heading to CA.