Run by Gov. Moonbeam and fellow Democrats=guaranteed disaster.
Via Washington Times:
The flood danger from the Oroville Dam receded Monday, but California was hit by a wave of criticism for failing to heed warnings about risks to the spillway at a time when the state spent generously on illegal immigrants and high-speed rail.
California Gov. Jerry Brown, a Democrat, came under fire amid reports that federal and state officials for years rebuffed or ignored calls to fortify the massive 50-year-old dam, which provides water to more than 20 million farmers and residential consumers.
“What’s Governor Brown doing?” former state Assemblyman Tim Donnelly, a Republican, asked in a Monday post on Facebook. “The same thing he’s been doing for decades — obstructing progress.”
Pour millions down the drain for a dumb high speed rail and for illegal aliens(Future Demacratic Voters)but put thousands of lives in jeperty so the demac-RATS and Moonbeam Brown can gain more voters for their corupt party Someone take a 25000 volt cattle prod and fry the jackass until it sizzles
Perhaps the high-speed rail was intended to rapidly evacuate residents in the event of a catastrophic failure?
Donnelly better be careful; like in Flint, when the left fails they begin looking for a Republican scapegoat (Pelosi just explained what that is as she and another gang of idiot liberals fell for a prank) and he could be making himself a target. You can be sure liberals won’t accept responsibility.